* p5play
* @version 3.26
* @author quinton-ashley
if (typeof planck != 'object') {
if (typeof process == 'object') {
global.planck = require('./planck.min.js');
} else throw 'planck.js must be loaded before p5play';
p5.prototype.registerMethod('init', function p5playInit() {
const $ = this; // the p5 or q5 instance that called p5playInit
const pl = planck;
// Google Analytics collects anonymous usage data to help make p5play better.
// To opt out, set window._p5play_gtagged to false before loading p5play.
if (
typeof process != 'object' && // don't track in node.js
window._p5play_gtagged != false
) {
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-EHXNCTSYLK';
script.async = true;
window._p5play_gtagged = true;
script.onload = () => {
window.dataLayer ??= [];
window.gtag = function () {
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'G-EHXNCTSYLK');
gtag('event', 'p5play_v3_26');
// in p5play the default angle mode is degrees
// scale to planck coordinates from p5 coordinates
const scaleTo = (x, y, tileSize) =>
new pl.Vec2((x * tileSize) / $.world.meterSize, (y * tileSize) / $.world.meterSize);
const scaleXTo = (x, tileSize) => (x * tileSize) / $.world.meterSize;
// scale from planck coordinates to p5 coordinates
const scaleFrom = (x, y, tileSize) =>
new pl.Vec2((x / tileSize) * $.world.meterSize, (y / tileSize) * $.world.meterSize);
const scaleXFrom = (x, tileSize) => (x / tileSize) * $.world.meterSize;
const linearSlop = pl.Settings.linearSlop;
const angularSlop = pl.Settings.angularSlop / 60;
const isSlop = (val) => Math.abs(val) <= linearSlop;
const fixRound = (val, slop) => (Math.abs(val - Math.round(val)) <= (slop || linearSlop) ? Math.round(val) : val);
const minAngleDist = (ang, rot) => {
let full = $._angleMode == DEGREES ? 360 : $.TWO_PI;
let dist1 = (ang - rot) % full;
let dist2 = (full - Math.abs(dist1)) * -Math.sign(dist1);
return (Math.abs(dist1) < Math.abs(dist2) ? dist1 : dist2) || 0;
const eventTypes = {
_collisions: ['_collides', '_colliding', '_collided'],
_overlappers: ['_overlaps', '_overlapping', '_overlapped']
* @class
this.P5Play = class {
* This class is deleted after it's used
* to create the `p5play` object
* which contains information about the sketch.
constructor() {
* Contains all the sprites in the sketch,
* but users should use the `allSprites` group.
* The keys are the sprite's unique ids.
* @type {Object.<number, Sprite>}
this.sprites = {};
* Contains all the groups in the sketch,
* The keys are the group's unique ids.
* @type {Object.<number, Group>}
this.groups = {};
this.groupsCreated = 0;
this.spritesCreated = 0;
this.spritesDrawn = 0;
* Cache for loaded images.
this.images = {};
* Used for debugging, set to true to make p5play
* not load any images.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
this.disableImages = false;
* The default color palette, at index 0 of this array,
* has all the letters of the English alphabet mapped to colors.
* @type {Array}
this.palettes = [];
* Friendly rounding eliminates some floating point errors.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.friendlyRounding = true;
* Groups that are removed using `group.remove()` are not
* fully deleted from `p5play.groups` by default, so their data
* is still accessible. Set to false to permanently delete
* removed groups, which reduces memory usage.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.storeRemovedGroupRefs = true;
* Snaps sprites to the nearest `p5play.gridSize`
* increment when they are moved.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
this.snapToGrid = false;
* The size of the grid cells that sprites are snapped to.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.5
this.gridSize = 0.5;
* Information about the operating system being used to run
* p5play, retrieved from the `navigator` object.
this.os = {};
this.context = 'web';
if (window.matchMedia) this.hasMouse = window.matchMedia('(any-hover: none)').matches ? false : true;
else this.hasMouse = true;
this.standardizeKeyboard = false;
if (typeof navigator == 'object') {
let idx = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone OS');
if (idx > -1) {
let version = navigator.userAgent.substring(idx + 10, idx + 12);
this.os.platform = 'iOS';
this.os.version = version;
} else {
let pl = navigator.userAgentData?.platform;
if (!pl && navigator.platform) {
pl = navigator.platform.slice(3);
if (pl == 'Mac') pl = 'macOS';
else if (pl == 'Win') pl = 'Windows';
else if (pl == 'Lin') pl = 'Linux';
this.os.platform = pl;
* Displays the number of sprites drawn, the current FPS
* as well as the average, minimum, and maximum FPS achieved
* during the previous second.
* FPS in this context refers to how many frames per second your
* computer can generate, based on the physics calculations and any
* other processes necessary to generate a frame, but not
* including the delay between when frames are actually shown on
* the screen. The higher the FPS, the better your game is
* performing.
* You can use this function for approximate performance testing.
* But for the most accurate results, use your web browser's
* performance testing tools.
* Generally having less sprites and using a smaller canvas will
* make your game perform better. Also drawing images is faster
* than drawing shapes.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
this.renderStats = false;
this._renderStats = {
x: 10,
y: 20,
font: 'monospace'
this._fps = 60;
this._fpsArr = [60];
* Ledgers for collision callback functions.
* Doing this:
* group1.collides(group2, cb1);
* sprite0.collides(sprite1, cb0);
* Would result in this:
* p5play._collides = {
* 1: {
* 2: cb1
* },
* 1000: {
* 2: cb1,
* 1001: cb0
* }
* };
this._collides = {};
this._colliding = {};
this._collided = {};
* Ledgers for overlap callback functions.
this._overlaps = {};
this._overlapping = {};
this._overlapped = {};
* This function is called when an image is loaded. By default it
* does nothing, but it can be overridden.
onImageLoad() {}
* Contains information about the sketch.
* @type {P5Play}
this.p5play = new $.P5Play();
delete $.P5Play;
let usePhysics = true;
let timeScale = 1;
const log = console.log;
* Shortcut for console.log
* @type {Function}
* @param {...any} args
this.log = console.log;
* @class
this.Sprite = class {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/sprite.html">
* Look at the Sprite reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* The Sprite constructor can be used in many different ways.
* In fact it's so flexible that I've only listed out some of the
* most common ways it can be used in the examples section below.
* Try experimenting with it! It's likely to work the way you
* expect it to, if not you'll just get an error.
* Special feature! If the first parameter to this constructor is a
* loaded p5.Image, Ani, or name of a animation,
* then the Sprite will be created with that animation. If the
* dimensions of the sprite are not given, then the Sprite will be
* created using the dimensions of the animation.
* Every sprite you create is added to the `allSprites`
* group and put on the top draw order layer, in front of all
* previously created sprites.
* @param {Number} [x] - horizontal position of the sprite
* @param {Number} [y] - vertical position of the sprite
* @param {Number} [w] - width of the placeholder rectangle and of
* the collider until an image or new collider are set. *OR* If height is not
* set then this parameter becomes the diameter of the placeholder circle.
* @param {Number} [h] - height of the placeholder rectangle and of the collider
* until an image or new collider are set
* @param {String} [collider] - collider type is 'dynamic' by default, can be
* 'static', 'kinematic', or 'none'
* @example
* let spr = new Sprite();
* let rectangle = new Sprite(x, y, width, height);
* let circle = new Sprite(x, y, diameter);
* let spr = new Sprite(aniName, x, y);
* let line = new Sprite(x, y, [length, angle]);
constructor(x, y, w, h, collider) {
// using boolean flags is faster than instanceof checks
this._isSprite = true;
* Each sprite has a unique id number. Don't change it!
* They are useful for debugging.
* @type {Number}
// id num is not set until the input params are validated
let args = [...arguments];
let group, ani;
// first arg was a group to add the sprite to
// used internally by the GroupSprite class
if (args[0] !== undefined && args[0]._isGroup) {
group = args[0];
args = args.slice(1);
// first arg is a Ani, animation name, or p5.Image
if (
args[0] !== undefined &&
(typeof args[0] == 'string' || args[0] instanceof $.Ani || args[0] instanceof p5.Image)
) {
// shift
ani = args[0];
args = args.slice(1);
// invalid
if (args.length == 1 && typeof args[0] == 'number') {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite', 0, [args[0]]);
if (!Array.isArray(args[0])) {
// valid use for creating a box collider:
// new Sprite(x, y, w, h, colliderType)
x = args[0];
y = args[1];
w = args[2];
h = args[3];
collider = args[4];
} else {
// valid use for creating chain/polygon using vertex mode:
// new Sprite([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...], colliderType)
x = undefined;
y = undefined;
w = args[0];
h = undefined;
collider = args[1];
if (Array.isArray(collider)) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite', 1, [`[[${w}], [${h}]]`]);
// valid use without setting size:
// new Sprite(x, y, colliderType)
if (typeof w == 'string') {
collider = w;
w = undefined;
if (typeof h == 'string') {
if (isColliderType(h)) {
// valid use to create a circle:
// new Sprite(x, y, d, colliderType)
collider = h;
} else {
// valid use to create a regular polygon:
// new Sprite(x, y, sideLength, polygonName)
w = getRegularPolygon(w, h);
h = undefined;
this.idNum = $.p5play.spritesCreated;
this._uid = 1000 + this.idNum;
$.p5play.sprites[this._uid] = this;
* Groups the sprite belongs to, including allSprites
* @type {Group[]}
* @default [allSprites]
this.groups = [];
* Keys are the animation label, values are Ani objects.
* @type {Anis}
this.animations = new $.Anis();
* Joints that the sprite is attached to
* @type {Joint[]}
* @default []
this.joints = [];
this.joints.removeAll = () => {
while (this.joints.length) {
* If set to true, p5play will record all changes to the sprite's
* properties in its `mod` array. Intended to be used to enable
* online multiplayer.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default undefined
* An Object that has sprite property number codes as keys,
* these correspond to the index of the property in the
* Sprite.props array. The booleans values this object stores,
* indicate which properties were changed since the last frame.
* Useful for limiting the amount of sprite data sent in binary
* netcode to only the sprite properties that have been modified.
* @type {Object}
this.mod = {};
this._removed = false;
this._life = 2147483647;
this._visible = true;
this._pixelPerfect = false;
this._aniChangeCount = 0;
this._draw = () => this.__draw();
this._hasOverlap = {};
this._collisions = {};
this._overlappers = {};
group ??= $.allSprites;
this._tile = '';
this.tileSize = group.tileSize || 1;
let _this = this;
// this.x and this.y are getters and setters that change this._pos internally
// this.pos and this.position get this._position
this._position = {
x: 0,
y: 0
this._pos = $.createVector.call($);
Object.defineProperty(this._pos, 'x', {
get() {
if (!_this.body || !usePhysics) return _this._position.x;
let x = (_this.body.getPosition().x / _this.tileSize) * $.world.meterSize;
return $.p5play.friendlyRounding ? fixRound(x) : x;
set(val) {
_this._position.x = val;
if (_this.body) {
let pos = new pl.Vec2((val * _this.tileSize) / $.world.meterSize, _this.body.getPosition().y);
Object.defineProperty(this._pos, 'y', {
get() {
if (!_this.body || !usePhysics) return _this._position.y;
let y = (_this.body.getPosition().y / _this.tileSize) * $.world.meterSize;
return $.p5play.friendlyRounding ? fixRound(y) : y;
set(val) {
_this._position.y = val;
if (_this.body) {
let pos = new pl.Vec2(_this.body.getPosition().x, (val * _this.tileSize) / $.world.meterSize);
this._canvasPos = $.createVector.call($);
Object.defineProperty(this._canvasPos, 'x', {
get() {
let x = _this._pos.x - $.camera.x;
if ($.canvas.renderer == '2d') x += $.canvas.hw / $.camera._zoom;
return x;
Object.defineProperty(this._canvasPos, 'y', {
get() {
let y = _this._pos.y - $.camera.y;
if ($.canvas.renderer == '2d') y += $.canvas.hh / $.camera._zoom;
return y;
// used by this._vel if the Sprite has no physics body
this._velocity = {
x: 0,
y: 0
this._direction = 0;
this._vel = $.createVector.call($);
Object.defineProperties(this._vel, {
x: {
get() {
let val;
if (_this.body) val = _this.body.getLinearVelocity().x;
else val = _this._velocity.x;
val /= _this.tileSize;
return $.p5play.friendlyRounding ? fixRound(val) : val;
set(val) {
val *= _this.tileSize;
if (_this.body) {
_this.body.setLinearVelocity(new pl.Vec2(val, _this.body.getLinearVelocity().y));
} else {
_this._velocity.x = val;
if (val || this.y) _this._direction = this.heading();
y: {
get() {
let val;
if (_this.body) val = _this.body.getLinearVelocity().y;
else val = _this._velocity.y;
val /= _this.tileSize;
return $.p5play.friendlyRounding ? fixRound(val) : val;
set(val) {
val *= _this.tileSize;
if (_this.body) {
_this.body.setLinearVelocity(new pl.Vec2(_this.body.getLinearVelocity().x, val));
} else {
_this._velocity.y = val;
if (val || this.x) _this._direction = this.heading();
this._mirror = {
_x: 1,
_y: 1,
get x() {
return this._x < 0;
set x(val) {
if (_this.watch) _this.mod[20] = true;
this._x = val ? -1 : 1;
get y() {
return this._y < 0;
set y(val) {
if (_this.watch) _this.mod[20] = true;
this._y = val ? -1 : 1;
this._heading = 'right';
this._layer = group._layer;
this._layer ??= $.allSprites._getTopLayer() + 1;
if (group.dynamic) collider ??= 'dynamic';
if (group.kinematic) collider ??= 'kinematic';
if (group.static) collider ??= 'static';
collider ??= group.collider;
if (!collider || typeof collider != 'string') {
collider = 'dynamic';
this.collider = collider;
x ??= group.x;
if (x === undefined) {
if ($.canvas?.renderer == '2d' && !$._webgpuFallback) {
x = $.canvas.hw / this.tileSize;
} else x = 0;
if (w) this._vertexMode = true;
y ??= group.y;
if (y === undefined) {
if ($.canvas?.renderer == '2d' && !$._webgpuFallback) {
y = $.canvas.hh / this.tileSize;
} else y = 0;
let forcedBoxShape = false;
if (w === undefined) {
w = group.w || group.width || group.d || group.diameter || group.v || group.vertices;
if (!h && !group.d && !group.diameter) {
h = group.h || group.height;
forcedBoxShape = true;
if (typeof x == 'function') x = x(group.length);
if (typeof y == 'function') y = y(group.length);
if (typeof w == 'function') w = w(group.length);
if (typeof h == 'function') h = h(group.length);
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
if (!group._isAllSpritesGroup) {
if (!ani) {
for (let _ani in group.animations) {
ani = _ani;
if (!ani) {
ani = group._img;
if (typeof ani == 'function') {
ani = ani(group.length);
if (ani) this._img = true;
// temporarily add all the groups the sprite belongs to,
// since the next section of code could potentially load an
// animation from one of the sprite's groups
for (let g = group; g; g = $.p5play.groups[g.parent]) {
if (ani) {
let ts = this.tileSize;
if (this._img || ani instanceof p5.Image) {
if (typeof ani != 'string') this.image = ani;
else this.image = new $.EmojiImage(ani, w);
if (!w && (this._img.w != 1 || this._img.h != 1)) {
w = (this._img.defaultWidth || this._img.w) / ts;
h ??= (this._img.defaultHeight || this._img.h) / ts;
} else {
if (typeof ani == 'string') this._changeAni(ani);
else this._ani = ani.clone();
if (!w && (this._ani.w != 1 || this._ani.h != 1)) {
w = (this._ani.defaultWidth || this._ani.w) / ts;
h ??= (this._ani.defaultHeight || this._ani.h) / ts;
// make groups list empty, the sprite will be "officially" added
// to its groups after its collider is potentially created
this.groups = [];
* Used to detect mouse events with the sprite.
* @type {_SpriteMouse}
this.mouse = new $._SpriteMouse();
this._rotation = 0;
this._rotationSpeed = 0;
this._bearing = 0;
this._scale = new Scale();
Object.defineProperty(this._scale, 'x', {
get() {
return this._x;
set(val) {
if (val == this._x) return;
if (_this.watch) _this.mod[26] = true;
let scalarX = Math.abs(val / this._x);
_this._w *= scalarX;
_this._hw *= scalarX;
_this._resizeColliders({ x: scalarX, y: 1 });
this._x = val;
this._avg = (this._x + this._y) * 0.5;
Object.defineProperty(this._scale, 'y', {
get() {
return this._y;
set(val) {
if (val == this._y) return;
if (_this.watch) _this.mod[26] = true;
let scalarY = Math.abs(val / this._y);
if (_this._h) {
this._h *= scalarY;
this._hh *= scalarY;
_this._resizeColliders({ x: 1, y: scalarY });
this._y = val;
this._avg = (this._x + this._y) * 0.5;
this._offset = {
_x: 0,
_y: 0,
get x() {
return this._x;
set x(val) {
if (val == this._x) return;
if (_this.watch) _this.mod[21] = true;
_this._offsetCenterBy(val - this._x, 0);
get y() {
return this._y;
set y(val) {
if (val == this._y) return;
if (_this.watch) _this.mod[21] = true;
_this._offsetCenterBy(0, val - this._y);
this._massUndef = true;
if (w === undefined) {
this._dimensionsUndef = true;
this._widthUndef = true;
w = this.tileSize > 1 ? 1 : 50;
if (h === undefined) this._heightUndef = true;
if (forcedBoxShape) h ??= this.tileSize > 1 ? 1 : 50;
this._shape = group.shape;
// if collider is not "none"
if (this.__collider != 3) {
if (this._vertexMode) this.addCollider(w);
else this.addCollider(0, 0, w, h);
this.shape = this._shape;
} else {
this.w = w;
if (Array.isArray(w)) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot set the collider type of a sprite with a polygon or chain shape to "none". To achieve the same effect, use .overlaps(allSprites) to have your sprite overlap with the allSprites group.'
if (w !== undefined && h === undefined) this.shape = 'circle';
else {
this.shape = 'box';
this.h = h;
* The sprite's position on the previous frame.
* @type {object}
this.prevPos = { x, y };
this.prevRotation = 0;
this._dest = { x, y };
this._destIdx = 0;
this._debug = false;
* Text displayed at the center of the sprite.
* @type {String}
* @default undefined
if (!group._isAllSpritesGroup) $.allSprites.push(this);
let gvx = group.vel.x || 0;
let gvy = group.vel.y || 0;
if (typeof gvx == 'function') gvx = gvx(group.length - 1);
if (typeof gvy == 'function') gvy = gvy(group.length - 1);
this.vel.x = gvx;
this.vel.y = gvy;
// skip these properties
let skipProps = [
// inherit properties from group in the order they were added
// skip props that were already set above
for (let prop of $.Sprite.propsAll) {
if (skipProps.includes(prop)) continue;
let val = group[prop];
if (val === undefined) continue;
if (typeof val == 'function' && isArrowFunction(val)) {
val = val(group.length - 1);
if (typeof val == 'object') {
if (val instanceof p5.Color) {
this[prop] = $.color(...val.levels);
} else {
this[prop] = Object.assign({}, val);
} else {
this[prop] = val;
skipProps = [
for (let i = 0; i < this.groups.length; i++) {
let g = this.groups[i];
let props = Object.keys(g);
for (let prop of props) {
if (!isNaN(prop) || prop[0] == '_' || skipProps.includes(prop) || $.Sprite.propsAll.includes(prop)) {
let val = g[prop];
if (val === undefined) continue;
if (typeof val == 'function' && isArrowFunction(val)) {
val = val(g.length - 1);
if (typeof val == 'object') {
this[prop] = Object.assign({}, val);
} else {
this[prop] = val;
let r = $.random(0.12, 0.96);
let g = $.random(0.12, 0.96);
let b = $.random(0.12, 0.96);
if ($._colorFormat != 1) {
r *= 255;
g *= 255;
b *= 255;
// "random" color that's not too dark or too light
this.color ??= $.color(r, g, b);
this._textFill ??= $.color(0);
this._textSize ??= this.tileSize == 1 ? ($.canvas ? $.textSize() : 12) : 0.8;
* Adds a collider (fixture) to the sprite's physics body.
* It accepts parameters in a similar format to the Sprite
* constructor except the first two parameters are x and y offsets,
* the distance new collider should be from the center of the sprite.
* This function also recalculates the sprite's mass based on the
* size of the new collider added to it. However, it does not move
* the sprite's center of mass, which makes adding multiple colliders
* to a sprite easier.
* For better physics simulation results, run the `resetCenterOfMass`
* function after you finish adding colliders to a sprite.
* One limitation of the current implementation is that sprites
* with multiple colliders can't have their collider
* type changed without losing every collider added to the
* sprite besides the first.
* @param {Number} offsetX - distance from the center of the sprite
* @param {Number} offsetY - distance from the center of the sprite
* @param {Number} w - width of the collider
* @param {Number} h - height of the collider
addCollider(offsetX, offsetY, w, h) {
if (this._removed) {
console.error("Can't add colliders to a sprite that was removed.");
if (this.__collider == 3) {
this._collider = 'dynamic';
this.__collider = 0;
let props = {};
props.shape = this._parseShape(...arguments);
if (props.shape.m_type == 'chain') {
props.density = 0;
props.restitution = 0;
props.density ??= this.density || 5;
props.friction ??= this.friction || 0.5;
props.restitution ??= this.bounciness || 0.2;
if (!this.body) {
this.body = $.world.createBody({
position: scaleTo(this.x, this.y, this.tileSize),
type: this.collider
this.body.sprite = this;
} else this.body.m_gravityScale ||= 1;
let com = new pl.Vec2(this.body.getLocalCenter());
// mass is recalculated in createFixture
if (this.watch) this.mod[19] = true;
// reset the center of mass to the sprite's center
mass: this.body.getMass(),
center: com,
I: this.body.getInertia()
* Adds a sensor to the sprite's physics body.
* Sensors can't displace or be displaced by colliders.
* Sensors don't have any mass or other physical properties.
* Sensors simply detect overlaps with other sensors.
* This function accepts parameters in a similar format to the Sprite
* constructor except the first two parameters are x and y offsets,
* the relative distance the new sensor should be from the center of
* the sprite.
* If a sensor is added to a sprite that has no collider (type "none")
* then internally it will be given a dynamic physics body that isn't
* affected by gravity so that the sensor can be added to it.
* @param {Number} offsetX - distance from the center of the sprite
* @param {Number} offsetY - distance from the center of the sprite
* @param {Number} w - width of the collider
* @param {Number} h - height of the collider
addSensor(offsetX, offsetY, w, h) {
if (this._removed) {
console.error("Can't add sensors to a sprite that was removed.");
let s = this._parseShape(...arguments);
if (!this.body) {
this.body = $.world.createBody({
position: scaleTo(this.x, this.y, this.tileSize),
type: 'dynamic',
gravityScale: 0
this.body.sprite = this;
this.mass = 0;
this._massUndef = true;
this.rotation = this._rotation;
this.vel = this._velocity;
shape: s,
isSensor: true
this._hasSensors = true;
_parseShape(offsetX, offsetY, w, h) {
let args = [...arguments];
let path, shape;
if (args.length == 0) {
offsetX = 0;
offsetY = 0;
w = this._w;
h = this._h;
} else if (args.length <= 2) {
offsetX = 0;
offsetY = 0;
w = args[0];
h = args[1];
this._vertexMode = true;
let dimensions;
// if (w is vertex array) or (side length and h is a
// collider type or the name of a regular polygon)
if (Array.isArray(w) || typeof h == 'string') {
if (!isNaN(w)) w = Number(w);
if (typeof w != 'number' && Array.isArray(w[0])) {
this._originMode ??= 'start';
if (typeof h == 'string') {
path = getRegularPolygon(w, h);
h = undefined;
} else {
path = w;
} else {
if (w !== undefined && h === undefined) {
shape = 'circle';
} else {
shape = 'box';
w ??= this.tileSize > 1 ? 1 : 50;
h ??= w;
// the actual dimensions of the collider for a box or circle are a
// little bit smaller so that they can slid past each other
// when in a tile grid
dimensions = scaleTo(w - 0.08, h - 0.08, this.tileSize);
let s;
if (shape == 'box') {
s = pl.Box(dimensions.x / 2, dimensions.y / 2, scaleTo(offsetX, offsetY, this.tileSize), 0);
} else if (shape == 'circle') {
s = pl.Circle(scaleTo(offsetX, offsetY, this.tileSize), dimensions.x / 2);
} else if (path) {
let vecs = [{ x: 0, y: 0 }];
let vert = { x: 0, y: 0 };
let min = { x: 0, y: 0 };
let max = { x: 0, y: 0 };
// if the path is an array of position arrays
let usesVertices = Array.isArray(path[0]);
function checkVert() {
if (vert.x < min.x) min.x = vert.x;
if (vert.y < min.y) min.y = vert.y;
if (vert.x > max.x) max.x = vert.x;
if (vert.y > max.y) max.y = vert.y;
let x, y;
if (usesVertices) {
if (this._vertexMode) {
x = path[0][0];
y = path[0][1];
// log(x, y);
if (!this.fixture || !this._relativeOrigin) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
} else {
x = this.x - this._relativeOrigin.x;
y = this.y - this._relativeOrigin.y;
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (this._vertexMode) {
if (i == 0 && !this.fixture) continue;
// verts are relative to the first vert
vert.x = path[i][0] - x;
vert.y = path[i][1] - y;
} else {
vert.x += path[i][0];
vert.y += path[i][1];
vecs.push({ x: vert.x, y: vert.y });
} else {
let rep = 1;
if (path.length % 2) rep = path[path.length - 1];
let mod = rep > 0 ? 1 : -1;
rep = Math.abs(rep);
let ang = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < rep; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < path.length - 1; j += 2) {
let len = path[j];
ang += path[j + 1];
vert.x += len * $.cos(ang);
vert.y += len * $.sin(ang);
vecs.push({ x: vert.x, y: vert.y });
ang *= mod;
let isConvex = false;
if (
isSlop(Math.abs(vecs[0].x) - Math.abs(vecs[vecs.length - 1].x)) &&
isSlop(Math.abs(vecs[0].y) - Math.abs(vecs[vecs.length - 1].y))
) {
if (this._shape != 'chain') shape = 'polygon';
else shape = 'chain';
this._originMode = 'center';
if (this._isConvexPoly(vecs.slice(0, -1))) isConvex = true;
} else {
shape = 'chain';
w = max.x - min.x;
h = max.y - min.y;
if (this._originMode == 'start') {
for (let i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++) {
vecs[i] = scaleTo(vecs[i].x, vecs[i].y, this.tileSize);
} else {
// the center relative to the first vertex
let centerX = 0;
let centerY = 0;
// use centroid of a triangle method to get center
// average of all vertices
let sumX = 0;
let sumY = 0;
let vl = vecs.length;
// last vertex is same as first
if (shape == 'polygon' || isConvex) vl--;
for (let i = 0; i < vl; i++) {
sumX += vecs[i].x;
sumY += vecs[i].y;
centerX = sumX / vl;
centerY = sumY / vl;
if (!this.fixture) {
this._relativeOrigin = { x: centerX, y: centerY };
if (this._vertexMode && usesVertices) {
if (!this.fixture) {
// repositions the sprite's x, y coordinates
// to be in the center of the shape
this.x += centerX;
this.y += centerY;
} else {
centerX = this._relativeOrigin.x;
centerY = this._relativeOrigin.y;
for (let i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++) {
let vec = vecs[i];
vecs[i] = scaleTo(vec.x + offsetX - centerX, vec.y + offsetY - centerY, this.tileSize);
if (!isConvex || vecs.length - 1 > pl.Settings.maxPolygonVertices || this._shape == 'chain') {
shape = 'chain';
if (shape == 'polygon') {
s = pl.Polygon(vecs);
} else if (shape == 'chain') {
s = pl.Chain(vecs, false);
this.shape ??= shape;
if (!this.fixtureList) {
this._w = w;
this._hw = w * 0.5;
if (this.__shape != 1) {
this._h = h;
this._hh = h * 0.5;
} else {
// top, bottom, left, right
this._extents ??= { t: this.hh, b: this.hh, l: this._hw, r: this._hw };
let ex = this._extents;
let l = offsetX - w * 0.5;
let r = offsetX + w * 0.5;
let t = offsetY - h * 0.5;
let b = offsetY + h * 0.5;
if (l < ex.l) ex.l = l;
if (r > ex.r) ex.r = r;
if (t < ex.t) ex.t = t;
if (b > ex.b) ex.b = b;
this._totalWidth = ex.r - ex.l;
this._totalHeight = ex.b - ex.t;
let abs = Math.abs;
this._largestExtent = Math.max(abs(ex.l), abs(ex.r), abs(ex.t), abs(ex.b));
return s;
* Removes the physics body colliders from the sprite but not
* overlap sensors.
removeColliders() {
if (!this.body) return;
* Removes overlap sensors from the sprite.
removeSensors() {
if (!this.body) return;
this._hasSensors = false;
* removes sensors or colliders or both
* @param type can be undefined, 0, or 1
* undefined removes both
* 0 removes colliders
* 1 removes sensors
_removeFixtures(type) {
let prevFxt;
for (let fxt = this.fixtureList; fxt; fxt = fxt.getNext()) {
if (type === undefined || fxt.m_isSensor == type) {
let _fxt = fxt.m_next;
if (!prevFxt) {
this.body.m_fixtureList = _fxt;
} else {
prevFxt.m_next = _fxt;
} else {
prevFxt = fxt;
* Removes contacts
* @param type can be undefined, 0, or 1
* undefined removes both
* 0 removes colliders
* 1 removes sensors
_removeContacts(type) {
if (!this.body) return;
let ce = this.body.m_contactList;
while (ce) {
let con = ce.contact;
ce = ce.next;
if (type === undefined || con.m_fixtureA.m_isSensor == type) {
_offsetCenterBy(x, y) {
if (!x && !y) return;
this._offset._x += x;
this._offset._y += y;
if (!this.body) return;
let off = scaleTo(x, y, this.tileSize);
this.__offsetCenterBy(off.x, off.y);
__offsetCenterBy(x, y) {
for (let fxt = this.body.m_fixtureList; fxt; fxt = fxt.m_next) {
let shape = fxt.m_shape;
if (shape.m_type != 'circle') {
let vertices = shape.m_vertices;
for (let v of vertices) {
v.x += x;
v.y += y;
} else {
shape.m_p.x += x;
shape.m_p.y += y;
* Clones the collider's props to be transferred to a new collider.
_cloneBodyProps() {
let body = {};
let props = [
// if mass or dimensions were defined by the user,
// then the mass setting should be copied to the new body
// else the new body's mass should be calculated based
// on its dimensions
if (!this._massUndef || !this._dimensionsUndef) {
for (let prop of props) {
if (typeof this[prop] == 'object') {
body[prop] = Object.assign({}, this[prop]);
} else {
body[prop] = this[prop];
return body;
* Reference to the sprite's current animation.
* @type {Ani}
get animation() {
return this._ani;
set animation(val) {
* Reference to the sprite's current animation.
* @type {Ani}
get ani() {
return this._ani;
set ani(val) {
* Keys are the animation label, values are Ani objects
* @type {Anis}
get anis() {
return this.animations;
* Controls whether a sprite is updated before each physics update,
* when users let p5play automatically manage the frame cycle.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
get autoUpdate() {
return this._autoUpdate;
set autoUpdate(val) {
this._autoUpdate = val;
* Controls whether a sprite is drawn after each physics update,
* when users let p5play automatically manage the frame cycle.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
get autoDraw() {
return this._autoDraw;
set autoDraw(val) {
this._autoDraw = val;
* Controls the ability for a sprite to "sleep".
* "Sleeping" sprites are not included in the physics simulation, a
* sprite starts "sleeping" when it stops moving and doesn't collide
* with anything that it wasn't already touching.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
get allowSleeping() {
return this.body?.isSleepingAllowed();
set allowSleeping(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[5] = true;
if (this.body) this.body.setSleepingAllowed(val);
* The bounciness of the sprite's physics body.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.2
get bounciness() {
if (!this.fixture) return;
return this.fixture.getRestitution();
set bounciness(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[7] = true;
for (let fxt = this.fixtureList; fxt; fxt = fxt.getNext()) {
* The sprite's collider type. Default is "dynamic".
* The collider type can be one of the following strings:
* "dynamic", "static", "kinematic", "none".
* The letters "d", "s", "k", "n" can be used as shorthand.
* When a sprite with a collider type of "d", "s", or "k" is
* changed to "none", or vice versa, the sprite will
* maintain its current position, velocity, rotation, and
* rotation speed.
* Sprites can't have their collider type
* set to "none" if they have a polygon or chain collider,
* multiple colliders, or multiple sensors.
* To achieve the same effect as setting collider type
* to "none", use `.overlaps(allSprites)` to have your
* sprite overlap with all sprites.
* @type {String}
* @default 'dynamic'
get collider() {
return this._collider;
set collider(val) {
if (val == this._collider) return;
val = val.toLowerCase();
let c = val[0];
if (c == 'd') val = 'dynamic';
if (c == 's') val = 'static';
if (c == 'k') val = 'kinematic';
if (c == 'n') val = 'none';
if (val == this._collider) return;
if (val == 'none' && (this._shape == 'chain' || this._shape == 'polygon')) {
'Cannot set the collider type of a polygon or chain collider to "none". To achieve the same effect, use .overlaps(allSprites) to have your sprite overlap with the allSprites group.'
if (this._removed) {
throw new Error('Cannot change the collider type of a sprite that was removed.');
let oldCollider = this.__collider;
this._collider = val;
this.__collider = ['d', 's', 'k', 'n'].indexOf(c);
if (this.watch) this.mod[8] = true;
if (oldCollider === undefined) return;
if (this.__collider != 3) {
if (this.body) this.body.setType(val);
if (oldCollider == 3) {
this.x = this._position.x;
this.y = this._position.y;
this.vel.x = this._velocity.x;
this.vel.y = this._velocity.y;
this.rotation = this._rotation;
this.rotationSpeed = this._rotationSpeed;
} else {
if (this.fixture?.m_isSensor) this.body.m_gravityScale = 0;
else {
this.body = null;
_syncWithPhysicsBody() {
this._position.x = this.x;
this._position.y = this.y;
this._velocity.x = this.vel.x;
this._velocity.y = this.vel.y;
this._rotation = this.rotation;
this._rotationSpeed = this.rotationSpeed;
_parseColor(val) {
// false if color was copied with Object.assign
if (val instanceof p5.Color) {
return val;
} else if (typeof val != 'object') {
if (val.length == 1) return $.colorPal(val);
else return $.color(val);
return $.color(...val.levels);
* The sprite's current color. By default sprites get a random color.
* @type {p5.Color}
* @default random color
get color() {
return this._color;
set color(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[9] = true;
this._color = this._parseColor(val);
* Alias for color. colour is the British English spelling.
* @type {p5.Color}
* @default random color
get colour() {
return this._color;
set colour(val) {
this.color = val;
* Alias for sprite.fillColor
* @type {p5.Color}
* @default random color
get fill() {
return this._color;
set fill(val) {
this.color = val;
* Overrides sprite's stroke color. By default the stroke of a sprite
* is determined by its collider type, which can also be overridden
* by the sketch's stroke color.
* @type {p5.Color}
* @default undefined
get stroke() {
return this._stroke;
set stroke(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[29] = true;
this._stroke = this._parseColor(val);
* The sprite's stroke weight, the thickness of its outline.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
get strokeWeight() {
return this._strokeWeight;
set strokeWeight(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[30] = true;
this._strokeWeight = val;
* The sprite's text fill color. Black by default.
* @type {p5.Color}
* @default black (#000000)
get textColor() {
return this._textFill;
set textColor(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[32] = true;
this._textFill = this._parseColor(val);
get textColour() {
return this._textFill;
set textColour(val) {
this.textColor = val;
* The sprite's text fill color. Black by default.
* @type {p5.Color}
* @default black (#000000)
get textFill() {
return this._textFill;
set textFill(val) {
this.textColor = val;
* The sprite's text size, the sketch's current textSize by default.
* @type {Number}
get textSize() {
return this._textSize;
set textSize(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[33] = true;
this._textSize = val;
* The sprite's text stroke color.
* No stroke by default, does not inherit from the sketch's stroke color.
* @type {p5.Color}
* @default undefined
get textStroke() {
return this._textStroke;
set textStroke(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[34] = true;
this._textStroke = this._parseColor(val);
* The sprite's text stroke weight, the thickness of its outline.
* No stroke by default, does not inherit from the sketch's stroke weight.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
get textStrokeWeight() {
return this._textStrokeWeight;
set textStrokeWeight(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[35] = true;
this._textStrokeWeight = val;
* The tile string represents the sprite in a tile map.
* @type {String}
get tile() {
return this._tile;
set tile(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[36] = true;
this._tile = val;
* DEPRECATED: Will be removed in version 4.
* The tile size is used to change the size of one unit of
* measurement for the sprite.
* For example, if the tile size is 16, then a sprite with
* x=1 and y=1 will be drawn at position (16, 16) on the canvas.
* @deprecated
* @type {Number}
* @default 1
get tileSize() {
return this._tileSize;
set tileSize(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[37] = true;
this._tileSize = val;
* A bearing indicates the direction that needs to be followed to
* reach a destination. Setting a sprite's bearing doesn't do
* anything by itself. You can apply a force at the sprite's
* bearing angle using the `applyForce` function.
* @type {Number}
* @example
* sprite.bearing = angle;
* sprite.applyForce(amount);
get bearing() {
return this._bearing;
set bearing(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[6] = true;
this._bearing = val;
* If true, an outline of the sprite's collider will be drawn.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
get debug() {
return this._debug;
set debug(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[10] = true;
this._debug = val;
* The density of the sprite's physics body.
* @type {Number}
* @default 5
get density() {
if (!this.fixture) return;
return this.fixture.getDensity();
set density(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[11] = true;
for (let fxt = this.fixtureList; fxt; fxt = fxt.getNext()) {
_getDirectionAngle(name) {
name = name.toLowerCase().replaceAll(/[ _-]/g, '');
let dirs = {
up: -90,
down: 90,
left: 180,
right: 0,
upright: -45,
rightup: -45,
upleft: -135,
leftup: -135,
downright: 45,
rightdown: 45,
downleft: 135,
leftdown: 135,
forward: this.rotation,
backward: this.rotation + 180
let val = dirs[name];
if ($._angleMode == 'radians') {
val = $.radians(val);
return val;
* The angle of the sprite's movement.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0 ("right")
get direction() {
if (this.vel.x !== 0 || this.vel.y !== 0) {
return $.atan2(this.vel.y, this.vel.x);
if (this._isTurtleSprite) return this.rotation;
return this._direction;
set direction(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[12] = true;
if (typeof val == 'string') {
this._heading = val;
val = this._getDirectionAngle(val);
this._direction = val;
if (this._isTurtleSprite) this.rotation = val;
let speed = this.speed;
this.vel.x = $.cos(val) * speed;
this.vel.y = $.sin(val) * speed;
* The amount of resistance a sprite has to being moved.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get drag() {
return this.body?.getLinearDamping();
set drag(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[13] = true;
if (this.body) this.body.setLinearDamping(val);
* Displays the sprite.
* This function is called automatically at the end of each
* sketch `draw` function call but it can also be run
* by users to customize the order sprites are drawn in relation
* to other stuff drawn to the canvas. Also see the sprite.layer
* property.
* A sprite's draw function can be overridden with a
* custom draw function, inside this function (0, 0) is the center of
* the sprite.
* Using this function actually calls the sprite's internal `_display`
* function, which sets up the canvas for drawing the sprite before
* calling the sprite's `_draw` function. See the example below for how to
* run the sprite's default `_draw` function inside your custom `draw` function.
* @type {Function}
* @example
* let defaultDraw = sprite._draw;
* sprite.draw = function() {
* // add custom code here
* defaultDraw();
* }
get draw() {
return this._display;
set draw(val) {
this._userDefinedDraw = true;
this._draw = val;
* True if the sprite's physics body is dynamic.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
get dynamic() {
return this.body?.isDynamic();
set dynamic(val) {
if (val) this.collider = 'dynamic';
else this.collider = 'kinematic';
* Returns the first node in a linked list of the planck physics
* body's fixtures.
get fixture() {
return this.fixtureList;
* Returns the first node in a linked list of the planck physics
* body's fixtures.
get fixtureList() {
if (!this.body) return null;
return this.body.m_fixtureList;
* The amount the sprite's physics body resists moving
* when rubbing against another physics body.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.5
get friction() {
if (!this.fixture) return;
return this.fixture.getFriction();
set friction(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[14] = true;
for (let fxt = this.fixtureList; fxt; fxt = fxt.getNext()) {
* The sprite's heading. This is a string that can be set to
* "up", "down", "left", "right", "upRight", "upLeft", "downRight"
* It ignores cardinal direction word order, capitalization, spaces,
* underscores, and dashes.
* @type {String}
* @default undefined
get heading() {
return this._heading;
set heading(val) {
this.direction = val;
* Alias for `sprite.image`.
* @type {p5.Image}
get img() {
return this._img || this._ani?.frameImage;
set img(val) {
this.image = val;
* The sprite's image or current frame of animation.
* When `sprite.image` is set, two properties are added:
* `sprite.image.offset` determines the x and y position the image
* should be drawn at relative to the sprite's center.
* `sprite.image.scale` determines the x and y scale of the image.
* @type {p5.Image}
get image() {
return this._img || this._ani?.frameImage;
set image(img) {
if (typeof img == 'string') {
if (!img.includes('.')) {
img = new $.EmojiImage(img, this.w);
} else img = $.loadImage(img);
this._img = this._extendImage(img);
_extendImage(img) {
img.offset ??= { x: 0, y: 0 };
img._scale ??= { x: 1, y: 1 };
if (!img.scale) {
Object.defineProperty(img, 'scale', {
get: () => img._scale,
set: (val) => {
if (typeof val == 'number') val = { x: val, y: val };
img._scale = val;
return img;
* Read only. True if the sprite is moving.
* @type {Boolean}
get isMoving() {
return this.vel.x != 0 || this.vel.y != 0;
* Set this to true if the sprite goes really fast to prevent
* inaccurate physics simulation.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
get isSuperFast() {
return this.body?.isBullet();
set isSuperFast(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[16] = true;
if (this.body) this.body.setBullet(val);
* True if the sprite's physics body is kinematic.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
get kinematic() {
return this.body?.isKinematic();
set kinematic(val) {
if (val) this.collider = 'kinematic';
else this.collider = 'dynamic';
* By default sprites are drawn in the order they were created in.
* You can change the draw order by editing sprite's layer
* property. Sprites with the highest layer value get drawn first.
* @type {Number}
get layer() {
return this._layer;
set layer(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[17] = true;
this._layer = val;
* When the physics simulation is progressed in `world.physicsUpdate`,
* each sprite's life is decreased by `world.timeScale`.
* If life becomes less than or equal to 0, the sprite will
* be removed.
* It must be set to a positive integer lower than the max value of
* a 32 bit signed integer, 2147483647, which is the default value
* representing infinite life. This limitation makes sprite netcode
* smaller. But don't worry, at 60 fps this gives users a definable
* sprite life range between 1 frame and ~411 days!
* @type {Number}
* @default 2147483647
get life() {
return this._life;
set life(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[18] = true;
this._life = val;
* The mass of the sprite's physics body.
* @type {Number}
get mass() {
return this.body?.getMass();
set mass(val) {
if (!this.body) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[19] = true;
const com = new pl.Vec2(this.body.getLocalCenter());
const t = { I: 0, center: com, mass: 0 };
t.mass = val > 0 ? val : 0.00000001;
delete this._massUndef;
* Recalculates the sprite's mass based on its current
* density and size.
* Does not change the sprite's center of mass, to do so
* use the `resetCenterOfMass` function.
resetMass() {
if (!this.body) return;
let com = new pl.Vec2(this.body.getLocalCenter());
if (this.watch) this.mod[19] = true;
// reset the center of mass to the sprite's center
mass: this.body.getMass(),
center: com,
I: this.body.getInertia()
* Recalculates the sprite's center of mass based on the masses of
* its fixtures and their positions. Moves the sprite's center to
* the new center of mass, but doesn't actually change the positions
* of its fixtures relative to the world.
* In p5play a sprite's center (position) is always the same as its
* center of mass and center of rotation.
resetCenterOfMass() {
if (this.watch) this.mod[19] = true;
let { x, y } = this.body.getLocalCenter();
if (x == 0 && y == 0) return;
this.__offsetCenterBy(-x, -y);
// again? yes, to set local center to (0, 0)
let pos = this.body.getPosition();
this.body.setPosition({ x: pos.x + x, y: pos.y + y });
* DEPRECATED: Will be removed in version 4.
* Use sprite.scale instead.
* @deprecated
* @type {Object}
* @property {Boolean} x - the sprite's horizontal mirror state
* @property {Boolean} y - the sprite's vertical mirror state
* @default {x: false, y: false}
get mirror() {
return this._mirror;
set mirror(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[20] = true;
if (val.x !== undefined) this._mirror.x = val.x;
if (val.y !== undefined) this._mirror.y = val.y;
* Offsetting the sprite moves the sprite's physics body relative
* to its center.
* The sprite's x and y properties represent its center in world
* coordinates. This point is also the sprite's center of rotation.
* @type {object}
* @property {Number} x - the sprite's horizontal offset
* @property {Number} y - the sprite's vertical offset
* @default {x: 0, y: 0}
get offset() {
return this._offset;
set offset(val) {
val.x ??= this._offset._x;
val.y ??= this._offset._y;
if (val.x == this._offset._x && val.y == this._offset._y) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[21] = true;
this._offsetCenterBy(val.x - this._offset._x, val.y - this._offset._y);
* The sprite's opacity. 0 is transparent, 1 is opaque.
* @type {Number}
* @default 1
get opacity() {
return this._opacity ?? 1;
set opacity(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[41] = true;
this._opacity = val;
* Alias for sprite.prevPos
* @type {Object}
get previousPosition() {
return this.prevPos;
set previousPosition(val) {
this.prevPos = val;
* Alias for sprite.prevRotation
* @type {Number}
get previousRotation() {
return this.prevRotation;
set previousRotation(val) {
this.prevRotation = val;
* By default p5play draws sprites with subpixel rendering.
* Set pixelPerfect to true to make p5play always display sprites
* at integer pixel precision. This is useful for making retro games.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
get pixelPerfect() {
return this._pixelPerfect;
set pixelPerfect(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[22] = true;
this._pixelPerfect = val;
* If the sprite has been removed from the world.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
get removed() {
return this._removed;
set removed(val) {
if (!val || this._removed) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[23] = true;
this._removed = true;
* The angle of the sprite's rotation, not the direction it's moving.
* If angleMode is set to "degrees", the value will be returned in
* a range of -180 to 180.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get rotation() {
if (!this.body || !usePhysics) return this._rotation || 0;
let val = this.body.getAngle();
if ($.p5play.friendlyRounding) val = fixRound(val, angularSlop);
return $._angleMode == DEGREES ? $.degrees(val) : val;
set rotation(val) {
this._rotation = val;
if (this.body) {
if ($._angleMode == DEGREES) val = $.radians(val % 360);
* The amount the sprite resists rotating.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get rotationDrag() {
return this.body?.getAngularDamping();
set rotationDrag(val) {
if (!this.body) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[24] = true;
* If true, the sprite can not rotate.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
get rotationLock() {
return this.body?.isFixedRotation();
set rotationLock(val) {
if (!this.body) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[25] = true;
let mass = this.mass;
this.mass = mass;
* The speed of the sprite's rotation in angles per frame.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get rotationSpeed() {
if (this.body) {
let val = this.body.getAngularVelocity() / 60;
return $._angleMode == DEGREES ? $.degrees(val) : val;
return this._rotationSpeed;
set rotationSpeed(val) {
if (this.body) {
val *= 60;
if ($._angleMode == DEGREES) val = $.radians(val);
} else this._rotationSpeed = val;
* Scale of the sprite's physics body. Default is {x: 1, y: 1}
* The getter for sprite.scale returns the scale as an object with
* x and y properties.
* The valueOf function for sprite.scale returns the scale as a
* number. This enables users to do things like `sprite.scale *= 2`
* to double the sprite's scale.
* @type {Number|Object}
* @default 1
get scale() {
return this._scale;
set scale(val) {
if (val == 0) val = 0.01;
if (typeof val === 'number') {
val = { x: val, y: val };
} else {
val.x ??= this._scale._x;
val.y ??= this._scale._y;
if (val.x == this._scale._x && val.y == this._scale._y) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[26] = true;
let scalars = {
x: Math.abs(val.x / this._scale._x),
y: Math.abs(val.y / this._scale._y)
this._w *= scalars.x;
this._hw *= scalars.x;
if (this._h) {
this._h *= scalars.y;
this._hh *= scalars.y;
this._scale._x = val.x;
this._scale._y = val.y;
this._scale._avg = val.x;
* Wake a sprite up or put it to sleep.
* "Sleeping" sprites are not included in the physics simulation, a
* sprite starts "sleeping" when it stops moving and doesn't collide
* with anything that it wasn't already touching.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
get sleeping() {
if (this.body) return !this.body.isAwake();
return undefined;
set sleeping(val) {
if (!this.body) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[28] = true;
* The sprite's speed.
* Setting speed to a negative value will make the sprite move
* 180 degrees opposite of its current direction angle.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get speed() {
return $.createVector(this.vel.x, this.vel.y).mag();
set speed(val) {
let angle = this.direction;
this.vel.x = $.cos(angle) * val;
this.vel.y = $.sin(angle) * val;
* Is the sprite's physics collider static?
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
get static() {
return this.body?.isStatic();
set static(val) {
if (val) this.collider = 'static';
else this.collider = 'dynamic';
* Tint color applied to the sprite when drawn.
* Note that this is not good for performance, you should probably
* pre-render the effect if you want to use it a lot.
* @type {p5.Color}
* @default undefined
get tint() {
return this._tint;
set tint(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[38] = true;
this._tint = this._parseColor(val);
* Alias for sprite.tint
* @type {p5.Color}
* @default undefined
get tintColor() {
return this._tint;
set tintColor(val) {
this.tint = val;
* The sprite's vertices, in vertex mode format.
* @type {Array}
set vertices(val) {
if (this.__collider == 3) {
throw new Error('Cannot set vertices of a sprite with collider type of "none".');
if (this.watch) this.mod[27] = true;
this._originMode = 'start';
if (this._hasSensors) {
get vertices() {
return this._getVertices();
_getVertices(internalUse) {
let f = this.fixture;
let s = f.getShape();
let v = [...s.m_vertices];
if (s.m_type == 'polygon') v.unshift(v.at(-1));
let x = this.x;
let y = this.y;
for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
let arr = [(v[i].x / this.tileSize) * $.world.meterSize + x, (v[i].y / this.tileSize) * $.world.meterSize + y];
if ($.p5play.friendlyRounding) {
arr[0] = fixRound(arr[0]);
arr[1] = fixRound(arr[1]);
if (internalUse) v[i] = arr;
else v[i] = $.createVector(arr[0], arr[1]);
return v;
* If true the sprite is shown, if set to false the sprite is hidden.
* Becomes null when the sprite is off screen but will be drawn and
* set to true again if it goes back on screen.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
get visible() {
return this._visible;
set visible(val) {
if (this.watch) this.mod[39] = true;
this._visible = val;
* The horizontal position of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get x() {
return this._pos.x;
set x(val) {
this._pos.x = val;
* The vertical position of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get y() {
return this._pos.y;
set y(val) {
this._pos.y = val;
* The position vector {x, y}
* @type {p5.Vector}
get pos() {
return this._pos;
set pos(val) {
if (this.body) {
let pos = new pl.Vec2((val.x * this.tileSize) / $.world.meterSize, (val.y * this.tileSize) / $.world.meterSize);
this._position.x = val.x;
this._position.y = val.y;
* The position vector {x, y}
* @type {p5.Vector}
get position() {
return this._pos;
set position(val) {
this.pos = val;
* The sprite's absolute position on the canvas.
* @readonly
get canvasPos() {
return this._canvasPos;
* The width of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get w() {
return this._w;
set w(val) {
if (val < 0) val = 0.01;
if (val == this._w) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[40] = true;
let scalarX = val / this._w;
this._w = val;
this._hw = val * 0.5;
this._resizeColliders({ x: scalarX, y: 1 });
delete this._widthUndef;
delete this._dimensionsUndef;
* Half the width of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get hw() {
return this._hw;
set hw(val) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.hw');
* The width of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get width() {
return this._w;
set width(val) {
this.w = val;
* Half the width of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get halfWidth() {
return this.hw;
set halfWidth(val) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.hw');
* The height of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get h() {
return this._h || this._w;
set h(val) {
if (val < 0) val = 0.01;
if (this.__shape == 1) {
this.w = val;
if (val == this._h) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[15] = true;
let scalarY = val / this._h;
this._h = val;
this._hh = val * 0.5;
this._resizeColliders({ x: 1, y: scalarY });
delete this._heightUndef;
delete this._dimensionsUndef;
* Half the height of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get hh() {
return this._hh || this._hw;
set hh(val) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.hh');
* The height of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get height() {
return this.h;
set height(val) {
this.h = val;
* Half the height of the sprite.
* @type {Number}
get halfHeight() {
return this.hh;
set halfHeight(val) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.hh');
* The diameter of a circular sprite.
* @type {Number}
get d() {
return this._w;
set d(val) {
if (val < 0) val = 0.01;
let shapeChange = this.__shape != 1;
if (!shapeChange && this._w == val) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[40] = true;
if (!shapeChange) {
let scalar = val / this._w;
this._resizeColliders({ x: scalar, y: scalar });
this._w = val;
this._hw = val * 0.5;
if (shapeChange) this.shape = 'circle';
* The diameter of a circular sprite.
* @type {Number}
get diameter() {
return this._w;
set diameter(val) {
this.d = val;
* The radius of a circular sprite.
* @type {Number}
get r() {
return this._hw;
set r(val) {
this.d = val * 2;
* The radius of a circular sprite.
* @type {Number}
get radius() {
return this._hw;
set radius(val) {
this.d = val * 2;
* Resizes the the sprite's colliders.
* x and y scalars (0-1 values) are used to resize the collider.
_resizeColliders(scalars) {
if (!this.body) return;
for (let fxt = this.fixtureList; fxt; fxt = fxt.getNext()) {
if (fxt.m_isSensor) continue;
let sh = fxt.m_shape;
if (sh.m_type == 'circle') {
if (scalars.x != 1) sh.m_radius *= scalars.x;
else sh.m_radius *= scalars.y;
} else {
for (let vert of sh.m_vertices) {
vert.x *= scalars.x;
vert.y *= scalars.y;
if (this._widthUndef || this._heightUndef) this.resetMass();
* Validates convexity.
_isConvexPoly(vecs) {
loopk: for (let k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
if (k == 1) vecs = vecs.reverse();
for (let i = 0; i < vecs.length; ++i) {
const i1 = i;
const i2 = i < vecs.length - 1 ? i1 + 1 : 0;
const p = vecs[i1];
const e = pl.Vec2.sub(vecs[i2], p);
for (let j = 0; j < vecs.length; ++j) {
if (j == i1 || j == i2) {
const v = pl.Vec2.sub(vecs[j], p);
const c = pl.Vec2.cross(e, v);
if (c < 0.0) {
if (k == 0) continue loopk;
else return false;
return true;
* The kind of shape: 'box', 'circle', 'chain', or 'polygon'.
* If a sprite with a circle shape has its shape type changed to
* chain or polygon, the circle will be turned into a dodecagon.
* @type {String}
* @default box
get shape() {
return this._shape;
set shape(val) {
if (val == this._shape) return;
// ['box', 'circle', 'chain', 'polygon']
let __shape = $.Sprite.shapeTypes.indexOf(val);
if (__shape == -1) {
throw new Error(
'Invalid shape type: "' + val + '"\nThe valid shape types are: "' + $.Sprite.shapeTypes.join('", "') + '"'
if (this.__collider == 3 && __shape >= 2) {
'Cannot set the collider shape to chain or polygon if the sprite has a collider type of "none". To achieve the same effect, use .overlaps(allSprites) to have your sprite overlap with the allSprites group.'
let prevShape = this.__shape;
this.__shape = __shape;
this._shape = val;
if (this.watch) this.mod[27] = true;
if (prevShape === undefined) return;
if (this.__shape == 0) {
this._h = this._w;
this._hh = this._hw;
} else {
this._h = undefined;
this._hh = undefined;
let v, w;
if (prevShape != 1 && this.__shape != 1) {
v = this._getVertices(true);
} else {
w = this._w;
// destroys all (colliders and sensors)
// remake colliders, if collider type is not "none"
if (this.__collider != 3) {
if (v) {
this._originMode ??= 'center';
// turn circle into dodecagon chain/polygon
else if (prevShape == 1) {
let side = this._w * Math.sin(Math.PI / 12);
this.addCollider(0, 0, [side, -30, 12]);
} else {
// remake sensors
if (this._hasSensors) {
let ox = this._offset._x;
let oy = this._offset._y;
if (!ox && !oy) return;
this._offset._x = 0;
this._offset._y = 0;
this._offsetCenterBy(ox, oy);
* Runs before each physics update by default, when p5play is automatically
* managing the frame cycle.
* Set this to a custom function that handles input, directs sprite movement,
* and performs other tasks that should run before the physics update.
* Optionally, users can run this function manually in p5play's `update`
* function.
* @type {Function}
get update() {
return this._update;
set update(val) {
this._customUpdate = val;
* Runs at the end of the p5play frame cycle.
* Users should not directly run this function.
* @type {Function}
get postDraw() {
return this._postDraw;
set postDraw(val) {
this._customPostDraw = val;
* The sprite's velocity vector {x, y}
* @type {p5.Vector}
* @default {x: 0, y: 0}
get vel() {
return this._vel;
set vel(val) {
this.vel.x = val.x;
this.vel.y = val.y;
* The sprite's velocity vector {x, y}
* @type {p5.Vector}
* @default {x: 0, y: 0}
get velocity() {
return this._vel;
set velocity(val) {
this.vel = val;
* A ratio that defines how much the sprite is affected by gravity.
* @type {Number}
* @default 1
get gravityScale() {
return this.body?.getGravityScale();
set gravityScale(val) {
if (!this.body) return;
if (this.watch) this.mod[42] = true;
_update() {
if (this._customUpdate) this._customUpdate();
if (this.autoUpdate) this.autoUpdate = null;
_step() {
this.life -= timeScale;
if (this._life != 2147483647 && this._life <= 0) {
if ((!this.body || !usePhysics) && !this._removed) {
this._position.x += this.vel.x * timeScale;
this._position.y += this.vel.y * timeScale;
this._rotation += this._rotationSpeed * timeScale;
if (this.watch) {
if (this.x != this.prevX) this.mod[0] = this.mod[2] = true;
if (this.y != this.prevY) this.mod[1] = this.mod[2] = true;
if (this.rotation != this.prevRotation) {
this.mod[3] = this.mod[4] = true;
if (!this.body && !this._removed) return;
// a -> b
// sprite -> sprite
// sprite -> group
// group -> group
__step() {
// for each type of collision and overlap event
let a = this;
let b;
for (let event in eventTypes) {
for (let k in this[event]) {
if (k >= 1000) {
// if a is group or a is sprite and a._uid >= k
if (a._isGroup || a._uid >= k) continue;
b = $.p5play.sprites[k];
} else {
// if a is group and a._uid >= k
if (a._isGroup && a._uid >= k) continue;
b = $.p5play.groups[k];
let v = a[event][k] + 1;
if (!b || v == 0 || v == -2) {
delete a[event][k];
if (b) delete b[event][a._uid];
this[event][k] = v;
b[event][a._uid] = v;
___step() {
let a = this;
let b, contactType, shouldOverlap, cb;
let checkCollisions = true;
for (let event in eventTypes) {
for (let k in this[event]) {
if (k >= 1000) {
if (a._isGroup || a._uid >= k) continue;
b = $.p5play.sprites[k];
} else {
if (a._isGroup && a._uid >= k) continue;
b = $.p5play.groups[k];
// contact callbacks can only be called between sprites
if (a._isGroup || b?._isGroup) continue;
// is there even a chance that a contact callback exists?
shouldOverlap = a._hasOverlap[b._uid] ?? b._hasOverlap[a._uid];
if ((checkCollisions && shouldOverlap !== false) || (!checkCollisions && shouldOverlap !== true)) {
let v = a[event][k];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (i == 0 && v != 1 && v != -3) continue;
if (i == 1 && v == -1) continue;
if (i == 2 && v >= 1) continue;
contactType = eventTypes[event][i];
let la = $.p5play[contactType][a._uid];
if (la) {
cb = la[b._uid];
if (cb) cb.call(a, a, b, v);
for (let g of b.groups) {
cb = la[g._uid];
if (cb) cb.call(a, a, b, v);
let lb = $.p5play[contactType][b._uid];
if (lb) {
cb = lb[a._uid];
if (cb) cb.call(b, b, a, v);
for (let g of a.groups) {
cb = lb[g._uid];
if (cb && (!la || cb != la[g._uid])) {
cb.call(b, b, a, v);
checkCollisions = false;
// all of p5play's references to a removed sprite can be deleted
// only if the sprite was not colliding or overlapping with
// anything or its last collided and overlapped events were handled
if (this._removed) {
if (Object.keys(this._collisions).length == 0 && Object.keys(this._overlappers).length == 0) {
if (this._isSprite) delete $.p5play.sprites[this._uid];
else if (!$.p5play.storeRemovedGroupRefs) delete $.p5play.groups[this._uid];
// remove contact events
for (let eventType in eventTypes) {
for (let contactType of eventTypes[eventType]) {
delete $.p5play[contactType][this._uid];
// default draw
__draw() {
if (!$.p5play.disableImages) {
if (this._ani) {
this._ani.draw(this._offset._x, this._offset._y, 0, this._scale._x, this._scale._y);
} else if (this._img) {
let img = this._img;
let shouldScale = this._scale._x != 1 || this._scale._y != 1 || img.scale.x != 1 || img.scale.y != 1;
if (shouldScale) {
$.scale(this._scale._x * img.scale.x, this._scale._y * img.scale.y);
$.image(img, this._offset._x + img.offset.x, this._offset._y + img.offset.y);
if (shouldScale) $.pop();
if (!(this._ani || this._img) || this.debug || $.p5play.disableImages) {
if (this.debug) {
$.stroke(0, 255, 0);
$.line(0, -2, 0, 2);
$.line(-2, 0, 2, 0);
if (this.__collider != 3) {
if (!this.debug && this._strokeWeight !== 0) {
if (this.__shape == 2) $.stroke(this.stroke || this.color);
else if (this._stroke) $.stroke(this._stroke);
} else $.noStroke();
for (let fxt = this.fixtureList; fxt; fxt = fxt.getNext()) {
if (this.debug) {
if (!fxt.m_isSensor) $.stroke(0, 255, 0, 127);
else $.stroke(255, 255, 0, 127);
} else if (fxt.m_isSensor) continue;
} else {
if (this._strokeWeight !== 0) $.stroke(this._stroke || 120);
if (this.__shape == 0) {
$.rect(this._offset._x, this._offset._y, this.w * this.tileSize, this.h * this.tileSize);
} else if (this.__shape == 1) {
$.circle(this._offset._x, this._offset._y, this.d * this.tileSize);
if (this.text !== undefined) {
$.textAlign($.CENTER, $.CENTER);
if (this._textStrokeWeight) $.strokeWeight(this._textStrokeWeight);
if (this._textStroke) $.stroke(this._textStroke);
else $.noStroke();
$.textSize(this.textSize * this.tileSize);
$.text(this.text, 0, 0);
_postDraw() {
if (this._ani?.update) this._ani.update();
for (let prop in this.mouse) {
if (this.mouse[prop] == -1) this.mouse[prop] = 0;
if (this._customPostDraw) this._customPostDraw();
this.autoDraw ??= true;
this.autoUpdate ??= true;
* Applies `rotation`, `mirror` scaling, and `world.origin`
* translation before the sprite's `draw` function is called.
* If the sprite is off screen according to the camera's bounds,
* `camera.bound`, then the sprite doesn't get drawn.
_display() {
let x = this.x * this.tileSize + $.world.origin.x;
let y = this.y * this.tileSize + $.world.origin.y;
if (!this._userDefinedDraw) {
// For best performance, the sprite will not be drawn if it's offscreen
// according to the camera's bounds. The largest side of the sprite
// is used to determine if it's offscreen, since the sprite may be rotated.
let largestSide;
if (!this._totalWidth) {
largestSide = this._h !== undefined ? Math.max(this._w, this._h) : this._w;
} else {
largestSide = Math.max(this._totalWidth, this._totalHeight);
// the sprite may be visually bigger than its collider(s)
if (this.ani && !$.p5play.disableImages) {
largestSide = Math.max(largestSide, this.ani.w, this.ani.h);
if (
this.shape != 'chain' &&
$.camera.isActive &&
(x + largestSide < $.camera.bound.min.x ||
x - largestSide > $.camera.bound.max.x ||
y + largestSide < $.camera.bound.min.y ||
y - largestSide > $.camera.bound.max.y)
) {
this._visible = null;
this._visible = true;
if (!this._pixelPerfect) {
x = fixRound(x);
y = fixRound(y);
} else {
let w, h;
if (this.ani && this.ani.length && !$.p5play.disableImages) {
w = this.ani[this.ani._frame].w;
h = this.ani[this.ani._frame].h;
} else {
w = this._w;
h = this._h;
if (w % 2 == 0) x = Math.round(x);
else x = Math.round(x - 0.5) + 0.5;
if (h % 2 == 0) y = Math.round(y);
else y = Math.round(y - 0.5) + 0.5;
for (let j of this.joints) {
if (!j.visible) {
j.visible ??= true;
if (this._uid == j.spriteA._uid) {
if (!j.spriteB._visible || this.layer <= j.spriteB.layer) {
} else if (!j.spriteA._visible || this.layer < j.spriteA.layer) {
if (this._opacity == 0) return;
$.translate(x, y);
if (this.rotation) $.rotate(this.rotation);
if (this._mirror._x != 1 || this._mirror._y != 1) {
$.scale(this._mirror._x, this._mirror._y);
if (this._strokeWeight !== undefined) {
let ogGlobalAlpha;
if (this._opacity) {
ogGlobalAlpha = $.ctx.globalAlpha;
$.ctx.globalAlpha = this._opacity;
if (this._tint) $.tint(this._tint);
if (this._opacity) $.ctx.globalAlpha = ogGlobalAlpha;
this._cameraActiveWhenDrawn = $.camera.isActive;
if (!$.camera.isActive) $.camera._wasOff = true;
if (this.autoDraw) this.autoDraw = null;
* Draws a fixture. Used to draw the sprite's physics body.
_drawFixture(fxt) {
const sh = fxt.m_shape;
if (sh.m_type == 'polygon' || sh.m_type == 'chain') {
if (sh.m_type == 'chain') {
if ($._strokeWeight == 0) return;
let v = sh.m_vertices;
for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
$.vertex(v[i].x * $.world.meterSize, v[i].y * $.world.meterSize);
if (sh.m_type != 'chain') $.endShape('close');
else {
} else if (sh.m_type == 'circle') {
const d = sh.m_radius * 2 * $.world.meterSize;
$.ellipse(sh.m_p.x * $.world.meterSize, sh.m_p.y * $.world.meterSize, d, d);
} else if (sh.m_type == 'edge') {
sh.m_vertex1.x * $.world.meterSize,
sh.m_vertex1.y * $.world.meterSize,
sh.m_vertex2.x * $.world.meterSize,
sh.m_vertex2.y * $.world.meterSize
_args2Vec(x, y) {
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
return { x: x[0], y: x[1] };
} else if (typeof x == 'object') {
y = x.y;
x = x.x;
return { x: x || 0, y: y || 0 };
_parseForceArgs() {
let args = arguments;
if (typeof args[0] == 'number' && (args.length == 1 || typeof args[1] != 'number')) {
args[3] = args[2];
args[2] = args[1];
args[1] = $.sin(this._bearing) * args[0];
args[0] = $.cos(this._bearing) * args[0];
} else if (args.length == 2 && typeof args[1] != 'number') {
args[2] = args[1];
args[1] = undefined;
let o = {};
o.forceVector = new pl.Vec2(this._args2Vec(args[0], args[1]));
if (args[2] !== undefined) {
o.poa = this._args2Vec(args[2], args[3]);
o.poa = scaleTo(o.poa.x, o.poa.y, this.tileSize);
return o;
* If this function is given a force amount, the force is applied
* at the angle of the sprite's current bearing. Force can
* also be given as a vector.
* The origin of the force can be given as a vector or as x and y
* coordinates. If no origin is given, the force is applied to the
* center of the sprite.
* @param {Number} amount
* @param {Vector} [origin]
* @example
* sprite.applyForce(amount);
* sprite.applyForce(amount, {x: originX, y: originY});
* sprite.applyForce(x, y);
* sprite.applyForce(x, y, {x: originX, y: originY});
* sprite.applyForce({x, y}, {x: originX, y: originY});
applyForce(amount, origin) {
if (!this.body) return;
if (location.host == 'game.thegamebox.ca') {
return this.applyForceScaled(...arguments);
let { forceVector, poa } = this._parseForceArgs(...arguments);
if (!poa) this.body.applyForceToCenter(forceVector);
else this.body.applyForce(forceVector, poa);
* Applies a force that's scaled to the sprite's mass.
* @param {Number} amount
* @param {Vector} [origin]
applyForceScaled(amount, origin) {
if (!this.body) return;
let { forceVector, poa } = this._parseForceArgs(...arguments);
if (!poa) this.body.applyForceToCenter(forceVector);
else this.body.applyForce(forceVector, poa);
* Applies a force to the sprite's center of mass attracting it to
* the given position.
* Radius and easing not implemented yet!
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Number} force
* @param {Number} [radius] - infinite if not given
* @param {Number} [easing] - solid if not given
* @example
* sprite.attractTo(x, y, force);
* sprite.attractTo({x, y}, force);
attractTo(x, y, force, radius, easing) {
if (!this.body || this.__collider != 0) {
console.error('attractTo can only be used on sprites with dynamic colliders');
if (typeof x != 'number') {
let obj = x;
if (!obj || (obj == $.mouse && !$.mouse.isActive)) return;
force = y;
y = obj.y;
x = obj.x;
if (this.x == x && this.y == y) return;
let a = y - this.y;
let b = x - this.x;
let c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
let percent = force / c;
let forceVector = new pl.Vec2(b * percent, a * percent);
repelFrom(x, y, force, radius, easing) {
if (!this.body || this.__collider != 0) {
console.error('repelFrom can only be used on sprites with dynamic colliders');
if (typeof x != 'number') {
let obj = x;
if (!obj || (obj == $.mouse && !$.mouse.isActive)) return;
force = y;
y = obj.y;
x = obj.x;
this.attractTo(x, y, -force, radius, easing);
* Apply a torque on the sprite's physics body.
* Torque is the force that causes rotation.
* A positive torque will rotate the sprite clockwise.
* A negative torque will rotate the sprite counter-clockwise.
* This function is the rotational equivalent of applyForce().
* It will not imperatively set the sprite's rotation.
* @param {Number} torque - The amount of torque to apply.
applyTorque(val) {
if (!this.body) return;
* Moves a sprite towards a position at a percentage of the distance
* between itself and the destination.
* @param {Number|Object} x - destination x or an object with x and y properties
* @param {Number} y - destination y
* @param {Number} [tracking] - percent of the distance to move towards the destination as a 0-1 value, default is 0.1 (10% tracking)
moveTowards(x, y, tracking) {
if (x === undefined) return;
if (typeof x != 'number' && x !== null) {
let obj = x;
if (obj == $.mouse && !$.mouse.isActive) return;
if (!obj || obj.x === undefined || obj.y === undefined) {
throw 'sprite.moveTowards/moveAway ERROR: movement destination not defined.';
tracking = y;
y = obj.y;
x = obj.x;
tracking ??= 0.1;
if (x !== undefined && x !== null) {
let diffX = x - this.x;
if (!isSlop(diffX)) {
this.vel.x = diffX * tracking * this.tileSize;
} else this.vel.x = 0;
if (y !== undefined && y !== null) {
let diffY = y - this.y;
if (!isSlop(diffY)) {
this.vel.y = diffY * tracking * this.tileSize;
} else this.vel.y = 0;
* Moves the sprite away from a position, the opposite of moveTowards,
* at a percentage of the distance between itself and the position.
* @param {Number|Object} x - destination x or an object with x and y properties
* @param {Number} y - destination y
* @param {Number} [repel] - percent of the distance to the repel position as a 0-1 value, default is 0.1 (10% repel)
moveAway(x, y, repel) {
this.vel.x *= -1;
this.vel.y *= -1;
* Move the sprite a distance from its current position.
* You can specify the `direction` and `speed` of movement as
* parameters or set these properties before using this function.
* When `tileSize` is not 1, distance is divisible by 0.5,
* and a direction name or cardinal direction angle is given,
* the distance the sprite moves will be rounded up to the
* nearest half tile.
* @param {Number} distance
* @param {Number|String} [direction] - direction angle in degrees or a cardinal direction name, if not given the sprite's current direction is used
* @param {Number} [speed] - if not given, the sprite's current `speed` is used, unless it's 0 then it's given a default speed of 1 or 0.1 if the sprite's tileSize is greater than 1
* @returns {Promise} resolves when the movement is complete or cancelled
* @example
* sprite.direction = -90;
* sprite.speed = 2;
* sprite.move(1);
* // or
* sprite.move(1, -90, 2);
* // or
* sprite.move('up', 2);
move(distance, direction, speed) {
if (!distance) return Promise.resolve(false);
let directionNamed = isNaN(arguments[0]);
if (directionNamed) {
distance = 1;
direction = arguments[0];
speed = arguments[1];
if (typeof direction == 'string') {
directionNamed = true;
this._heading = direction;
direction = this._getDirectionAngle(direction);
direction ??= this.direction;
let x = $.cos(direction) * distance;
let y = $.sin(direction) * distance;
if (
(this.tileSize != 1 || $.p5play.snapToGrid) &&
(directionNamed || direction % 90 == 0) &&
distance % $.p5play.gridSize == 0
) {
// snap movement to grid
x = Math.round((this.x + Math.round(x)) / $.p5play.gridSize) * $.p5play.gridSize;
y = Math.round((this.y + Math.round(y)) / $.p5play.gridSize) * $.p5play.gridSize;
} else {
x += this.x;
y += this.y;
if (direction % 45 == 0) {
x = fixRound(x);
y = fixRound(y);
return this.moveTo(x, y, speed);
* Move the sprite to a position.
* @param {Number|Object} x - destination x or an object with x and y properties
* @param {Number} y - destination y
* @param {Number} [speed] - if not given, the sprite's current speed is used, unless it is 0 then it is given a default speed of 1 or 0.1 if the sprite's tileSize is greater than 1
* @returns {Promise} resolves to true when the movement is complete
* or to false if the sprite will not reach its destination
moveTo(x, y, speed) {
if (typeof x != 'number' && x) {
let obj = x;
if (obj == $.mouse && !$.mouse.isActive) return;
if (!obj || obj.x === undefined || obj.y === undefined) {
throw 'sprite.moveTo ERROR: destination not defined.';
speed = y;
y = obj.y;
x = obj.x;
if (x != null && x != this.x) {
this._dest.x = x;
x = true;
} else {
this._dest.x = this.x;
x = false;
if (y != null && y != this.y) {
this._dest.y = y;
y = true;
} else {
this._dest.y = this.y;
y = false;
if (!x && !y) return Promise.resolve(true);
speed ??= this.speed || (this.tileSize <= 1 ? 1 : 0.1);
if (speed <= 0) {
console.warn('sprite.move: speed should be a positive number');
return Promise.resolve(false);
let a = this._dest.y - this.y;
let b = this._dest.x - this.x;
let c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
let percent = speed / c;
this.vel.x = b * percent;
this.vel.y = a * percent;
// direction destination
let destD = this.direction < 0 ? this.direction + 360 : this.direction;
// direction margin of error
let destDMin = destD - 0.1;
let destDMax = destD + 0.1;
let velThresh = $.world.velocityThreshold;
velThresh = Math.min(velThresh, speed * 0.1);
// proximity margin of error
let margin = speed * 0.51 * ($.world.meterSize / 60);
// if x or y is null, we only care that the sprite
// reaches the destination along one axis
let checkDir = x && y;
let destIdx = this._destIdx;
return (async () => {
let distX, distY;
do {
await $.sleep();
if (destIdx != this._destIdx) return false;
// check if the sprite's movement has been impeded such that
// its speed has become slower than the world velocityThreshold
// or if its direction has changed significantly enough so that
// it will not reach its destination
let dir = this.direction < 0 ? this.direction + 360 : this.direction;
if (
(checkDir && (dir <= destDMin || dir >= destDMax)) ||
(Math.abs(this.vel.x) <= velThresh && Math.abs(this.vel.y) <= velThresh)
) {
return false;
// check if the sprite has reached its destination
if (x) {
if (this.vel.x > 0) distX = this._dest.x - this.x;
else distX = this.x - this._dest.x;
if (y) {
if (this.vel.y > 0) distY = this._dest.y - this.y;
else distY = this.y - this._dest.y;
} while ((x && distX > margin) || (y && distY > margin));
// stop moving the sprite, snap to destination
this.x = this._dest.x;
this.y = this._dest.y;
this.vel.x = 0;
this.vel.y = 0;
return true;
* Rotates the sprite towards an angle or position
* with x and y properties.
* @param {Number|Object} angle - angle in degrees or an object with x and y properties
* @param {Number} [tracking] - percent of the distance to rotate on each frame towards the target angle, default is 0.1 (10%)
* @param {Number} [facing] - (only specify if position is given) rotation angle the sprite should be at when "facing" the position, default is 0
rotateTowards(angle, tracking) {
if (this.__collider == 1) {
new FriendlyError(0);
let args = arguments;
let x, y, facing;
if (typeof args[0] != 'number') {
x = args[0].x;
y = args[0].y;
tracking = args[1];
facing = args[2];
} else if (arguments.length > 2) {
x = args[0];
y = args[1];
tracking = args[2];
facing = args[3];
if (x !== undefined) angle = this.angleToFace(x, y, facing);
else {
angle -= this.rotation;
tracking ??= 0.1;
this.rotationSpeed = angle * tracking;
* Finds the angle from this sprite to the given position or object
* with x and y properties.
* Can be used to change the direction of a sprite so it moves
* to a position or object, as shown in the example.
* Used internally by `moveTo` and `moveTowards`.
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @returns {Number} angle
* @example
* spriteA.direction = spriteA.angleTo(spriteB);
angleTo(x, y) {
if (typeof x == 'object') {
let obj = x;
if (obj == $.mouse && !$.mouse.isActive) return 0;
if (obj.x === undefined || obj.y === undefined) {
'sprite.angleTo ERROR: rotation destination not defined, object given with no x or y properties'
return 0;
y = obj.y;
x = obj.x;
return $.atan2(y - this.y, x - this.x);
* Finds the rotation angle the sprite should be at when "facing"
* a position.
* Used internally by `rotateTo`.
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Number} [facing] - relative angle the sprite should be at when "facing" the position, default is 0
* @returns {Number} the rotation angle the sprite should be at when "facing" the position
rotationToFace(x, y, facing) {
if (typeof x == 'object') {
facing = y;
y = x.y;
x = x.x;
// if the sprite is too close to the position, don't rotate
if (Math.abs(x - this.x) < 0.01 && Math.abs(y - this.y) < 0.01) {
return 0;
return this.angleTo(x, y) + (facing || 0);
* Finds the minimum angle distance that the sprite would have
* to rotate to "face" a position at a specified facing rotation,
* taking into account the current rotation of the sprite.
* Used internally by `rotateMinTo` and `rotateTowards`.
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Number} facing - relative angle the sprite should be at when "facing" the position, default is 0
* @returns {Number} the minimum angle distance to face the position
angleToFace(x, y, facing) {
let ang = this.rotationToFace(x, y, facing);
return minAngleDist(ang, this.rotation);
* Rotates the sprite to an angle or to face a position
* at a given rotation speed.
* @param {Number|Object} angle - angle or a position object with x and y properties
* @param {Number} [speed] - amount of rotation per frame, if not given the sprite's current `rotationSpeed` is used, if 0 it defaults to 1
* @param {Number} [facing] - relative angle the sprite should be at when "facing" the given position, default is 0
* @returns {Promise} a promise that resolves when the rotation is complete
* @example
* sprite.rotationSpeed = 2;
* sprite.rotateTo(180);
* // or
* sprite.rotateTo(180, 2);
* // or
* // (x, y, speed)
* sprite.rotateTo(0, 100, 2);
* // or
* sprite.rotateTo({x: 0, y: 100}, 2);
rotateTo(angle, speed, facing) {
if (this.__collider == 1) {
new FriendlyError(0);
let args = arguments;
if (typeof args[0] != 'number') {
angle = this.rotationToFace(args[0].x, args[0].y, facing);
} else {
if (args.length > 2) {
facing = args[3];
speed = args[2];
angle = this.rotationToFace(args[0], args[1], facing);
if (angle == this.rotation) return;
let full = $._angleMode == DEGREES ? 360 : $.TWO_PI;
angle = (angle - this.rotation) % full;
if (angle < 0 && speed > 0) angle += full;
if (angle > 0 && speed < 0) angle -= full;
speed ??= this.rotationSpeed || Math.sign(angle);
return this.rotate(angle, speed);
* Rotates the sprite by the smallest angular distance
* to an angle or to face a position at a given absolute
* rotation speed.
* @param {Number|Object} angle - angle or a position object with x and y properties
* @param {Number} speed - absolute amount of rotation per frame, if not given the sprite's current `rotationSpeed` is used
* @param {Number} facing - relative angle the sprite should be at when "facing" the given position, default is 0
rotateMinTo(angle, speed, facing) {
if (this.__collider == 1) {
new FriendlyError(0);
let args = arguments;
if (typeof args[0] != 'number') {
angle = this.rotationToFace(args[0].x, args[0].y, facing);
} else {
if (args.length > 2) {
facing = args[3];
speed = args[2];
angle = this.rotationToFace(args[0], args[1], facing);
if (angle == this.rotation) return;
angle = minAngleDist(angle, this.rotation);
speed ??= this.rotationSpeed > 0.1 ? this.rotationSpeed : 1;
speed = Math.abs(speed) * Math.sign(angle);
return this.rotate(angle, speed);
* Rotates the sprite by an angle amount at a given rotation speed.
* To achieve a clockwise rotation, use a positive angle and speed.
* To achieve a counter-clockwise rotation, use a negative angle
* or speed.
* When the rotation is complete, the sprite's rotation speed is
* set to 0 and sprite's rotation is set to the exact destination angle.
* If the angle amount is not evenly divisible by the rotation speed,
* the sprite's rotation speed will be decreased as it approaches the
* destination angle.
* @param {Number} angle - the amount to rotate the sprite
* @param {Number} [speed] - the absolute amount of rotation per frame, if not given the sprite's current `rotationSpeed` is used, if 0 it defaults to 1
* @returns {Promise} a promise that resolves when the rotation is complete
rotate(angle, speed) {
if (this.__collider == 1) {
new FriendlyError(0);
if (isNaN(angle)) {
new FriendlyError(1, [angle]);
if (angle == 0) return;
speed ??= this.rotationSpeed || 1;
let cw = angle > 0 && speed > 0; // rotation is clockwise
if (!cw) {
angle = -Math.abs(angle);
speed = -Math.abs(speed);
this.rotationSpeed = speed;
let absSpeed = Math.abs(speed);
let ang = this.rotation + angle; // destination angle
this._rotateIdx ??= 0;
let _rotateIdx = this._rotateIdx;
return (async () => {
let slop = 0.01;
do {
// remaining angular distance to destination
let remaining = Math.abs(ang - this.rotation);
if (absSpeed > remaining) {
this.rotationSpeed = remaining * Math.sign(speed);
await $.sleep();
if (this._rotateIdx != _rotateIdx) return false;
if ((cw && this.rotationSpeed < slop) || (!cw && this.rotationSpeed > -slop)) {
return false;
} while (((cw && ang > this.rotation) || (!cw && ang < this.rotation)) && slop < Math.abs(ang - this.rotation));
this.rotationSpeed = 0;
this.rotation = ang;
return true;
* Adds an animation to the sprite. Use this function in the `preload`
* function. You don't need to name the animation if the sprite will only
* use one animation. See Ani for more information.
* If an animation was already added to a different sprite or group,
* it can not be added to another sprite or group. A clone (copy) of
* the animation will be automatically created and added instead.
* @param {String} name - Ani identifier
* @param {Ani} animation - The preloaded animation
* @example
* sprite.addAni(name, animation);
* sprite.addAni(name, frame1, frame2, frame3...);
* sprite.addAni(name, atlas);
addAni() {
if ($.p5play.disableImages) {
this._ani = new $.Ani();
let args = [...arguments];
let name, ani;
if (args[0] instanceof $.Ani) {
ani = args[0];
if (ani._addedToSpriteOrGroup) ani = ani.clone();
name = ani.name || 'default';
ani.name = name;
} else if (args[1] instanceof $.Ani) {
name = args[0];
ani = args[1];
if (ani._addedToSpriteOrGroup) ani = ani.clone();
ani.name = name;
} else {
ani = new $.Ani(this, ...args);
name = ani.name;
this.animations[name] = ani;
this._ani = ani;
ani._addedToSpriteOrGroup = true;
// only works if the animation was loaded in preload
if (this._dimensionsUndef && (ani.w != 1 || ani.h != 1)) {
this.w = ani.w;
this.h = ani.h;
return ani;
* Add multiple animations to the sprite.
* @param {Object} atlases - an object with animation names as keys and
* an animation or animation atlas as values
* @example
* sprite.addAnis({
* name0: atlas0,
* name1: atlas1
* });
addAnis() {
let args = arguments;
let atlases;
if (args.length == 1) {
atlases = args[0];
} else {
this.spriteSheet = args[0];
atlases = args[1];
for (let name in atlases) {
let atlas = atlases[name];
this.addAni(name, atlas);
* Changes the sprite's animation. Use `addAni` to define the
* animation(s) first.
* @param {...String} anis - the names of one or many animations to be played in
* sequence
* @returns A promise that fulfills when the animation or sequence of animations
* completes
async changeAni(anis) {
if ($.p5play.disableImages) return;
if (arguments.length > 1) anis = [...arguments];
else if (anis instanceof $.Ani) {
if (anis == this._ani) return;
anis = [anis];
} else if (!Array.isArray(anis)) {
if (anis == this._ani?.name) return;
anis = [anis];
let loop, stopOnLastAni;
for (let i = 0; i < anis.length; i++) {
let ani = anis[i];
if (
ani instanceof $.Ani ||
ani instanceof p5.Image ||
(typeof ani == 'string' && ani.length != 1 && ani.includes('.'))
) {
ani = this.addAni(ani);
anis[i] = ani;
if (typeof ani == 'string') {
ani = { name: ani };
anis[i] = ani;
if (ani.name.length > 1) {
if (ani.name[0] == '!') {
ani.name = ani.name.slice(1);
ani.start = -1;
ani.end = 0;
if (ani.name[0] == '<' || ani.name[0] == '>') {
ani.name = ani.name.slice(1);
ani.flipX = true;
if (ani.name[0] == '^') {
ani.name = ani.name.slice(1);
ani.flipY = true;
if (ani.name == '**') {
loop = true;
anis = anis.slice(0, -1);
if (ani.name == ';;') {
stopOnLastAni = true;
anis = anis.slice(0, -1);
let count = this._aniChangeCount;
do {
for (let i = 0; i < anis.length; i++) {
let ani = anis[i];
if (!ani.start && anis.length > 1) ani.start = 0;
await this._playSequencedAni(ani);
} while (loop && count == this._aniChangeCount);
if (anis.length != 1 && stopOnLastAni) this._ani.stop();
_playSequencedAni(ani) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let { name, start, end, flipX, flipY } = ani;
if (flipX) this._ani.scale.x = -this._ani.scale.x;
if (flipY) this._ani.scale.y = -this._ani.scale.y;
if (start < 0) start = this._ani.length + start;
if (start !== undefined) this._ani._frame = start;
if (end !== undefined) this._ani.goToFrame(end);
else if (this._ani._frame == this._ani.lastFrame) resolve();
this._ani._onComplete = this._ani._onChange = () => {
if (flipX) this._ani.scale.x = -this._ani.scale.x;
if (flipY) this._ani.scale.y = -this._ani.scale.y;
this._ani._onComplete = this._ani._onChange = null;
* Changes the sprite's animation. Use `addAni` to define the
* animation(s) first. Alt for `changeAni`.
* @param {...String} anis - the names of one or many animations to be played in
* sequence
* @returns A promise that fulfills when the animation or sequence of animations
* completes
changeAnimation() {
return this.changeAni(...arguments);
* Changes the displayed animation. The animation must be added first
* using the sprite.addAnimation method. The animation could also be
* added using the group.addAnimation method to a group the sprite
* has been added to.
* See Ani for more control over the sequence.
_changeAni(label) {
if (this._ani?._onChange) this._ani._onChange();
if (this._ani?.onChange) this._ani.onChange();
let ani = this.animations[label];
if (!ani) {
for (let i = this.groups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let g = this.groups[i];
ani = g.animations[label];
if (ani) {
ani = ani.clone();
if (!ani) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.changeAnimation', [label]);
this._ani = ani;
this._ani.name = label;
// reset to frame 0 of that animation
if (this.resetAnimationsOnChange) this._ani._frame = 0;
* Removes the Sprite from the sketch and all the groups it
* belongs to.
* When a sprite is removed it will not be drawn or updated anymore.
* If it has a physics body, it will be removed from the
* physics world simulation.
* There's no way to undo this operation. If you want to hide a
* sprite use `sprite.visible = false` instead.
remove() {
this.removed = true;
_remove() {
if (this.body) $.world.destroyBody(this.body);
this.body = null;
// when removed from the world also remove all the sprite
// from all its groups
for (let g of this.groups) {
* Warning: This function might be changed in a future release.
* Returns the sprite's unique identifier `sprite.idNum`.
* @returns the sprite's id
toString() {
return 's' + this.idNum;
_setContactCB(target, cb, contactType, eventType) {
let type;
if (contactType == 0) type = eventTypes._collisions[eventType];
else type = eventTypes._overlappers[eventType];
let ledger = $.p5play[type];
let l = (ledger[this._uid] ??= {});
if (l[target._uid] == cb) return;
l[target._uid] = cb;
l = ledger[target._uid];
if (!l || !l[this._uid]) return;
delete l[this._uid];
if (Object.keys(l).length == 0) {
delete ledger[target._uid];
_validateCollideParams(target, cb) {
if (!target) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.collide', 2);
if (!target._isSprite && !target._isGroup) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.collide', 0, [target]);
if (cb && typeof cb != 'function') {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.collide', 1, [cb]);
_ensureCollide(target, cb, type) {
if (this._hasOverlap[target._uid] !== false) {
this._hasOverlap[target._uid] = false;
if (target._hasOverlap[this._uid] !== false) {
target._hasOverlap[this._uid] = false;
if (target._isGroup) {
for (let s of target) {
s._hasOverlap[this._uid] = false;
this._hasOverlap[s._uid] = false;
collide(target, callback) {
return this.collides(target, callback);
* Returns true on the first frame that the sprite collides with the
* target sprite or group.
* Custom collision event handling can be done by using this function
* in an if statement or adding a callback as the second parameter.
* @param {Sprite|Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
collides(target, callback) {
this._validateCollideParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 0, 0);
return this._collisions[target._uid] == 1 || this._collisions[target._uid] <= -3;
* Returns a truthy value while the sprite is colliding with the
* target sprite or group. The value is the number of frames that
* the sprite has been colliding with the target.
* @param {Sprite|Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
* @return {Number} frames
colliding(target, callback) {
this._validateCollideParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 0, 1);
let val = this._collisions[target._uid];
if (val <= -3) return 1;
return val > 0 ? val : 0;
* Returns true on the first frame that the sprite no longer overlaps
* with the target sprite or group.
* @param {Sprite|Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
* @return {Boolean}
collided(target, callback) {
this._validateCollideParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 0, 2);
return this._collisions[target._uid] <= -1;
_validateOverlapParams(target, cb) {
if (!target) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.overlap', 2);
if (!target._isSprite && !target._isGroup) {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.overlap', 0, [target]);
if (cb && typeof cb != 'function') {
throw new FriendlyError('Sprite.overlap', 1, [cb]);
_ensureOverlap(target) {
if (!this._hasSensors) this.addDefaultSensors();
if (!target._hasSensors) {
if (target._isSprite) {
} else {
for (let s of target) {
if (!s._hasSensors) s.addDefaultSensors();
target._hasSensors = true;
if (!this._hasOverlap[target._uid]) {
this._hasOverlap[target._uid] = true;
if (!target._hasOverlap[this._uid]) {
target._hasOverlap[this._uid] = true;
if (target._isGroup) {
for (let s of target) {
s._hasOverlap[this._uid] = true;
this._hasOverlap[s._uid] = true;
overlap(target, callback) {
return this.overlaps(target, callback);
* Returns true on the first frame that the sprite overlaps with the
* target sprite or group.
* Custom overlap event handling can be done by using this function
* in an if statement or adding a callback as the second parameter.
* @param {Sprite|Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
overlaps(target, callback) {
this._validateOverlapParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 1, 0);
return this._overlappers[target._uid] == 1 || this._overlappers[target._uid] <= -3;
* Returns a truthy value while the sprite is overlapping with the
* target sprite or group. The value returned is the number of
* frames the sprite has been overlapping with the target.
* @param {Sprite|Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
* @return {Number} frames
overlapping(target, callback) {
this._validateOverlapParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 1, 1);
let val = this._overlappers[target._uid];
if (val <= -3) return 1;
return val > 0 ? val : 0;
* Returns true on the first frame that the sprite no longer overlaps
* with the target sprite or group.
* @param {Sprite|Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
* @return {Boolean}
overlapped(target, callback) {
this._validateOverlapParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 1, 2);
return this._overlappers[target._uid] <= -1;
_removeContactsWith(target) {
if (target._isGroup) {
for (let s of target) {
} else {
__removeContactsWith(o) {
if (!this.body) return;
for (let ce = this.body.getContactList(); ce; ce = ce.next) {
let c = ce.contact;
if (c.m_fixtureA.m_body.sprite._uid == o._uid || c.m_fixtureB.m_body.sprite._uid == o._uid) {
* Internal method called anytime a new sensor is created. Ensures
* that sensors are moved to the back of the fixture list.
_sortFixtures() {
let colliders = null;
let sensors = null;
let lastColl, lastSens;
for (let fxt = this.fixtureList; fxt; fxt = fxt.getNext()) {
if (fxt.m_isSensor) {
if (!sensors) sensors = fxt;
else sensors.m_next = fxt;
lastSens = fxt;
} else {
if (!colliders) colliders = fxt;
else colliders.m_next = fxt;
lastColl = fxt;
if (sensors) lastSens.m_next = null;
if (colliders) lastColl.m_next = sensors;
this.body.m_fixtureList = colliders || sensors;
* This function is used internally if a sprite overlap detection
* function is called but the sprite has no overlap sensors.
* It creates sensor fixtures that are the same size as the sprite's
* colliders. If you'd like to add more sensors to a sprite, use the
* addSensor function.
addDefaultSensors() {
let shape;
if (this.body && this.fixtureList) {
for (let fxt = this.fixtureList; fxt; fxt = fxt.getNext()) {
if (fxt.m_isSensor) continue;
shape = fxt.m_shape;
shape: shape,
isSensor: true
} else {
this._hasSensors = true;
* Returns the distance to another sprite, the mouse, a touch,
* or any other object with x and y properties. Uses p5's `dist`
* function.
* @param {Sprite} o object with x and y properties
* @returns {Number} distance
distanceTo(o) {
return $.dist(this.x, this.y, o.x, o.y);
// only used by the p5play-pro Netcode class to convert sprite data to binary
$.Sprite.propTypes = {
x: 'Float64', // 0
y: 'Float64', // 1
vel: 'Vec2', // 2
rotation: 'number', // 3
rotationSpeed: 'number', // 4
allowSleeping: 'boolean', // 5
bearing: 'number', // 6
bounciness: 'number', // 7
collider: 'Uint8', // 8
color: 'color', // 9
debug: 'boolean', // 10
density: 'number', // 11
direction: 'number', // 12
drag: 'number', // 13
friction: 'number', // 14
h: 'number', // 15 (height)
isSuperFast: 'boolean', // 16
layer: 'number', // 17
life: 'Int32', // 18
mass: 'number', // 19
mirror: 'Vec2_boolean', // 20
offset: 'Vec2', // 21
pixelPerfect: 'boolean', // 22
removed: 'boolean', // 23
rotationDrag: 'number', // 24
rotationLock: 'boolean', // 25
scale: 'Vec2', // 26
shape: 'Uint8', // 27
sleeping: 'boolean', // 28
stroke: 'color', // 29
strokeWeight: 'number', // 30
text: 'string', // 31
textColor: 'color', // 32
textSize: 'number', // 33
textStroke: 'color', // 34
textStrokeWeight: 'number', // 35
tile: 'string', // 36
tileSize: 'number', // 37
tint: 'color', // 38
visible: 'boolean', // 39
w: 'number', // 40 (width)
opacity: 'number', // 41
gravityScale: 'number' // 42
$.Sprite.props = Object.keys($.Sprite.propTypes);
// includes duplicates of some properties
$.Sprite.propsAll = $.Sprite.props.concat([
$.Sprite.colliderTypes = ['d', 's', 'k', 'n'];
$.Sprite.shapeTypes = ['box', 'circle', 'chain', 'polygon'];
// DEPRECATED: Will be removed in version 4
$.Turtle = function (size) {
if ($.allSprites.tileSize > 1) {
throw new Error(`Turtle can't be used when allSprites.tileSize is greater than 1.`);
size ??= 25;
let t = new $.Sprite(size, size, [
[size, size * 0.4],
[-size, size * 0.4],
[0, -size * 0.8]
t.color = 'green';
t._isTurtleSprite = true;
t._prevPos = { x: t.x, y: t.y };
let _move = t.move;
t.move = function () {
this._prevPos.x = this.x;
this._prevPos.y = this.y;
return _move.call(this, ...arguments);
return t;
* @class
* @extends Array<p5.Image>
this.Ani = class extends Array {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/animation.html">
* Look at the Animation reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* An `Ani` object contains an array of images (Q5.Image objects)
* that can be displayed with the `animation` function or by
* being a sprite's animation.
* An animation can be created multiple ways, including from:
* - a list of image file paths as multiple input parameters
* - a sequence of numbered images by providing the file path to
* the first image frame and last frame index
* - a sprite sheet image path and atlas object, frame locator, or
* frame locators array (see the Learn page on Ani for more info)
* `Ani` is not a shorthand for `Animation`, since that class name
* is already used by the JS Web Animations API.
* @param {...p5.Image} ...images - p5.Image objects to be used as frames
* @example
* let shapeShifter = new Ani("dog.png", "cat.png", "snake.png");
constructor() {
let args = [...arguments];
* The name of the animation
* @type {String}
this.name = 'default';
let owner;
if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && (args[0]._isSprite || args[0]._isGroup)) {
owner = args[0];
args = args.slice(1);
this._addedToSpriteOrGroup = true;
owner ??= $.allSprites;
if (typeof args[0] == 'string' && (args[0].length == 1 || !args[0].includes('.'))) {
this.name = args[0];
args = args.slice(1);
this._frame = 0;
this._cycles = 0;
this.targetFrame = -1;
* The offset is how far the animation should be placed from
* the location it is played at.
* @type {Object}
* @example
* ani.offset.x = 16;
this.offset = { x: owner.anis.offset.x ?? 0, y: owner.anis.offset.y ?? 0 };
this._frameDelay = owner.anis.frameDelay || 4;
this.demoMode = owner.anis.demoMode ?? false;
* True if the animation is currently playing.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.playing = true;
* Animation visibility.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.visible = true;
* If set to false the animation will stop after reaching the last frame
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.looping = owner.anis.looping ?? true;
* Ends the loop on frame 0 instead of the last frame.
* This is useful for animations that are symmetric.
* For example a walking cycle where the first frame is the
* same as the last frame.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
this.endOnFirstFrame = owner.anis.endOnFirstFrame ?? false;
* True if frame changed during the last draw cycle
* @type {Boolean}
this.frameChanged = false;
this.onComplete = this.onChange = null;
this._onComplete = this._onChange = null;
this.rotation = owner.anis.rotation ?? 0;
this._scale = new Scale();
if (args.length == 0 || typeof args[0] == 'number') return;
owner.animations[this.name] = this;
owner._ani = this;
// list mode images can be added as a list of arguments or an array
if (Array.isArray(args[0]) && typeof args[0][0] == 'string') {
args = [...args[0]];
// sequence mode
if (
args.length == 2 &&
typeof args[0] == 'string' &&
(typeof args[1] == 'string' || typeof args[1] == 'number')
) {
let from = args[0];
let to, num2;
if (!isNaN(args[1])) num2 = Number(args[1]);
else to = args[1];
let extIndex = from.lastIndexOf('.');
let digits1 = 0;
let digits2 = 0;
// start from ext "."
// work backwards to find where the numbers end
for (let i = extIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!isNaN(from.charAt(i))) digits1++;
else break;
if (to) {
for (let i = to.length - 5; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!isNaN(to.charAt(i))) digits2++;
else break;
let ext = from.slice(extIndex);
let prefix1 = from.slice(0, extIndex - digits1);
let prefix2;
if (to) prefix2 = to.slice(0, extIndex - digits2);
// images don't belong to the same sequence
// they are just two separate images with numbers
if (to && prefix1 != prefix2) {
} else {
let num1 = parseInt(from.slice(extIndex - digits1, extIndex), 10);
num2 ??= parseInt(to.slice(extIndex - digits2, extIndex), 10);
// swap if inverted
if (num2 < num1) {
let t = num2;
num2 = num1;
num1 = t;
let fileName;
if (!to || digits1 == digits2) {
// load all images
for (let i = num1; i <= num2; i++) {
// Use nf() to number format 'i' into the amount of digits
// ex: 14 with 4 digits is 0014
fileName = prefix1 + $.nf(i, digits1) + ext;
} // case: case img1, img2
else {
for (let i = num1; i <= num2; i++) {
// Use nf() to number format 'i' into four digits
fileName = prefix1 + i + ext;
} // end sequence mode
// spriteSheet mode
else if (typeof args.at(-1) != 'string' && !(args.at(-1) instanceof p5.Image)) {
let sheet = owner.spriteSheet;
let atlas;
if (args[0] instanceof p5.Image || typeof args[0] == 'string') {
if (args.length >= 3) {
throw new FriendlyError('Ani', 1);
sheet = args[0];
atlas = args[1];
} else {
atlas = args[0];
let _this = this;
if (sheet instanceof p5.Image && sheet.width != 1 && sheet.height != 1) {
this.spriteSheet = sheet;
} else {
let url;
if (typeof sheet == 'string') url = sheet;
else url = sheet.url;
this.spriteSheet = $.loadImage(url, () => {
if (typeof sheet == 'string') {
owner.spriteSheet = this.spriteSheet;
function _generateSheetFrames() {
if (Array.isArray(atlas)) {
if (typeof atlas[0] == 'object') {
atlas = { frames: atlas };
} else if (atlas.length == 4) {
atlas = { pos: atlas.slice(0, 2), size: atlas.slice(2) };
} else {
atlas = { pos: atlas };
let {
} = atlas;
frameSize ??= size || owner.anis.frameSize;
if (delay) _this.frameDelay = delay;
if (frameDelay) _this.frameDelay = frameDelay;
if (rotation) _this.rotation = rotation;
if (frames && Array.isArray(frames)) {
frameCount = frames.length;
} else frameCount ??= frames || 1;
w ??= width || owner.anis.w;
h ??= height || owner.anis.h;
x ??= col || 0;
y ??= line || row || 0;
if (pos) {
x = pos[0];
y = pos[1];
if (typeof frameSize == 'number') {
w = h = frameSize;
} else if (frameSize) {
w = frameSize[0];
h = frameSize[1];
let tileSize = owner.tileSize;
if (!w || !h) {
// sprites will be given default dimensions, but groups
// are not, _dimensionsUndef is only for sprites
if (!owner._dimensionsUndef && owner.w && owner.h) {
w ??= owner.w * tileSize;
h ??= owner.h * tileSize;
} else if (tileSize != 1) {
w ??= tileSize;
h ??= tileSize;
} else if (frameCount) {
w ??= _this.spriteSheet.width / frameCount;
h ??= _this.spriteSheet.height;
} else {
if (_this.spriteSheet.width < _this.spriteSheet.height) {
w = h = _this.spriteSheet.width;
} else {
w = h = _this.spriteSheet.height;
} else {
w *= tileSize;
h *= tileSize;
// add all the frames in the animation to the frames array
if (!Array.isArray(frames)) {
if (tileSize != 1 || pos || line !== undefined || row !== undefined || col !== undefined) {
x *= w;
y *= h;
for (let i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
let f = { x, y, w, h };
f.defaultWidth = w * $._defaultImageScale;
f.defaultHeight = h * $._defaultImageScale;
x += w;
if (x >= _this.spriteSheet.width) {
x = 0;
y += h;
if (y >= _this.spriteSheet.height) y = 0;
} else {
let sw = Math.round(_this.spriteSheet.width / w);
for (let frame of frames) {
let f;
if (typeof frame == 'number') {
y = Math.floor(frame / sw) * h;
x = (frame % sw) * w;
f = { x, y, w, h };
} else {
if (frame.length == 2) {
x = frame[0] * w;
y = frame[1] * h;
f = { x, y, w, h };
} else {
f = {
x: frame[0],
y: frame[1],
w: frame[2],
h: frame[3]
f.defaultWidth = f.w * $._defaultImageScale;
f.defaultHeight = f.h * $._defaultImageScale;
} // end SpriteSheet mode
else {
// list of images
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i] instanceof p5.Image) this.push(args[i]);
else this.push($.loadImage(args[i]));
// single frame animations don't need to play
if (this.length == 1) this.playing = false;
* The index of the current frame that the animation is on.
* @type {Number}
get frame() {
return this._frame;
set frame(val) {
if (val < 0 || val >= this.length) {
throw new FriendlyError('Ani.frame', [val, this.length]);
this._frame = val;
this._cycles = 0;
* Delay between frames in number of draw cycles.
* If set to 4 the framerate of the animation would be the
* sketch framerate divided by 4 (60fps = 15fps)
* @type {Number}
* @default 4
get frameDelay() {
return this._frameDelay;
set frameDelay(val) {
if (val <= 0) val = 1;
this._frameDelay = val;
* TODO frameChange
* Set the animation's frame delay in seconds.
// get frameChange() {
// }
// set frameChange(val) {
// }
* The animation's scale.
* Can be set to a number to scale both x and y
* or an object with x and/or y properties.
* @type {Number|Object}
* @default 1
get scale() {
return this._scale;
set scale(val) {
if (typeof val == 'number') {
val = { x: val, y: val };
this._scale._x = val.x;
this._scale._y = val.y;
this._scale._avg = val.x;
* Make a copy of the animation.
* @return {Ani} A copy of the animation.
clone() {
if (!this.length) {
`The animation named "${this.name}" must be loaded before it can be properly copied. Sprites need their own copy of a group's animation. Try loading the animation in the preload function and creating new group sprites in the setup function.`
let ani = new $.Ani();
ani.spriteSheet = this.spriteSheet;
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
ani.name = this.name;
ani.offset.x = this.offset.x;
ani.offset.y = this.offset.y;
ani.frameDelay = this.frameDelay;
ani.playing = this.playing;
ani.looping = this.looping;
ani.rotation = this.rotation;
return ani;
* Draws the animation at coordinate x and y.
* Updates the frames automatically.
* Optional parameters effect the current draw cycle only and
* are not saved between draw cycles.
* @param {Number} x - horizontal position
* @param {Number} y - vertical position
* @param {Number} [r] - rotation
* @param {Number} [sx] - scale x
* @param {Number} [sy] - scale y
draw(x, y, r, sx, sy) {
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
r ??= this.rotation;
if (!this.visible) return;
sx ??= 1;
sy ??= 1;
$.translate(this.x, this.y);
$.scale(sx * this._scale._x, sy * this._scale._y);
let ox = this.offset.x;
let oy = this.offset.y;
let img = this[this._frame];
if (img !== undefined) {
if (this.spriteSheet) {
let { x, y, w, h } = img; // image info
if (!this.demoMode) {
$.image(this.spriteSheet, ox, oy, img.defaultWidth || w, img.defaultHeight || h, x, y, w, h);
} else {
x - this.spriteSheet.w / 2 + w / 2,
y - this.spriteSheet.h / 2 + h / 2
} else {
$.image(img, ox, oy);
} else {
'p5play: "' +
this.name +
'"' +
' animation not loaded yet or frame ' +
this._frame +
' does not exist. Load this animation in the preload function if you need to use it at the start of your program.'
update() {
if (!this.playing) return;
if (this._cycles % this.frameDelay == 0) {
this._cycles = 0;
this.frameChanged = true;
if ((this.targetFrame == -1 && this._frame == this.lastFrame) || this._frame == this.targetFrame) {
if (this.endOnFirstFrame) this._frame = 0;
if (this.looping) this.targetFrame = -1;
else this.playing = false;
if (this._onComplete) this._onComplete();
if (this.onComplete) this.onComplete(); //fire when on last frame
if (!this.looping) return;
//going to target frame up
if (this.targetFrame > this._frame && this.targetFrame !== -1) {
//going to target frame down
else if (this.targetFrame < this._frame && this.targetFrame !== -1) {
} else if (this.targetFrame === this._frame && this.targetFrame !== -1) {
this.playing = false;
} else if (this.looping) {
//advance frame
//if next frame is too high
if (this._frame >= this.lastFrame) {
this._frame = 0;
} else this._frame++;
} else {
//if next frame is too high
if (this._frame < this.lastFrame) this._frame++;
} else {
this.frameChanged = false;
* Plays the animation, starting from the specified frame.
* @returns [Promise] a promise that resolves when the animation completes
play(frame) {
this.playing = true;
if (frame !== undefined && this._frame != frame) {
this._frame = frame;
this._cycles = 0;
this.targetFrame = -1;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this._onComplete = () => {
this._onComplete = null;
* Pauses the animation.
pause(frame) {
this.playing = false;
if (frame) this._frame = frame;
* Stops the animation. Alt for pause.
stop(frame) {
this.playing = false;
if (frame) this._frame = frame;
* Plays the animation backwards.
* Equivalent to ani.goToFrame(0)
* @returns [Promise] a promise that resolves when the animation completes
* rewinding
rewind() {
this.looping = false;
return this.goToFrame(0);
* Plays the animation forwards and loops it.
loop() {
this.looping = true;
this.playing = true;
* Prevents the animation from looping
noLoop() {
this.looping = false;
* Goes to the next frame and stops.
nextFrame() {
if (this._frame < this.length - 1) this._frame = this._frame + 1;
else if (this.looping) this._frame = 0;
this.targetFrame = -1;
this.playing = false;
this._cycles = 0;
* Goes to the previous frame and stops.
previousFrame() {
if (this._frame > 0) this._frame = this._frame - 1;
else if (this.looping) this._frame = this.length - 1;
this.targetFrame = -1;
this.playing = false;
this._cycles = 0;
* Plays the animation forward or backward toward a target frame.
* @param {Number} toFrame - Frame number destination (starts from 0)
* @returns [Promise] a promise that resolves when the animation completes
goToFrame(toFrame) {
if (toFrame < 0 || toFrame >= this.length) {
// targetFrame gets used by the update() method to decide what frame to
// select next. When it's not being used it gets set to -1.
this.targetFrame = toFrame;
this._cycles = 0;
if (this.targetFrame !== this._frame) {
this.playing = true;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this._onComplete = () => {
this._onComplete = null;
* The index of the last frame. Read only.
* @type {Number}
get lastFrame() {
return this.length - 1;
* The current frame as p5.Image. Read only.
* @type {p5.Image}
get frameImage() {
let f = this._frame;
let img = this[f];
if (img instanceof p5.Image) return img;
let { x, y, w, h } = img; // image info
let image = $.createImage(w, h);
image.copy(this.spriteSheet, this.offset.x, this.offset.y, w, h, x, y, w, h);
return image;
* Width of the animation's current frame.
* @type {Number}
get w() {
return this.width;
* Width of the animation's current frame.
* @type {Number}
get width() {
let frameInfo = this[this._frame];
if (frameInfo instanceof p5.Image) return frameInfo.width;
else if (frameInfo) return frameInfo.w;
return 1;
get defaultWidth() {
return this[this._frame].defaultWidth;
* Height of the animation's current frame.
* @type {Number}
get h() {
return this.height;
* Height of the animation's current frame.
* @type {Number}
get height() {
let frameInfo = this[this._frame];
if (frameInfo instanceof p5.Image) return frameInfo.height;
else if (frameInfo) return frameInfo.h;
return 1;
get defaultHeight() {
return this[this._frame].defaultHeight;
$.Ani.props = ['demoMode', 'endOnFirstFrame', 'frameDelay', 'frameSize', 'looping', 'offset', 'rotation', 'scale'];
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/animation.html">
* Look at the Animation reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* This Anis class serves the same role that Group does for Sprites.
* This class is used internally to create `sprite.anis`
* and `group.anis`.
* In instances of this class, the keys are animation names,
* values are Ani objects.
* Because users only expect instances of this class to contain
* animation names as keys, it uses an internal private object
* `#_` to store animation properties. Getters and setters are used to
* access the private properties, enabling dynamic inheritance.
* @class
this.Anis = class {
#_ = {};
constructor() {
let _this = this;
let props = [...$.Ani.props, 'w', 'h'];
let vecProps = ['offset', 'scale'];
for (let prop of props) {
Object.defineProperty(this, prop, {
get() {
return _this.#_[prop];
set(val) {
_this.#_[prop] = val;
// change the prop in all the sprites of this group
for (let k in _this) {
let x = _this[k];
if (!(x instanceof Ani)) continue;
x[prop] = val;
for (let vecProp of vecProps) {
this.#_[vecProp] = {
_x: 0,
_y: 0
for (let prop of ['x', 'y']) {
Object.defineProperty(this.#_[vecProp], prop, {
get() {
return _this.#_[vecProp]['_' + prop];
set(val) {
_this.#_[vecProp]['_' + prop] = val;
for (let k in _this) {
let x = _this[k];
if (!(x instanceof Ani)) continue;
x[vecProp][prop] = val;
get width() {
return this.w;
set width(val) {
this.w = val;
get height() {
return this.h;
set height(val) {
this.h = val;
* @class
* @extends Array<Sprite>
this.Group = class extends Array {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/group.html">
* Look at the Group reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* A Group is an array of sprites with similar traits and behaviors.
* Group extends Array, so you can use them in for of loops. They
* inherit all the functions and properties of standard arrays
* such as `group.length` and functions like `group.includes()`.
* Changing a group setting changes it for all the sprites in the
* group, similar to class inheritance. Groups can have subgroups,
* creating a hierarchy of inheritance.
* The top level group is a q5 instance level variable named
* `allSprites` that contains all the sprites added to the sketch.
constructor(...args) {
let parent;
if (args[0] instanceof $.Group) {
parent = args[0];
args = args.slice(1);
if (typeof args[0] == 'number') return;
for (let s of this) {
if (!(s instanceof $.Sprite)) {
throw new Error('A group can only contain sprites');
this._isGroup = true;
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Object}
* @type {p5.Vector}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {p5.Vector}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {p5.Color}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {p5.Color}
* @type {String}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {String}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {Boolean}
* @type {Number}
* @type {Boolean}
* Each group has a unique id number. Don't change it!
* Its useful for debugging.
* @type {Number}
if ($.p5play.groupsCreated < 999) {
this.idNum = $.p5play.groupsCreated;
} else {
// find the first empty slot in the groups array
for (let i = 1; i < $.p5play.groups.length; i++) {
if (!$.p5play.groups[i]?.removed) {
this.idNum = i;
if (!this.idNum) {
'ERROR: Surpassed the limit of 999 groups in memory. Try setting `p5play.storeRemovedGroupRefs = false`. Use less groups or delete groups from the p5play.groups array to recycle ids.'
// if there are no empty slots, try to prevent a crash by
// finding the first slot that has a group with no sprites in it
for (let i = 1; i < $.p5play.groups.length; i++) {
if (!$.p5play.groups[i]?.length) {
this.idNum = i;
this.idNum ??= 1;
this._uid = this.idNum;
$.p5play.groups[this._uid] = this;
// if the allSprites group doesn't exist yet,
// this group must be the allSprites group!
if (!$.allSprites) this._isAllSpritesGroup = true;
* Groups can have subgroups, which inherit the properties
* of their parent groups.
* @type {Group[]}
* @default []
this.subgroups = [];
* The parent group's uid number.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
if (parent instanceof $.Group) {
let p = parent;
do {
p = $.p5play.groups[p.parent];
} while (!p._isAllSpritesGroup);
this.parent = parent._uid;
} else if (!this._isAllSpritesGroup) {
this.parent = 0;
* Keys are the animation label, values are Ani objects.
* @type {Anis}
this.animations = new $.Anis();
this._hasOverlap = {};
this._collisions = {};
this._overlappers = {};
let _this = this;
this.Sprite = class extends $.Sprite {
constructor() {
super(_this, ...arguments);
* @class
this.GroupSprite = this.Sprite;
// JSDoc breaks if I don't put @class for GroupSprite
// but for typescript defs they should be typeof Sprite
// and get replaced as such by the p5play-types build.js script
this.Group = class extends $.Group {
constructor() {
super(_this, ...arguments);
* @class
this.Subgroup = this.Group;
this.mouse = {
presses: null,
pressing: null,
pressed: null,
holds: null,
holding: null,
held: null,
released: null,
hovers: null,
hovering: null,
hovered: null
for (let state in this.mouse) {
this.mouse[state] = function (inp) {
for (let s of _this) {
if (s.mouse[state](inp)) return true;
return false;
for (let prop of $.Sprite.propsAll) {
if (prop == 'ani' || prop == 'velocity' || prop == 'width' || prop == 'height' || prop == 'diameter') continue;
Object.defineProperty(this, prop, {
get() {
let val = _this['_' + prop];
if (val === undefined && !_this._isAllSpritesGroup) {
let parent = $.p5play.groups[_this.parent];
if (parent) {
val = parent[prop];
return val;
set(val) {
_this['_' + prop] = val;
// propagate the change to all of this group's subgroups
for (let g of _this.subgroups) {
g['_' + prop] = val;
// change the prop in all the sprites in this group
for (let i = 0; i < _this.length; i++) {
let s = _this[i];
let v = val;
if (typeof val == 'function') v = val(i);
s[prop] = v;
let vecProps = ['mirror', 'offset', 'scale', 'vel'];
for (let vecProp of vecProps) {
vecProp = '_' + vecProp;
if (vecProp != 'vel') this[vecProp] = {};
else this[vecProp] = new $.Vector();
this[vecProp]._x = 0;
this[vecProp]._y = 0;
for (let prop of ['x', 'y']) {
Object.defineProperty(this[vecProp], prop, {
get() {
let val = _this[vecProp]['_' + prop];
let i = _this.length - 1;
if (val === undefined && !_this._isAllSpritesGroup) {
let parent = $.p5play.groups[_this.parent];
if (parent) {
val = parent[vecProp][prop];
i = parent.length - 1;
return val;
set(val) {
_this[vecProp]['_' + prop] = val;
// change the prop in all the sprite of this group
for (let i = 0; i < _this.length; i++) {
let s = _this[i];
let v = val;
if (typeof val == 'function') v = val(i);
s[vecProp][prop] = v;
if (this._isAllSpritesGroup) {
* autoCull is a property of the allSprites group only,
* that controls whether sprites are automatically removed
* when they are 10,000 pixels away from the camera.
* It only needs to be set to false once and then it will
* remain false for the rest of the sketch, unless changed.
* @type {Boolean}
this.autoCull = true;
this.tileSize = 1;
this.autoDraw = true;
this.autoUpdate = true;
* Alias for `push`.
* Adds a sprite to the end of the group.
this.add = this.push;
* Alias for group.includes
* Check if a sprite is in the group.
this.contains = this.includes;
* Returns the highest layer in a group
_getTopLayer() {
if (this.length == 0) return 0;
if (this.length == 1 && this[0]._layer === undefined) return 0;
let max = this[0]._layer;
for (let s of this) {
if (s._layer > max) max = s._layer;
return max;
* Reference to the group's current animation.
* @type {Ani}
get ani() {
return this._ani;
set ani(val) {
for (let s of this) s.changeAni(val);
* Reference to the group's current animation.
* @type {Ani}
get animation() {
return this._ani;
set animation(val) {
this.ani = val;
* The group's animations.
* @type {Anis}
get anis() {
return this.animations;
* Alias for `group.image`.
* @type {p5.Image}
get img() {
return this._img;
set img(val) {
this.image = val;
* The group's image.
* @type {p5.Image}
get image() {
return this._img;
set image(img) {
if (typeof img == 'function') {
this._img = img;
if (typeof img == 'string') {
if (!img.includes('.')) {
img = new $.EmojiImage(img, this.w || this.width || this.d || this.diameter);
} else img = $.loadImage(img);
this._img = $.Sprite.prototype._extendImage(img);
* Depending on the value that the amount property is set to, the group will
* either add or remove sprites.
* @type {Number}
get amount() {
return this.length;
set amount(val) {
let diff = val - this.length;
let shouldAdd = diff > 0;
diff = Math.abs(diff);
for (let i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
if (shouldAdd) new this.Sprite();
else this[this.length - 1].remove();
* @type {Number}
get diameter() {
return this.d;
set diameter(val) {
this.d = val;
* @type {Number}
get width() {
return this.w;
set width(val) {
this.w = val;
* @type {Number}
get height() {
return this.h;
set height(val) {
this.h = val;
* The sprite's velocity vector {x, y}
* @type {p5.Vector}
* @default {x: 0, y: 0}
get velocity() {
return this.vel;
set velocity(val) {
this.vel = val;
_resetCentroid() {
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
for (let s of this) {
x += s.x;
y += s.y;
this.centroid = { x: x / this.length, y: y / this.length };
return this.centroid;
_resetDistancesFromCentroid() {
for (let s of this) {
s.distCentroid = {
x: s.x - this.centroid.x,
y: s.y - this.centroid.y
_validateCollideParams(target, cb) {
if (cb && typeof cb != 'function') {
throw new FriendlyError('Group.collide', 1, [cb]);
if (!target) {
throw new FriendlyError('Group.collide', 2);
if (!target._isGroup && !target._isSprite) {
throw new FriendlyError('Group.collide', 0, [target]);
_setContactCB(target, cb, contactType, eventType) {
if (target._isSprite) {
let reversedCB = function (a, b, v) {
return cb.call(b, b, a, v);
target._setContactCB(this, reversedCB, contactType, eventType);
let type;
if (contactType == 0) type = eventTypes._collisions[eventType];
else type = eventTypes._overlappers[eventType];
let ledger = $.p5play[type];
let l = (ledger[this._uid] ??= {});
if (l[target._uid] == cb) return;
l[target._uid] = cb;
for (let s of this) {
let c2 = (ledger[s._uid] ??= {});
c2[target._uid] = cb;
if (this._uid == target._uid) return;
l = ledger[target._uid];
if (!l || !l[this._uid]) return;
if (this._uid != target._uid) delete l[this._uid];
for (let s of target) {
l = ledger[s._uid];
if (!l || !l[this._uid]) continue;
delete l[this._uid];
if (Object.keys(l).length == 0) {
delete ledger[s._uid];
if (Object.keys(l).length == 0) {
delete ledger[target._uid];
_ensureCollide(target) {
if (this._hasOverlap[target._uid] !== false) {
this._hasOverlap[target._uid] = false;
for (let s of this) {
s._hasOverlap[target._uid] = false;
target._hasOverlap[s._uid] = false;
// if this group is the same group as the target
if (this._uid == target._uid) {
for (let s2 of target) {
s._hasOverlap[s2._uid] = false;
s2._hasOverlap[s._uid] = false;
if (target._hasOverlap[this._uid] !== false) {
target._hasOverlap[this._uid] = false;
if (target._isGroup) {
for (let s of target) {
s._hasOverlap[this._uid] = false;
this._hasOverlap[s._uid] = false;
for (let s2 of this) {
s._hasOverlap[s2._uid] = false;
s2._hasOverlap[s._uid] = false;
collide(target, callback) {
return this.collides(target, callback);
* Returns true on the first frame that the group collides with the
* target group.
* Custom collision event handling can be done by using this function
* in an if statement or adding a callback as the second parameter.
* @param {Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
collides(target, callback) {
this._validateCollideParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 0, 0);
return this._collisions[target._uid] == 1 || this._collisions[target._uid] <= -3;
* Returns the amount of frames that the group has been colliding
* with the target group for, which is a truthy value. Returns 0 if
* the group is not colliding with the target group.
* @param {Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
* @return {Number} frames
colliding(target, callback) {
this._validateCollideParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 0, 1);
let val = this._collisions[target._uid];
if (val <= -3) return 1;
return val > 0 ? val : 0;
* Returns true on the first frame that the group no longer overlaps
* with the target group.
* @param {Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
* @return {Boolean}
collided(target, callback) {
this._validateCollideParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 0, 2);
return this._collisions[target._uid] <= -1;
_validateOverlapParams(target, cb) {
if (cb && typeof cb != 'function') {
throw new FriendlyError('Group.overlap', 1, [cb]);
if (!target) {
throw new FriendlyError('Group.overlap', 2);
if (!target._isGroup && !target._isSprite) {
throw new FriendlyError('Group.overlap', 0, [target]);
_ensureOverlap(target) {
if (!this._hasSensors) {
for (let s of this) {
if (!s._hasSensors) s.addDefaultSensors();
this._hasSensors = true;
if (!target._hasSensors) {
if (target._isSprite) {
} else {
for (let s of target) {
if (!s._hasSensors) s.addDefaultSensors();
target._hasSensors = true;
if (this._hasOverlap[target._uid] != true) {
this._hasOverlap[target._uid] = true;
for (let s of this) {
s._hasOverlap[target._uid] = true;
target._hasOverlap[s._uid] = true;
// if this group is the same group as the target
if (this._uid == target._uid) {
for (let s2 of target) {
s._hasOverlap[s2._uid] = true;
s2._hasOverlap[s._uid] = true;
if (target._hasOverlap[this._uid] != true) {
target._hasOverlap[this._uid] = true;
if (target._isGroup) {
for (let s of target) {
s._hasOverlap[this._uid] = true;
this._hasOverlap[s._uid] = true;
for (let s2 of this) {
s._hasOverlap[s2._uid] = true;
s2._hasOverlap[s._uid] = true;
overlap(target, callback) {
return this.overlaps(target, callback);
* Returns true on the first frame that the group overlaps with the
* target group.
* Custom overlap event handling can be done by using this function
* in an if statement or adding a callback as the second parameter.
* @param {Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
overlaps(target, callback) {
this._validateOverlapParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 1, 0);
return this._overlappers[target._uid] == 1 || this._overlappers[target._uid] <= -3;
* Returns the amount of frames that the group has been overlapping
* with the target group for, which is a truthy value. Returns 0 if
* the group is not overlapping with the target group.
* @param {Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
* @return {Number} frames
overlapping(target, callback) {
this._validateOverlapParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 1, 1);
let val = this._overlappers[target._uid];
if (val <= -3) return 1;
return val > 0 ? val : 0;
* Returns true on the first frame that the group no longer overlaps
* with the target group.
* @param {Group} target
* @param {Function} [callback]
* @return {Boolean}
overlapped(target, callback) {
this._validateOverlapParams(target, callback);
if (callback) this._setContactCB(target, callback, 1, 2);
return this._overlappers[target._uid] <= -1;
_removeContactsWith(o) {
for (let s of this) {
applyForce() {
for (let s of this) {
applyForceScaled() {
for (let s of this) {
attractTo() {
for (let s of this) {
applyTorque() {
for (let s of this) {
move(distance, direction, speed) {
let movements = [];
for (let s of this) {
movements.push(s.move(distance, direction, speed));
return Promise.all(movements);
moveTo(x, y, speed) {
if (typeof x != 'number') {
let obj = x;
if (obj == $.mouse && !$.mouse.isActive) return;
speed = y;
y = obj.y;
x = obj.x;
let centroid = this._resetCentroid();
let movements = [];
for (let s of this) {
let dest = {
x: s.x - centroid.x + x,
y: s.y - centroid.y + y
movements.push(s.moveTo(dest.x, dest.y, speed));
return Promise.all(movements);
moveTowards(x, y, tracking) {
if (typeof x != 'number') {
let obj = x;
if (obj == $.mouse && !$.mouse.isActive) return;
tracking = y;
y = obj.y;
x = obj.x;
if (x === undefined && y === undefined) return;
for (let s of this) {
if (s.distCentroid === undefined) this._resetDistancesFromCentroid();
let dest = {
x: s.distCentroid.x + x,
y: s.distCentroid.y + y
s.moveTowards(dest.x, dest.y, tracking);
moveAway(x, y, repel) {
if (typeof x != 'number') {
let obj = x;
if (obj == $.mouse && !$.mouse.isActive) return;
repel = y;
y = obj.y;
x = obj.x;
if (x === undefined && y === undefined) return;
for (let s of this) {
if (s.distCentroid === undefined) this._resetDistancesFromCentroid();
let dest = {
x: s.distCentroid.x + x,
y: s.distCentroid.y + y
s.moveAway(dest.x, dest.y, repel);
* Its better to use the group Sprite constructor instead.
* `new group.Sprite()` which both creates a group sprite using
* soft inheritance and adds it to the group.
* Adds a sprite or multiple sprites to the group, whether they were
* already in the group or not, just like with the Array.push()
* method. Only sprites can be added to a group.
* @param {...Sprite} sprites - The sprite or sprites to be added
* @returns {Number} the new length of the group
push(...sprites) {
if (this.removed) {
"Adding a sprite to a group that was removed. Use `group.removeAll()` to remove all of a group's sprites without removing the group itself. Restoring the group in p5play's memory."
$.p5play.groups[this._uid] = this;
this.removed = false;
for (let s of sprites) {
if (!(s instanceof $.Sprite)) {
throw new Error('You can only add sprites to a group, not ' + typeof s);
if (s.removed) {
console.error("Can't add a removed sprite to a group");
let b;
for (let tuid in this._hasOverlap) {
let hasOverlap = this._hasOverlap[tuid];
if (hasOverlap && !s._hasSensors) {
if (tuid >= 1000) b = $.p5play.sprites[tuid];
else b = $.p5play.groups[tuid];
if (!b || b.removed) continue;
if (!hasOverlap) b._ensureCollide(s);
else b._ensureOverlap(s);
for (let event in eventTypes) {
let contactTypes = eventTypes[event];
for (let contactType of contactTypes) {
let ledger = $.p5play[contactType];
let lg = ledger[this._uid];
if (!lg) continue;
let ls = (ledger[s._uid] ??= {});
for (let b_uid in lg) {
ls[b_uid] = lg[b_uid];
// push to subgroups, excluding allSprites
// since sprites are automatically added to allSprites
if (this.parent) $.p5play.groups[this.parent].push(s);
return this.length;
repelFrom() {
for (let s of this) {
* Alias for group.length
* @deprecated
size() {
return this.length;
* Returns the group's unique identifier.
* @returns {String} groupID
toString() {
return 'g' + this.idNum;
* Remove sprites that go outside the given culling boundary
* relative to the camera. Sprites with chain colliders can not be culled.
* Can also be used with a uniform size for all boundaries, see example.
* @param {Number} top - the distance that sprites can move below the canvas before they are removed
* @param {Number} bottom - the distance that sprites can move below the canvas before they are removed
* @param {Number} left - the distance that sprites can move beyond the left side of the canvas before they are removed
* @param {Number} right - the distance that sprites can move beyond the right side of the canvas before they are removed
* @param {Function} [cb] - the function to be run when a sprite is culled,
* it's given the sprite being culled, if no callback is given then the
* sprite is removed
* @return {Number} the number of sprites culled
* @example
* // alternate uniform size syntax
* group.cull(100, callback);
cull(top, bottom, left, right, cb) {
if (left === undefined) {
let size = top;
cb = bottom;
top = bottom = left = right = size;
if (isNaN(top) || isNaN(bottom) || isNaN(left) || isNaN(right)) {
throw new TypeError('The culling boundary must be defined with numbers');
if (cb && typeof cb != 'function') {
throw new TypeError('The callback to group.cull must be a function');
let cx = $.camera.x - $.canvas.hw / $.camera.zoom;
let cy = $.camera.y - $.canvas.hh / $.camera.zoom;
let minX = -left + cx;
let minY = -top + cy;
let maxX = $.width + right + cx;
let maxY = $.height + bottom + cy;
let culled = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
let s = this[i];
if (s.shape == 'chain') continue;
if (s.x < minX || s.y < minY || s.x > maxX || s.y > maxY) {
if (cb) cb(s, culled);
else s.remove();
if (s.removed) i--;
return culled;
* If no input is given to this function, the group itself will be
* marked as removed and deleted from p5play's internal memory, the
* `p5play.groups` array. Every sprite in the group will be removed
* from the world and every other group they belong to.
* Groups should not be used after they are removed.
* If this function receives as input an index of a sprite in the
* group or the sprite itself, it will remove that sprite from
* this group and its super groups (if any), but NOT from the world.
* To remove a sprite from the world and every group it belongs to,
* use `sprite.remove()` instead.
* @param {Sprite|Number} item - the sprite to be removed or its index
* @return {Sprite} the removed sprite or undefined if the specified sprite was not found
remove(item) {
if (item === undefined) {
if (!this._isAllSpritesGroup) this.removed = true;
let idx;
if (typeof item == 'number') {
if (item >= 0) idx = item;
else idx = this.length + item;
} else {
idx = this.indexOf(item);
if (idx == -1) return;
let s = this[idx];
this.splice(idx, 1);
return s;
* Using `group.remove` instead is recommended because it's easier to use,
* and it uses this function internally.
* Similar to `Array.splice` except it does not accept adding sprites,
* third parameters and beyond are ignored.
* This function also removes the group and its super-groups from the
* sprites' groups array.
* @param {Number} idx - index
* @param {Number} amount - number of sprites to remove
* @return {Sprite[]} the removed sprites
splice(idx, amount) {
let removed = super.splice(idx, amount);
if (!removed) return;
let gIDs = [];
for (let s of removed) {
if (s.removed) continue;
// remove from the removed sprites' group array
// this group and its super-groups
let gID = this._uid;
do {
let gIdx = s.groups.findIndex((g) => g._uid == gID);
let g = s.groups.splice(gIdx, 1);
gID = g[0].parent;
} while (gID);
// loop through the groups that the sprite was removed from
for (let gID of gIDs) {
let a = $.p5play.groups[gID];
for (let eventType in eventTypes) {
// loop through group's contacts with other sprites and groups
for (let b_uid in a[eventType]) {
if (a[eventType][b_uid] == 0) continue;
let b;
if (b_uid >= 1000) b = $.p5play.sprites[b_uid];
else b = $.p5play.groups[b_uid];
// check if any group members are still in contact with the sprite
let inContact = false;
for (let s of a) {
if (s[eventType][b._uid] > 0) {
inContact = true;
// if not, set the contact to the collided or overlapped state
if (!inContact) {
a[eventType][b._uid] = -2;
b[eventType][a._uid] = -2;
return removed;
* Removes the last sprite in the group.
* @return {Sprite} the removed sprite or undefined if the group is empty
pop() {
return this.remove(this.length - 1);
* Removes the last sprite in the group.
* @return {Sprite} the removed sprite or undefined if the group is empty
shift() {
return this.remove(0);
* Not supported!
* @return {Number} the new length of the group
unshift() {
console.error('unshift is not supported for groups');
return this.length;
* Removes all the sprites in the group from the world and
* every other group they belong to.
* Does not delete the group itself.
removeAll() {
while (this.length > 0) {
_step() {
* Updates all the sprites in the group.
update() {
for (let s of this) {
if (!$.p5play._inPostDraw || s.autoUpdate) {
if (this._autoUpdate) this._autoUpdate = null;
* Draws all the sprites in the group in ascending order
* by `sprite.layer`.
draw() {
let g = [...this];
g.sort((a, b) => a._layer - b._layer);
for (let s of g) {
if (s._visible !== false && (!$.p5play._inPostDraw || s.autoDraw)) {
if (this._autoDraw) this._autoDraw = null;
* Runs every group sprite's post draw function.
postDraw() {
for (let s of this) {
$.Group.prototype.addAni =
$.Group.prototype.addAnimation =
$.Sprite.prototype.addAnimation =
$.Group.prototype.addAnis =
$.Group.prototype.addAnimations =
$.Sprite.prototype.addAnimations =
$.Group.prototype.__step = $.Sprite.prototype.__step;
$.Group.prototype.___step = $.Sprite.prototype.___step;
* @class
* @extends planck.World
this.World = class extends planck.World {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/world.html">
* Look at the World reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* A `world` object is created automatically by p5play. There can only
* be one world per sketch (instance of p5 or q5).
* This class extends `planck.World` and adds some p5play specific
* features.
constructor() {
super(new pl.Vec2(0, 0), true);
this.mod = {};
* Changes the world's origin point,
* where (0, 0) is on the canvas.
* @type {Object}
* @property {Number} x
* @property {Number} y
* @default { x: 0, y: 0 }
this.origin = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.contacts = [];
this.on('begin-contact', this._beginContact);
this.on('end-contact', this._endContact);
let _this = this;
this._gravity = {
get x() {
return _this.m_gravity.x;
set x(val) {
val = Math.round(val || 0);
if (val == _this.m_gravity.x) return;
_this.mod[0] = true;
for (let s of $.allSprites) {
s.sleeping = false;
_this.m_gravity.x = val;
get y() {
return _this.m_gravity.y;
set y(val) {
val = Math.round(val || 0);
if (val == _this.m_gravity.y) return;
_this.mod[0] = true;
for (let s of $.allSprites) {
s.sleeping = false;
_this.m_gravity.y = val;
this._timeScale = 1;
this._updateRate = 60;
this._syncedToFrameRate = true;
this._lastStepTime = 0;
* @type {Number}
* @default 8
this.velocityIterations = 8;
* @type {Number}
* @default 3
this.positionIterations = 3;
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.19
this.velocityThreshold = 0.19;
* The time elapsed in the physics simulation in seconds.
* @type {Number}
this.physicsTime = 0;
* Represents the size of a meter in pixels.
* Adjusting this property changes the simulated scale of the physics world.
* For optimal results, it should be set such that sprites are between
* 0.1 and 10 meters in size in the physics simulation.
* The default value is 60, which means that your sprites should optimally
* be between 6 and 600 pixels in size.
* @type {Number}
* @default 60
this.meterSize = 60;
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.mouseTracking ??= true;
* The sprite the mouse is hovering over.
* If the mouse is hovering over several sprites, the mouse
* sprite will be the one with the highest layer value.
* @type {Sprite}
* @default null
this.mouseSprite = null;
* The sprite(s) that the mouse is hovering over.
* @type {Sprite[]}
* @default []
this.mouseSprites = [];
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.autoStep = true;
this.step = this.physicsUpdate;
if (window.Event) {
this.steppedEvent = new window.Event('p5play_worldStepped');
* Gravity force vector that affects all dynamic physics colliders.
* @type {Object}
* @property {Number} x
* @property {Number} y
* @default { x: 0, y: 0 }
get gravity() {
return this._gravity;
set gravity(val) {
this._gravity.x = val.x;
this._gravity.y = val.y;
* A time scale of 1.0 represents real time.
* Accepts decimal values between 0 and 2.
* @type {Number}
* @default 1.0
get timeScale() {
return this._timeScale;
set timeScale(val) {
if (val < 0 || val > 2) {
return console.error('world.timeScale must be between 0 and 2');
if (this._timeScale == val) return;
this._timeScale = val;
* The fixed update rate of the physics simulation in hertz.
* The time step, the amount of time that passes during a
* physics update, is calculated to be: 1 / updateRate * timeScale
* Setting the update rate to a value lower than 50hz is not
* recommended, as simulation quality will degrade.
* @type {Number}
* @default 60
get updateRate() {
return this._updateRate;
set updateRate(val) {
this._updateRate = val;
this._syncedToFrameRate = val == $._targetFrameRate;
_setTimeStep() {
this._timeStep = (1 / this._updateRate) * this._timeScale;
* The lowest velocity an object can have before it is considered
* to be at rest.
* Adjust the velocity threshold to allow for slow moving objects
* but don't have it be too low, or else objects will never sleep,
* which will hurt performance.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.19
get velocityThreshold() {
return pl.Settings.velocityThreshold;
set velocityThreshold(val) {
pl.Settings.velocityThreshold = val;
* Performs a physics simulation step that advances all sprites'
* forward in time by 1/60th of a second if no timeStep is given.
* This function is automatically called at the end of the draw
* loop, unless it was already called inside the draw loop.
* Setting the timeStep below 1/50th of a second will
* significantly degrade simulation quality, without improving
* performance. Decreasing `velocityIterations` and
* `positionIterations` will improve performance but decrease
* simulation quality.
* @param {Number} [timeStep] - time step in seconds
* @param {Number} [velocityIterations] - 8 by default
* @param {Number} [positionIterations] - 3 by default
physicsUpdate(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations) {
usePhysics = true;
timeScale = this._timeScale;
for (let s of $.allSprites) {
s.prevPos.x = s.x;
s.prevPos.y = s.y;
s.prevRotation = s.rotation;
timeStep ??= this._timeStep;
velocityIterations || this.velocityIterations,
positionIterations || this.positionIterations
this.physicsTime += timeStep;
let sprites = Object.values($.p5play.sprites);
let groups = Object.values($.p5play.groups);
for (let s of sprites) s._step();
for (let g of groups) g._step();
for (let s of sprites) s.___step();
for (let g of groups) g.___step();
if ($.canvas.dispatchEvent) {
if (!this._syncedToFrameRate) {
for (let s of $.allSprites) s._syncWithPhysicsBody();
if (this.autoStep) this.autoStep = null;
* Experimental!
* Visually moves all sprites forward in time by the given
* time step, based on their current velocity vector and
* rotation speed.
* Does not perform any physics calculations.
* This function may be useful for making extrapolated frames
* between physics steps, if a frame rate of 100hz or more
* is desired.
* @param {Number} [timeStep] - time step in seconds
extrapolationUpdate(timeStep) {
timeStep ??= this._timeStep;
for (let s of $.allSprites) {
s.prevPos.x = s.x;
s.prevPos.y = s.y;
s.prevRotation = s.rotation;
usePhysics = false;
timeScale = (timeStep / this._timeStep) * this._timeScale;
let sprites = Object.values($.p5play.sprites);
let groups = Object.values($.p5play.groups);
for (let s of sprites) s._step();
for (let g of groups) g._step();
if (this.autoStep) this.autoStep = null;
* The real time in seconds since the world was created, including
* time spent paused.
* @type {Number}
get realTime() {
return $.millis() / 1000;
* Returns the sprites at a position, ordered by layer.
* Sprites must have a physics body to be detected.
* @param {Number} x - x coordinate or position object
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Group} [group] - limit results to a specific group,
* allSprites by default
* @param {Boolean} [cameraActiveWhenDrawn] - limit results to
* sprites drawn when the camera was active, true by default
* @returns {Sprite[]} an array of sprites
getSpritesAt(x, y, group, cameraActiveWhenDrawn = true) {
if (typeof x == 'object') {
cameraActiveWhenDrawn = group ?? true;
group = y;
y = x.y;
x = x.x;
const point = new pl.Vec2(x / this.meterSize, y / this.meterSize);
const aabb = new pl.AABB();
aabb.lowerBound = new pl.Vec2(point.x - 0.001, point.y - 0.001);
aabb.upperBound = new pl.Vec2(point.x + 0.001, point.y + 0.001);
// Query the world for fixture AABBs that overlap the point AABB
// narrowing down the number of fixtures to check with
// the more expensive testPoint method
let fxts = [];
this.queryAABB(aabb, (fxt) => {
// we need to make sure the point is actually within the shape
if (fxt.getShape().testPoint(fxt.getBody().getTransform(), point)) {
return true;
if (fxts.length == 0) return [];
group ??= $.allSprites;
let sprites = [];
for (let fxt of fxts) {
const s = fxt.m_body.sprite;
if (s._cameraActiveWhenDrawn == cameraActiveWhenDrawn) {
if (!sprites.find((x) => x._uid == s._uid)) sprites.push(s);
sprites.sort((a, b) => (a._layer - b._layer) * -1);
return sprites;
* Returns the sprite at the specified position
* on the top most layer, drawn when the camera was on.
* The sprite must have a physics body to be detected.
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Group} [group] - the group to search
* @returns {Sprite} a sprite
getSpriteAt(x, y, group) {
const sprites = this.getSpritesAt(x, y, group);
return sprites[0];
getMouseSprites() {
let sprites = this.getSpritesAt($.mouse.x, $.mouse.y);
if ($.camera._wasOff) {
let uiSprites = this.getSpritesAt($.mouse.canvasPos.x, $.mouse.canvasPos.y, $.allSprites, false);
if (uiSprites.length) sprites = [...uiSprites, ...sprites];
return sprites;
* Sets contact trackers to 0, after the world's super.step()
* they will be increased to 1.
_beginContact(contact) {
// Get both fixtures
let a = contact.m_fixtureA;
let b = contact.m_fixtureB;
let t = '_collisions';
if (a.m_isSensor) t = '_overlappers';
a = a.m_body.sprite;
b = b.m_body.sprite;
a[t][b._uid] = 0;
b[t][a._uid] = 0;
for (let g of b.groups) {
if (!a[t][g._uid] || a[t][g._uid] < 0) {
a[t][g._uid] = 0;
g[t][a._uid] = 0;
for (let g of a.groups) {
if (!b[t][g._uid] || b[t][g._uid] < 0) {
b[t][g._uid] = 0;
g[t][b._uid] = 0;
for (let g2 of b.groups) {
if (!g[t][g2._uid] || g[t][g2._uid] < 0) {
g[t][g2._uid] = 0;
g2[t][g._uid] = 0;
* If contact ended between sprites that where previously in contact,
* then their contact trackers are set to -2 which will be incremented
* to -1 on the next physics update.
* However, if contact begins and ends on the same frame, then the contact
* trackers are set to -4 and incremented to -3 on the next physics update.
_endContact(contact) {
let a = contact.m_fixtureA;
let b = contact.m_fixtureB;
let contactType = '_collisions';
if (a.m_isSensor) contactType = '_overlappers';
a = a.m_body.sprite;
b = b.m_body.sprite;
a[contactType][b._uid] = a[contactType][b._uid] != 0 ? -2 : -4;
b[contactType][a._uid] = b[contactType][a._uid] != 0 ? -2 : -4;
for (let g of b.groups) {
let inContact = false;
for (let s of g) {
if (s[contactType][a._uid] >= 0) {
inContact = true;
if (!inContact) {
g[contactType][a._uid] = g[contactType][a._uid] != 0 ? -2 : -4;
a[contactType][g._uid] = a[contactType][g._uid] != 0 ? -2 : -4;
for (let g of a.groups) {
let inContact = false;
for (let s of g) {
if (s[contactType][b._uid] >= 0) {
inContact = true;
if (!inContact) {
g[contactType][b._uid] = g[contactType][b._uid] != 0 ? -2 : -4;
b[contactType][g._uid] = b[contactType][g._uid] != 0 ? -2 : -4;
for (let g2 of b.groups) {
g[contactType][g2._uid] = g[contactType][g2._uid] != 0 ? -2 : -4;
g2[contactType][g._uid] = g2[contactType][g._uid] != 0 ? -2 : -4;
* Used internally to find contact callbacks.
* @param type is the eventType of contact callback to find
* @param s0 is the first sprite
* @param s1 is the second sprite
_findContact(type, s0, s1) {
let cb = s0[type][s1._uid];
if (cb) return cb;
for (let g1 of s1.groups) {
cb = s0[type][g1._uid];
if (cb) return cb;
for (let g0 of s0.groups) {
cb = g0[type][s1._uid];
if (cb) return cb;
for (let g1 of s1.groups) {
if (g0._uid != g1._uid) continue;
cb = g0[type][g1._uid];
if (cb) return cb;
return false;
* "Sleeping" sprites get temporarily ignored during physics
* simulation. A sprite starts "sleeping" when it stops moving and
* doesn't collide with anything that it wasn't already touching.
* This is an important performance optimization that you probably
* shouldn't disable for every sprite in the world.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
get allowSleeping() {
return this.getAllowSleeping();
set allowSleeping(val) {
* Finds the first sprite (with a physics body) that
* intersects a ray (line), excluding any sprites that intersect
* with the starting point.
* This function can also be given start and end points.
* @param {Object} startPos - starting position of the ray cast
* @param {Number} direction - direction of the ray
* @param {Number} maxDistance - max distance the ray should check
* @returns {Sprite} The first sprite the ray hits or undefined
rayCast(startPos, direction, maxDistance) {
let sprites = this.rayCastAll(startPos, direction, maxDistance, () => true);
return sprites[0];
* Finds sprites (with physics bodies) that intersect
* a line (ray), excluding any sprites that intersect the
* starting point.
* This function can also be given start and end points.
* @param {Object} startPos - starting position of the ray cast
* @param {Number} direction - direction of the ray
* @param {Number} maxDistance - max distance the ray should check
* @param {Function} [limiter] - limiter function that's run each time the ray intersects a sprite, return true to stop the ray
* @returns {Sprite[]} An array of sprites that the ray cast hit, sorted by distance. The sprite closest to the starting point will be at index 0.
rayCastAll(startPos, direction, maxDistance, limiter) {
let ts = $.allSprites.tileSize;
let start = scaleTo(startPos.x, startPos.y, ts);
let end;
if (typeof arguments[1] == 'number') {
end = scaleTo(startPos.x + maxDistance * $.cos(direction), startPos.y + maxDistance * $.sin(direction), ts);
} else {
let endPos = arguments[1];
limiter ??= arguments[2];
end = scaleTo(endPos.x, endPos.y, ts);
let results = [];
let maxFraction = 1;
super.rayCast(start, end, function (fixture, point, normal, fraction) {
let sprite = fixture.getBody().sprite;
let shouldLimit = limiter && limiter(sprite);
// TODO provide advanced info: point and angle of intersection
// point,
// normal,
// limit the ray cast so it can't go beyond this sprite
if (shouldLimit) {
if (fraction < maxFraction) {
maxFraction = fraction;
return fraction;
return 1; // keep casting the full length of the ray
// sort results by the distance from the starting position
results.sort((a, b) => a.fraction - b.fraction);
let sprites = [];
for (let res of results) {
if (res.fraction <= maxFraction) {
return sprites;
* @class
this.Camera = class {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/camera.html">
* Look at the Camera reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* A `camera` object is created automatically when p5play loads.
* Currently, there can only be one camera per sketch (instance
* of p5 or q5).
* A camera facilitates zooming and scrolling for scenes extending beyond
* the canvas. Moving the camera does not actually move the sprites.
* The camera is automatically created on the first draw cycle.
* The camera wraps the whole drawing cycle in a transformation
* matrix (using `push`/`pushMatrix`) but it can be disabled
* during the draw cycle to draw interface elements in an
* absolute position.
constructor() {
// camera position
this._pos = $.createVector.call($);
// camera translation
this.__pos = { x: 0, y: 0, rounded: {} };
* Read only. True if the camera is active.
* Use camera.on() to activate the camera.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
this.isActive = false;
this.bound = {
min: { x: 0, y: 0 },
max: { x: 0, y: 0 }
this._zoomIdx = -1;
this._zoom = 1;
this._destIdx = 0;
* The camera's position. {x, y}
* @type {Object}
get pos() {
return this._pos;
set pos(val) {
this.x = val.x;
this.y = val.y;
* The camera's position. Alias for pos.
* @type {Object}
get position() {
return this._pos;
set position(val) {
this.x = val.x;
this.y = val.y;
_calcBoundsX(val) {
let mod = $.canvas.hw / this._zoom;
this.bound.min.x = val - mod;
this.bound.max.x = val + mod;
_calcBoundsY(val) {
let mod = $.canvas.hh / this._zoom;
this.bound.min.y = val - mod;
this.bound.max.y = val + mod;
* The camera x position.
* @type {Number}
get x() {
return this._pos.x;
set x(val) {
if (val === undefined || isNaN(val)) return;
this._pos.x = val;
let x = -val;
if ($.canvas.renderer == '2d') x += $.canvas.hw / this._zoom;
this.__pos.x = x;
if ($.allSprites.pixelPerfect) {
this.__pos.rounded.x = Math.round(x);
* The camera y position.
* @type {Number}
get y() {
return this._pos.y;
set y(val) {
if (val === undefined || isNaN(val)) return;
this._pos.y = val;
let y = -val;
if ($.canvas.renderer == '2d') y += $.canvas.hh / this._zoom;
this.__pos.y = y;
if ($.allSprites.pixelPerfect) {
this.__pos.rounded.y = Math.round(y);
* Moves the camera to a position. Similar to `sprite.moveTo`.
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Number} speed
* @returns {Promise} resolves true when the camera reaches the target position
moveTo(x, y, speed) {
if (x === undefined) return;
if (isNaN(x)) {
speed = y;
y = x.y;
x = x.x;
speed ??= 1;
if (speed <= 0) {
console.warn('camera.moveTo: speed should be a positive number');
return Promise.resolve(false);
let a = y - this.y;
let b = x - this.x;
let c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
let percent = speed / c;
let velX = b * percent;
let velY = a * percent;
let destIdx = this._destIdx;
let steps = Math.ceil(c / speed);
return (async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
this.x += velX;
this.y += velY;
await $.sleep();
if (destIdx != this._destIdx) return false;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return true;
* Camera zoom.
* A scale of 1 will be the normal size. Setting it to 2
* will make everything appear twice as big. .5 will make
* everything look half size.
* @type {Number}
* @default 1
get zoom() {
return this._zoom;
set zoom(val) {
if (val === undefined || isNaN(val)) return;
this._zoom = val;
let x = -this._pos.x;
if ($.canvas.renderer == '2d') x += $.canvas.hw / val;
let y = -this._pos.y;
if ($.canvas.renderer == '2d') y += $.canvas.hh / val;
this.__pos.x = x;
this.__pos.y = y;
if ($.allSprites.pixelPerfect) {
this.__pos.rounded.x = Math.round(x);
this.__pos.rounded.y = Math.round(y);
* Zoom the camera at a given speed.
* @param {Number} target - The target zoom
* @param {Number} speed - The amount of zoom per frame
* @returns {Promise} resolves true when the camera reaches the target zoom
zoomTo(target, speed) {
if (target == this._zoom) return Promise.resolve(true);
speed ??= 0.1;
let delta = Math.abs(target - this._zoom);
let frames = Math.round(delta / speed);
if (target < this.zoom) speed = -speed;
let zoomIdx = this._zoomIdx;
return (async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
if (zoomIdx != this._zoomIdx) return false;
this.zoom += speed;
await $.sleep();
this.zoom = target;
return true;
* Activates the camera.
* The canvas will be drawn according to the camera position and scale until
* camera.off() is called.
on() {
if (!this.isActive) {
if (!$.allSprites.pixelPerfect) {
$.translate(this.__pos.x, this.__pos.y);
} else {
this.__pos.rounded.x ??= Math.round(this.__pos.x);
this.__pos.rounded.y ??= Math.round(this.__pos.y);
$.translate(this.__pos.rounded.x, this.__pos.rounded.y);
this.isActive = true;
* Deactivates the camera.
* The canvas will be drawn normally, ignoring the camera's position
* and scale until camera.on() is called.
off() {
if (this.isActive) {
this.isActive = false;
}; //end camera class
* This planck function should've been named "shouldContact",
* because that's what it actually decides.
* Here we override it to allow for overlap events between sprites.
pl.Fixture.prototype.shouldCollide = function (that) {
// should this and that produce a contact event?
let a = this;
let b = that;
// sensors overlap (returning true doesn't mean they will collide it means
// they're included in begin contact and end contact events)
if (a.m_isSensor && b.m_isSensor) return true;
// ignore contact events between a sensor and a non-sensor
if (a.m_isSensor || b.m_isSensor) return false;
// else test if the two non-sensor colliders should overlap
a = a.m_body.sprite;
b = b.m_body.sprite;
let shouldOverlap = a._hasOverlap[b._uid] ?? b._hasOverlap[a._uid];
// if `a` has an overlap enabled with `b` their colliders should
// not produce a contact event, the overlap contact event should
// only be produced between their sensors
if (shouldOverlap) return false;
return true;
* @class
this.Tiles = class {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/tiles.html">
* Look at the Tiles reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* Returns a group containing all the tile sprites created by
* the `Tiles` constructor.
* @param {String} tiles
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Number} w
* @param {Number} h
constructor(tiles, x, y, w, h) {
if (typeof tiles == 'string') {
if (tiles[0] == '\n') tiles = tiles.slice(1);
tiles = tiles.replaceAll('\t', ' ');
tiles = tiles.split('\n');
x ??= 0;
y ??= 0;
w ??= 1;
h ??= 1;
let sprites = new $.Group();
for (let row = 0; row < tiles.length; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < tiles[row].length; col++) {
let t = tiles[row][col];
if (t == ' ' || t == '.') continue;
let ani, g;
let groups = Object.values($.p5play.groups);
for (g of groups) {
ani = g.animations[t];
if (ani) break;
if (ani) {
sprites.push(new g.Sprite(ani, x + col * w, y + row * h));
let wasFound = false;
for (g of groups) {
if (g.tile == t) {
wasFound = true;
if (wasFound) {
sprites.push(new g.Sprite(x + col * w, y + row * h));
let s;
for (s of $.allSprites) {
if (s.tile == t) {
wasFound = true;
if (wasFound) {
s.x = x + col * w;
s.y = y + row * h;
throw 'Tile not found: ' + t;
return sprites;
* Use of `new Tiles()` is preferred.
* @deprecated
* @func createTiles
this.createTiles = function (tiles, x, y, w, h) {
return new $.Tiles(tiles, x, y, w, h);
* @class
this.Joint = class {
* Using this Joint class directly is not recommended, but
* if it is used a GlueJoint will be created.
* It's better to use a specific joint class constructor:
* GlueJoint, DistanceJoint, WheelJoint, HingeJoint,
* SliderJoint, or RopeJoint.
* All other joint classes extend this class. Joint type
* can not be changed after a joint is created.
* @param {Sprite} spriteA
* @param {Sprite} spriteB
* @param {String} [type]
constructor(spriteA, spriteB, type) {
if (!spriteA?._isSprite || !spriteB?._isSprite) {
throw new Error('The Joint constructor requires two sprites as input.');
if (!spriteA.body) spriteA.addDefaultSensors();
if (!spriteB.body) spriteB.addDefaultSensors();
* The first sprite in the joint.
* @type {Sprite}
this.spriteA = spriteA;
* The second sprite in the joint.
* @type {Sprite}
this.spriteB = spriteB;
type ??= 'glue';
* Read only. The type of joint. Can be one of:
* "glue", "distance", "wheel", "hinge", "slider", or "rope".
* Can't be changed after the joint is created.
* @type {String}
this.type = type;
if (type == 'glue') {
let j = pl.WeldJoint({}, spriteA.body, spriteB.body, spriteA.body.getWorldCenter());
let _this = this;
if (type != 'glue' && type != 'slider' && type != 'rope') {
for (let l of ['A', 'B']) {
if (l == 'A' && type == 'wheel') continue;
const prop = '_offset' + l;
this[prop] = $.createVector.call($);
for (let axis of ['x', 'y']) {
Object.defineProperty(this[prop], axis, {
get() {
let val = (_this._j['m_localAnchor' + l][axis] / _this['sprite' + l].tileSize) * $.world.meterSize;
return $.p5play.friendlyRounding ? fixRound(val) : val;
set(val) {
_this._j['m_localAnchor' + l][axis] = (val / $.world.meterSize) * _this['sprite' + l].tileSize;
if (_this.type == 'distance' || _this.type == 'rope') {
_this._j.m_length = pl.Vec2.distance(
} else if (_this.type == 'hinge' || _this.type == 'wheel') {
let o;
if (l == 'A') o = 'B';
else o = 'A';
// body o's local point of body l anchor's world point
_this._j['m_localAnchor' + o][axis] = _this._j['m_body' + o].getLocalPoint(
_this._j['m_body' + l].getWorldPoint(_this._j['m_localAnchor' + l])
let removeProps = [];
if (type == 'distance' || type == 'glue' || type == 'rope') {
removeProps.push('enableMotor', 'maxPower', 'motorSpeed', 'power', 'speed');
if (type == 'rope') {
removeProps.push('damping', 'springiness');
let def = {};
for (let prop of removeProps) {
def[prop] = { value: null, enumerable: false };
Object.defineProperties(this, def);
* Determines whether to draw the joint if spriteA
* or spriteB is drawn.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.visible = true;
_createJoint(j) {
this._j = $.world.createJoint(j);
_display() {
this._draw(this.spriteA.x, this.spriteA.y, this.spriteB.x, this.spriteB.y);
this.visible = null;
_draw(xA, yA, xB, yB) {
if (yB) {
$.line(xA, yA, xB, yB);
} else {
$.point(xA, yA);
* Function that draws the joint. Can be overridden by the user.
* @type {Function}
* @param {Number} xA
* @param {Number} yA
* @param {Number} [xB]
* @param {Number} [yB]
get draw() {
return this._display;
set draw(val) {
this._draw = val;
* Offset to the joint's anchorA position from the center of spriteA.
* Only distance and hinge joints have an offsetA.
* @type {p5.Vector}
* @default {x: 0, y: 0}
get offsetA() {
return this._offsetA;
set offsetA(val) {
this._offsetA.x = val.x;
this._offsetA.y = val.y;
* Offset to the joint's anchorB position from the center of spriteB.
* Only distance, hinge, and wheel joints have an offsetB.
* @type {p5.Vector}
* @default {x: 0, y: 0}
get offsetB() {
return this._offsetB;
set offsetB(val) {
this._offsetB.x = val.x;
this._offsetB.y = val.y;
* The springiness of the joint, a 0-1 ratio.
* 0.0 makes the joint completely rigid, and
* 1.0 turns the joint into a super loose spring,
* like a broken slinky that was overextended.
* Springiness is a user friendly wrapper around Box2D's spring
* frequency joint parameter. It's 0-1 ratio is piecewise mapped
* to the range of 30-0.2hz, except 0 remains 0.
* 0.0 -> 0hz (perfectly rigid)
* >0.0-0.1 -> 30hz-4hz (steel rod)
* 0.1-0.5 -> 4hz-2.5hz (tight spring)
* 0.5-0.8 -> 2.5hz-1hz (bouncy spring)
* 0.8-0.9 -> 1hz-0.5hz (slinky)
* 0.9-1.0 -> 0.5hz-0.2hz (bungee cord)
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.0
get springiness() {
return this._springiness;
set springiness(val) {
if (val > 0) {
if (val < 0.1) {
val = $.map(val, 0, 0.1, 30, 4);
} else if (val < 0.5) {
val = $.map(val, 0.1, 0.5, 4, 2.5);
} else if (val < 0.8) {
val = $.map(val, 0.5, 0.8, 2.5, 1);
} else if (val < 0.9) {
val = $.map(val, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 0.5);
} else {
val = $.map(val, 0.9, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2);
this._springiness = val;
if (this.type != 'wheel') return this._j.setFrequency(val);
* Damping only effects joint's that have a
* springiness greater than 0.
* Damping is a 0-1 ratio describing how quickly the joint loses
* vibrational energy.
* 0.0 lets the joint continue to spring up and down very easily.
* 1.0 makes the joint lose vibrational energy immediately,
* making the joint completely rigid, regardless of its springiness.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.0
get damping() {
if (this.type != 'wheel') {
return this._j.getDampingRatio();
return this._j.getSpringDampingRatio();
set damping(val) {
if (this.type != 'wheel') {
* The current speed of the joint's motor.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get speed() {
return this._j.getJointSpeed();
set speed(val) {
if (!this._j.isMotorEnabled()) {
get motorSpeed() {
return this._j.getMotorSpeed();
* Enable or disable the joint's motor.
* Disabling the motor is like putting a
* car in neutral.
* @type {Boolean}
get enableMotor() {
return this._j.isMotorEnabled();
set enableMotor(val) {
* Max power is how the amount of torque a joint motor can exert
* around its axis of rotation.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get maxPower() {
return this._j.getMaxMotorTorque();
set maxPower(val) {
if (!this._j.isMotorEnabled() && val) {
if (!val) this._j.enableMotor(false);
* Read only. The joint's current power, the amount of torque
* being applied on the joint's axis of rotation.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get power() {
return this._j.getMotorTorque();
* Set to true if you want the joint's sprites to collide with
* each other.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
get collideConnected() {
return this._j.getCollideConnected();
set collideConnected(val) {
this._j.m_collideConnected = val;
* Read only. The joint's reaction force.
get reactionForce() {
return this._j.getReactionForce($.world._timeStep);
* Read only. The joint's reaction torque.
get reactionTorque() {
return this._j.getReactionTorque($.world._timeStep);
* Removes the joint from the world and from each of the
* sprites' joints arrays.
remove() {
if (this._removed) return;
this.spriteA.joints.splice(this.spriteA.joints.indexOf(this), 1);
this.spriteB.joints.splice(this.spriteB.joints.indexOf(this), 1);
this._removed = true;
* @class
* @extends Joint
this.GlueJoint = class extends $.Joint {
* Glue joints are used to glue two sprites together.
* @param {Sprite} spriteA
* @param {Sprite} spriteB
constructor(spriteA, spriteB) {
super(...arguments, 'glue');
* @class
* @extends Joint
this.DistanceJoint = class extends $.Joint {
* Distance joints are used to constrain the distance
* between two sprites.
* @param {Sprite} spriteA
* @param {Sprite} spriteB
constructor(spriteA, spriteB) {
super(...arguments, 'distance');
let j = pl.DistanceJoint(
_display() {
let ancA, ancB;
if (this.offsetA.x || this.offsetA.y) {
ancA = this.spriteA.body.getWorldPoint(this._j.m_localAnchorA);
ancA = scaleFrom(ancA.x, ancA.y, this.spriteA.tileSize);
if (this.offsetB.x || this.offsetB.y) {
ancB = this.spriteB.body.getWorldPoint(this._j.m_localAnchorB);
ancB = scaleFrom(ancB.x, ancB.y, this.spriteB.tileSize);
!ancA ? this.spriteA.x : ancA.x,
!ancA ? this.spriteA.y : ancA.y,
!ancB ? this.spriteB.x : ancB.x,
!ancB ? this.spriteB.y : ancB.y
this.visible = null;
* @class
* @extends Joint
this.WheelJoint = class extends $.Joint {
* Wheel joints can be used to create vehicles!
* By default the motor is disabled, angle is 90 degrees,
* maxPower is 1000, springiness is 0.1, and damping is 0.7.
* @param {Sprite} spriteA - the vehicle body
* @param {Sprite} spriteB - the wheel
constructor(spriteA, spriteB) {
super(...arguments, 'wheel');
let j = pl.WheelJoint(
maxMotorTorque: 1000,
frequencyHz: 4,
dampingRatio: 0.7
new pl.Vec2(0, 1)
this._angle = $._angleMode == DEGREES ? 90 : 1.5707963267948966;
_display() {
let xA = this.spriteA.x;
let yA = this.spriteA.y;
let xB, yB;
if (!this.offsetB.x && !this.offsetB.y) {
xB = this.spriteB.x;
yB = this.spriteB.y;
} else {
let ancB = this.spriteB.body.getWorldPoint(this._j.m_localAnchorB);
ancB = scaleFrom(ancB.x, ancB.y, this.spriteB.tileSize);
xB = ancB.x;
yB = ancB.y;
// Calculate the slopes of the lines
let slopeA = $.tan(this.spriteA.rotation);
let slopeB = $.tan(this._angle + this.spriteA.rotation);
// Calculate the intersection point
let xI = (yB - yA + slopeA * xA - slopeB * xB) / (slopeA - slopeB);
let yI = slopeA * (xI - xA) + yA;
this._draw(xI, yI, xB, yB);
this.visible = null;
* The angle at which the wheel is attached to the vehicle body.
* The default is 90 degrees or PI/2 radians, which is vertical.
* @type {Number}
* @default 90
get angle() {
return this._angle;
set angle(val) {
if (val == this._angle) return;
this._angle = val;
this._j.m_localXAxisA = new pl.Vec2($.cos(val), $.sin(val));
this._j.m_localYAxisA = pl.Vec2.crossNumVec2(1.0, this._j.m_localXAxisA);
* @class
* @extends Joint
this.HingeJoint = class extends $.Joint {
* Hinge joints attach two sprites together at a pivot point,
* constraining them to rotate around this point, like a hinge.
* A known as a revolute joint.
* @param {Sprite} spriteA
* @param {Sprite} spriteB
constructor(spriteA, spriteB) {
super(...arguments, 'hinge');
let j = pl.RevoluteJoint({}, spriteA.body, spriteB.body, spriteA.body.getWorldCenter());
_display() {
const offsetAx = this.offsetA.x;
const offsetAy = this.offsetA.y;
const rotationA = this.spriteA.rotation;
const rotatedOffsetAx = offsetAx * $.cos(rotationA) - offsetAy * $.sin(rotationA);
const rotatedOffsetAy = offsetAx * $.sin(rotationA) + offsetAy * $.cos(rotationA);
this._draw(this.spriteA.x + rotatedOffsetAx, this.spriteA.y + rotatedOffsetAy);
this.visible = null;
* The joint's range of rotation. Setting the range
* changes the joint's upper and lower limits.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
get range() {
return this.upperLimit - this.lowerLimit;
set range(val) {
val /= 2;
this.upperLimit = val;
this.lowerLimit = -val;
* The lower limit of rotation.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
get lowerLimit() {
let val = this._j.getLowerLimit();
if ($._angleMode == 'radians') return val;
return $.degrees(val);
set lowerLimit(val) {
if (!this._j.isLimitEnabled()) {
if ($._angleMode == DEGREES) val = $.radians(val);
this._j.m_lowerAngle = val;
* The upper limit of rotation.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
get upperLimit() {
let val = this._j.getUpperLimit();
if ($._angleMode == 'radians') return val;
return $.degrees(val);
set upperLimit(val) {
if (!this._j.isLimitEnabled()) {
if ($._angleMode == DEGREES) val = $.radians(val);
this._j.m_upperAngle = val;
* Read only. The joint's current angle of rotation.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get angle() {
let ang = this._j.getJointAngle();
if ($._angleMode == 'radians') return ang;
return $.radians(ang);
$.RevoluteJoint = $.HingeJoint;
* @class
* @extends Joint
this.SliderJoint = class extends $.Joint {
* A slider joint constrains the motion of two sprites to sliding
* along a common axis, without rotation.
* Also known as a prismatic joint.
* @param {Sprite} spriteA
* @param {Sprite} spriteB
constructor(spriteA, spriteB) {
super(...arguments, 'slider');
let j = pl.PrismaticJoint(
lowerTranslation: -1,
upperTranslation: 1,
enableLimit: true,
maxMotorForce: 50,
motorSpeed: 0,
enableMotor: true
new pl.Vec2(1, 0)
this._angle = 0;
* The angle of the joint's axis which its sprites slide along.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
get angle() {
return this._angle;
set angle(val) {
if (val == this._angle) return;
this._angle = val;
this._j.m_localXAxisA = new pl.Vec2($.cos(val), $.sin(val));
this._j.m_localYAxisA = pl.Vec2.crossNumVec2(1.0, this._j.m_localXAxisA);
* The joint's range of translation. Setting the range
* changes the joint's upper and lower limits.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
get range() {
return this.upperLimit - this.lowerLimit;
set range(val) {
val /= 2;
this.upperLimit = val;
this.lowerLimit = -val;
* The mathematical lower (not positionally lower)
* limit of translation.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
get lowerLimit() {
return (this._j.getLowerLimit() / this.spriteA.tileSize) * $.world.meterSize;
set lowerLimit(val) {
if (!this._j.isLimitEnabled()) {
val = (val * this.spriteA.tileSize) / $.world.meterSize;
this._j.setLimits(val, this._j.getUpperLimit());
* The mathematical upper (not positionally higher)
* limit of translation.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
get upperLimit() {
return (this._j.getUpperLimit() / this.spriteA.tileSize) * $.world.meterSize;
set upperLimit(val) {
if (!this._j.isLimitEnabled()) {
val = (val * this.spriteA.tileSize) / $.world.meterSize;
this._j.setLimits(this._j.getLowerLimit(), val);
$.PrismaticJoint = $.SliderJoint;
* @class
* @extends Joint
this.RopeJoint = class extends $.Joint {
* A Rope joint prevents two sprites from going further
* than a certain distance from each other, which is
* defined by the max length of the rope, but they do allow
* the sprites to get closer together.
* @param {Sprite} spriteA
* @param {Sprite} spriteB
constructor(spriteA, spriteB) {
super(...arguments, 'rope');
let j = pl.RopeJoint(
maxLength: 1
this._j.m_localAnchorB.x = 0;
this._j.m_localAnchorB.y = 0;
* The maximum length of the rope.
get maxLength() {
return scaleXFrom(this._j.getMaxLength(), this.spriteA.tileSize);
set maxLength(val) {
this._j.setMaxLength(scaleXTo(val, this.spriteA.tileSize));
* @class
* @extends Joint
this.GrabberJoint = class extends this.Joint {
* A Grabber joint enables you to grab sprites and move them with
* a max force towards a target position.
* @param {Sprite} sprite - the sprite to grab
constructor(sprite) {
super(sprite, sprite, 'grab');
this._target = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.__target = new pl.Vec2(0, 0);
let j = pl.MouseJoint(
maxForce: 1000,
frequencyHz: 3,
dampingRatio: 0.9,
target: sprite.body.getPosition()
_draw() {
$.line(this.spriteA.x, this.spriteA.y, this._target.x, this._target.y);
* The target position of the joint that the sprite will be
* moved towards. Must be an object with x and y properties.
* @type {Object}
get target() {
return this._target;
set target(pos) {
this._target.x = pos.x;
this._target.y = pos.y;
this.__target.x = pos.x / $.world.meterSize;
this.__target.y = pos.y / $.world.meterSize;
* The maximum force that the joint can exert on the sprite.
* @type {Number}
* @default 1000
get maxForce() {
return this._j.getMaxForce();
set maxForce(val) {
class Scale {
constructor() {
let _this = this;
Object.defineProperties(this, {
x: {
get() {
return _this._x;
set(val) {
if (val == _this._x) return;
_this._x = val;
_this._avg = (_this._x + _this._y) * 0.5;
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
y: {
get() {
return _this._y;
set(val) {
if (val == _this._y) return;
_this._y = val;
_this._avg = (_this._x + _this._y) * 0.5;
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
_x: {
value: 1,
enumerable: false,
writable: true
_y: {
value: 1,
enumerable: false,
writable: true
_avg: {
value: 1,
enumerable: false,
writable: true
valueOf() {
return this._avg;
function isArrowFunction(fn) {
return !/^(?:(?:\/\*[^(?:\*\/)]*\*\/\s*)|(?:\/\/[^\r\n]*))*\s*(?:(?:(?:async\s(?:(?:\/\*[^(?:\*\/)]*\*\/\s*)|(?:\/\/[^\r\n]*))*\s*)?function|class)(?:\s|(?:(?:\/\*[^(?:\*\/)]*\*\/\s*)|(?:\/\/[^\r\n]*))*)|(?:[_$\w][\w0-9_$]*\s*(?:\/\*[^(?:\*\/)]*\*\/\s*)*\s*\()|(?:\[\s*(?:\/\*[^(?:\*\/)]*\*\/\s*)*\s*(?:(?:['][^']+['])|(?:["][^"]+["]))\s*(?:\/\*[^(?:\*\/)]*\*\/\s*)*\s*\]\())/.test(
* Checks if the given string contains a valid collider type
* or collider type code letter:
* 'd' or 'dynamic'
* 's' or 'static'
* 'k' or 'kinematic'
* 'n' or 'none'
function isColliderType(t) {
if (t == 'd' || t == 's' || t == 'k' || t == 'n') return true;
let abr = t.slice(0, 2);
return abr == 'dy' || abr == 'st' || abr == 'ki' || abr == 'no';
* Returns an array with the line length, angle, and number of sides
* of a regular polygon, which is used internally to create a Sprite
* using line mode.
function getRegularPolygon(lineLength, name) {
let l = lineLength;
let n = name.toLowerCase();
if (n == 'triangle') l = [l, -120, 3];
else if (n == 'square') l = [l, -90, 4];
else if (n == 'pentagon') l = [l, -72, 5];
else if (n == 'hexagon') l = [l, -60, 6];
else if (n == 'septagon') l = [l, -51.4285714286, 7];
else if (n == 'octagon') l = [l, -45, 8];
else if (n == 'enneagon') l = [l, -40, 9];
else if (n == 'decagon') l = [l, -36, 10];
else if (n == 'hendecagon') l = [l, -32.7272727273, 11];
else if (n == 'dodecagon') l = [l, -30, 12];
if (l == lineLength) throw new Error('Invalid, not a regular polygon: ' + name);
return l;
// default color palettes
$.p5play.palettes = [
a: 'aqua',
b: 'black',
c: 'crimson',
d: 'darkviolet',
e: 'peachpuff',
f: 'olive',
g: 'green',
h: 'hotpink',
i: 'indigo',
j: 'navy',
k: 'khaki',
l: 'lime',
m: 'magenta',
n: 'brown',
o: 'orange',
p: 'pink',
q: 'turquoise',
r: 'red',
s: 'skyblue',
t: 'tan',
u: 'blue',
v: 'violet',
w: 'white',
x: 'gold',
y: 'yellow',
z: 'gray'
* Gets a color from a color palette.
* @param {String} c - A single character, a key found in the color palette object.
* @param {Number|Object} palette - can be a palette object or number index
* in the system's palettes array.
* @returns {String} a hex color string
this.colorPal = (c, palette) => {
if (c instanceof p5.Color) return c;
if (typeof palette == 'number') {
palette = $.p5play.palettes[palette];
palette ??= $.p5play.palettes[0];
let clr = palette[c];
if (!clr) return $.color(0, 0, 0, 0);
return $.color(clr);
* Creates a new image of an emoji, trimmed to the emoji's dimensions.
* @param {String} emoji
* @param {Number} textSize
* @returns {p5.Image} emojiImage
* @example
* let img = new EmojiImage('🏀', 32);
this.EmojiImage = function (emoji, textSize) {
let g = $.createGraphics(textSize, textSize * 1.25);
g.text(emoji, textSize / 2, textSize);
// same code as img.trim() in q5.js
let ctx = g.drawingContext;
let pd = g._pixelDensity || 1;
let w = g.canvas.width;
let h = g.canvas.height;
let data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h).data;
let left = w,
right = 0,
top = h,
bottom = 0;
let i = 3;
for (let y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < w; x++) {
if (data[i] !== 0) {
if (x < left) left = x;
if (x > right) right = x;
if (y < top) top = y;
if (y > bottom) bottom = y;
i += 4;
top = Math.floor(top / pd);
bottom = Math.floor(bottom / pd);
left = Math.floor(left / pd);
right = Math.floor(right / pd);
g = g.get(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1);
g.url = emoji;
return g;
* Create pixel art images from a string. Each character in the
* input string represents a color value defined in the palette
* object.
* @func spriteArt
* @param {String} txt - each character represents a pixel color value
* @param {Number} scale - the scale of the image
* @param {Number|Object} palette - color palette
* @returns {p5.Image} A p5.Image object
* @example
* let str = `
* ...yyyy
* .yybyybyy
* yyyyyyyyyy
* yybyyyybyy
* .yybbbbyy
* ...yyyy`;
* let img = spriteArt(str);
this.spriteArt = (txt, scale, palette) => {
scale ??= 1;
if (typeof palette == 'number') {
palette = $.p5play.palettes[palette];
palette ??= $.p5play.palettes[0];
let lines = txt; // accepts 2D arrays of characters
if (typeof txt == 'string') {
txt = txt.trim();
txt = txt.replace(/\r*\n\t+/g, '\n'); // trim leading tabs
txt = txt.replace(/\s+$/g, ''); // trim trailing whitespace
lines = txt.split('\n');
let w = 0;
for (let line of lines) {
if (line.length > w) w = line.length;
let h = lines.length;
let img = $.createImage(w * scale, h * scale);
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < lines[i].length; j++) {
for (let sX = 0; sX < scale; sX++) {
for (let sY = 0; sY < scale; sY++) {
let c = this.colorPal(lines[i][j], palette);
img.set(j * scale + sX, i * scale + sY, c);
img.w = img.width;
img.h = img.height;
return img; // return the p5 graphics object
* Use of `new Sprite()` is preferred.
* Creates a new sprite.
* @deprecated
* @returns {Sprite}
this.createSprite = function () {
return new $.Sprite(...arguments);
* Use of `new Group()` is preferred.
* Creates a new group of sprites.
* @deprecated
* @returns {Group}
this.createGroup = function () {
return new $.Group(...arguments);
* Alias for `new Ani()`
* Load animations in the `preload` function if you need to use
* them when your program starts.
* @returns {Ani}
this.loadAnimation = this.loadAni = function () {
return new $.Ani(...arguments);
* Displays an animation. Similar to the `image` function.
* @param {Ani} ani - Animation to be displayed
* @param {Number} x - position of the animation on the canvas
* @param {Number} y - position of the animation on the canvas
* @param {Number} r - rotation of the animation
* @param {Number} sX - scale of the animation in the x direction
* @param {Number} sY - scale of the animation in the y direction
this.animation = function (ani, x, y, r, sX, sY) {
if (ani.visible) ani.update();
ani.draw(x, y, r, sX, sY);
* Delays code execution in an async function for the specified time.
* If no input is given, it waits until a new animation frame is ready
* to be drawn using the `window.requestAnimationFrame` function.
* @param {Number} millisecond
* @returns {Promise} A Promise that fulfills after the specified time.
* @example
* async function startGame() {
* await delay(3000);
* }
this.delay = (milliseconds) => {
if (!milliseconds) return new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
// else it wraps setTimeout in a Promise
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds);
* Delays code execution in an async function for the specified time.
* If no input is given, it waits until after a physics update is completed.
* @param {Number} millisecond
* @returns {Promise} A Promise that fulfills after the specified time.
* @example
* async function startGame() {
* await sleep(3000);
* }
this.sleep = (milliseconds) => {
if (!milliseconds) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if ($.canvas.dispatchEvent) {
function handler() {
$.canvas.removeEventListener('p5play_worldStepped', handler);
$.canvas.addEventListener('p5play_worldStepped', handler);
} else {
setTimeout(resolve, $.world._timeStep * 1000);
return $.delay(milliseconds);
* Awaitable function for playing sounds.
* @param {any} sound
* @returns {Promise}
* @example
* await play(sound);
this.play = (sound) => {
if (!sound?.play) {
throw new Error("Tried to play your sound but it wasn't a sound object.");
return new Promise((resolve) => {
sound.onended(() => resolve());
async function playIntro() {
if (document.getElementById('p5play-intro')) return;
let d = document.createElement('div');
d.id = 'p5play-intro';
d.style = 'position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 1000; background-color: black;';
let logo = document.createElement('img');
logo.style = `position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; width: 80vmin; height: 40vmin; margin-left: -40vmin; margin-top: -20vmin; z-index: 1001; opacity: 1; scale: 1; transition: scale 1.5s, opacity 0.4s ease-in-out;`;
logo.onerror = () => {
logo.style.imageRendering = 'pixelated';
logo.src =
let src = window._p5play_intro_image;
if (src == '' || src?.includes('made_with_p5play')) {
if (src.includes('bit.') || src.includes('pixel')) {
logo.style.imageRendering = 'pixelated';
logo.src = src;
} else {
logo.src = 'https://p5play.org/assets/made_with_p5play.webp';
await new Promise((r) => (logo.onload = r));
await $.delay();
logo.offsetHeight; // trigger css reflow
logo.style.scale = 1.2;
await $.delay(1100);
logo.style.opacity = 0;
await $.delay(400);
d.style.display = 'none';
if (window.location) {
let lh = location.hostname;
switch (lh) {
case '':
case '':
case 'localhost':
case 'p5play.org':
case 'editor.p5js.org':
case 'codepen.io':
case 'codera.app':
case 'aug4th.com':
case 'cdpn.io':
case 'glitch.com':
case 'replit.com':
case 'stackblitz.com':
case 'jsfiddle.net':
case 'aijs.io':
case 'preview-aijs.web.app':
case 'quinton-ashley.github.io':
if (
/^[\d\.]+$/.test(lh) ||
lh.endsWith('.lan') ||
lh.endsWith('stackblitz.io') ||
lh.endsWith('glitch.me') ||
lh.endsWith('replit.dev') ||
lh.endsWith('codehs.com') ||
lh.endsWith('openprocessing.org') ||
) {
let userDisabledP5Errors = p5.disableFriendlyErrors;
p5.disableFriendlyErrors = true;
const _createCanvas = $.createCanvas;
* Use of `new Canvas()` is preferred. Check the Canvas constructor
* for documentation.
* This function differs from `new Canvas()` because it returns a
* p5.Renderer object instead of the HTML5 canvas object itself.
* @returns {p5.Renderer} renderer object
this.createCanvas = function () {
let args = [...arguments];
let displayMode, renderQuality, displayScale;
if (typeof args[0] == 'string') {
if (args[0].includes(':')) {
let ratio = args[0].split(':');
let rW = Number(ratio[0]);
let rH = Number(ratio[1]);
let w = window.innerWidth;
let h = window.innerWidth * (rH / rW);
if (h > window.innerHeight) {
w = window.innerHeight * (rW / rH);
h = window.innerHeight;
args[0] = Math.round(w);
args.splice(1, 0, Math.round(h));
displayMode = 'fullscreen';
} else {
args = [0, 0, ...args];
if (!args[0]) {
args[0] = window.innerWidth;
args[1] = window.innerHeight;
displayMode = 'fullscreen';
if (typeof args[2] == 'string') {
let rend = args[2].toLowerCase().split(' ');
if (rend[0] == 'pixelated') {
renderQuality = 'pixelated';
if (!rend[1]) displayMode = 'fullscreen';
else {
displayMode = 'centered';
displayScale = Number(rend[1].slice(1));
args.splice(2, 1);
} else if (rend[0] == 'fullscreen') {
displayMode = 'fullscreen';
args.splice(2, 1);
let rend = _createCanvas.call($, ...args);
$.ctx = $.drawingContext;
let c = rend.canvas || rend;
if (rend.GL) c.renderer = 'webgl';
if (c.renderer != 'webgpu') c.renderer = '2d';
c.tabIndex = 0;
c.w = args[0];
c.h = args[1];
if (c.addEventListener) {
c.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (
e.key == ' ' ||
e.key == '/' ||
e.key == 'ArrowUp' ||
e.key == 'ArrowDown' ||
e.key == 'ArrowLeft' ||
e.key == 'ArrowRight'
) {
c.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
this.mouse.isOnCanvas = true;
this.mouse.isActive = true;
c.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
this.mouse.isOnCanvas = false;
c.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => e.preventDefault());
// this stops the right click menu from appearing
c.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => e.preventDefault());
c.save ??= $.saveCanvas.bind($);
c.resize ??= $.resizeCanvas.bind($);
c.hw = c.w * 0.5;
c.hh = c.h * 0.5;
c.mouse = { x: $.mouseX, y: $.mouseY };
if (c.renderer == '2d' && !$._webgpuFallback) {
$.camera.x = $.camera.ogX = c.hw;
$.camera.y = $.camera.ogY = c.hh;
} else {
$.camera.x = 0;
$.camera.y = 0;
if (c.renderer == 'webgl') $._textCache = false;
if (!$._webgpuFallback) {
$.p5play._renderStats = {
x: -c.hw + 10,
y: -c.hh + 20
if (!userDisabledP5Errors) p5.disableFriendlyErrors = false;
$.displayMode(displayMode, renderQuality, displayScale);
return rend;
// this is only for jsdoc
* @class
this.Canvas = class {
* p5play adds some extra functionality to the `createCanvas`
* function. See the examples below.
* Creating a canvas in p5play disables the browser's default
* keydown responses for the slash, space, and arrow keys to
* prevent page scrolling which is disruptive to gameplay.
* For an easy way to scale the canvas or make it pixelated, use
* the `displayMode` function.
* Only q5.js has support for canvas options (context attributes).
* @param {Number} [width]
* @param {Number} [height]
* @param {Object} [options] - context attributes
* @returns HTML5 canvas element
* @example
* // fills the window
* new Canvas();
* // max 16:9 aspect ratio dimensions that will fit the window
* new Canvas('16:9');
* // 800x600 pixels
* new Canvas(800, 600);
constructor(width, height, renderer, options) {
* The width of the canvas.
* @type {Number}
* @default 100
* The width of the canvas.
* @type {Number}
* @default 100
* The height of the canvas.
* @type {Number}
* @default 100
* The height of the canvas.
* @type {Number}
* @default 100
* Half the width of the canvas.
* @type {Number}
* @default 50
* Half the height of the canvas.
* @type {Number}
* @default 50
* Absolute position of the mouse on the canvas, not relative
* to the camera. Same values as `mouseX` and `mouseY`.
* @type {Object}
* @property {Number} x
* @property {Number} y
* Resizes the canvas, the world, and centers the camera.
* Visually the canvas will shrink or extend to the new size. Sprites
* will not change position.
* If you would prefer to keep the camera focused on the same area,
* then you must manually adjust the camera position after calling
* this function.
* @param {Number} w - the new width of the canvas
* @param {Number} h - the new height of the canvas
resize() {}
* Saves the current canvas as an image file.
* @param {String} file - the name of the image
save() {}
* HTML5 canvas element.
* @type {Canvas}
this.canvas = $.canvas;
$.Canvas = function () {
return $.createCanvas(...arguments).canvas;
const _resizeCanvas = $.resizeCanvas;
* Use of `canvas.resize()` is preferred.
this.resizeCanvas = (w, h) => {
w ??= window.innerWidth;
h ??= window.innerHeight;
_resizeCanvas.call($, w, h);
let c = $.canvas;
c.w = c.width / $.pixelDensity();
c.h = c.height / $.pixelDensity();
c.hw = c.w * 0.5;
c.hh = c.h * 0.5;
if (c.fullscreen) {
if (c.w / c.h > window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight) {
c.style.width = '100%!important';
c.style.height = 'auto!important';
} else {
c.style.width = 'auto!important';
c.style.height = '100%!important';
if (c.renderer == '2d') {
$.camera.x = c.hw;
$.camera.y = c.hh;
} else {
$.camera.x = 0;
$.camera.y = 0;
const _frameRate = $.frameRate;
this.frameRate = function (hz) {
let ret = _frameRate.call($, hz);
if (hz) $.world._setTimeStep();
return ret;
const _background = $.background;
* Covers the canvas with a color or image.
* In p5play it can also accept a color palette code.
this.background = function () {
let args = arguments;
if (args.length == 1 && args[0]?.length == 1) {
_background.call($, $.colorPal(args[0]));
} else _background.call($, ...args);
const _fill = $.fill;
* Sets the color used to fill shapes.
* In p5play it can also accept a color palette code.
this.fill = function () {
let args = arguments;
if (args.length == 1 && args[0]?.length == 1) {
_fill.call($, $.colorPal(args[0]));
} else _fill.call($, ...args);
const _stroke = $.stroke;
* Sets the color used to stroke an outline around a shape.
* In p5play it can also accept a color palette code.
this.stroke = function () {
let args = arguments;
if (args.length == 1 && args[0]?.length == 1) {
_stroke.call($, $.colorPal(args[0]));
} else _stroke.call($, ...args);
const _loadImage = $.loadImage;
* Loads an image. p5play caches images so that they're only
* loaded once, so multiple calls to `loadImage` with the same
* path will return the same image object. p5play also adds the
* image's url as a property of the image object.
* @param {string} url
* @param {number} [width]
* @param {number} [height]
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {p5.Image}
this.loadImage = this.loadImg = function () {
if ($.p5play.disableImages) {
// return a dummy image object to prevent errors
return { w: 16, width: 16, h: 16, height: 16, pixels: [] };
let args = arguments;
let url = args[0];
let img = $.p5play.images[url];
let cb;
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] == 'function') {
cb = args[args.length - 1];
if (img) {
// if not finished loading, add callback to the list
if ((img.width <= 1 && img.height <= 1) || !img.pixels?.length) {
if (cb) {
} else $._decrementPreload();
} else {
if (cb) cb(); // if already loaded, run the callback immediately
return img;
const _cb = (_img) => {
// in q5 these getters are already defined
if (!_img.w) {
Object.defineProperty(_img, 'w', {
get: function () {
return this.width;
Object.defineProperty(_img, 'h', {
get: function () {
return this.height;
// server side use of p5play makes images load synchronously
if (_img.cbs) {
for (let cb of _img.cbs) {
for (let i = 1; i < _img.calls; i++) {
_img.cbs = [];
img = _loadImage.call($, url, _cb);
img.cbs = [];
img.calls = 1;
if (cb) img.cbs.push(cb);
img.url = url;
$.p5play.images[url] = img;
return img;
const _image = $.image;
* Display an image
* unless `p5play.disableImages` is true.
* @param {p5.Image} img
$.image = function () {
if ($.p5play.disableImages) return;
_image.call($, ...arguments);
// if the user isn't using q5.js
// add a backwards compatibility layer for p5.js
if (!$.displayMode && typeof document == 'object') {
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
body.hasFrameBorder {
display: block;
.p5Canvas {
outline: none;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
overscroll-behavior: none;
.p5-pixelated {
image-rendering: pixelated;
font-smooth: never;
-webkit-font-smoothing: none;
.p5-fullscreen {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.p5-fullscreen {
height: 100vh;
main {
overscroll-behavior: none;
$._adjustDisplay = () => {
let c = $.canvas;
let s = c.style;
let p = c.parentElement;
if (!s || !p || !c.displayMode) return;
if (c.renderQuality == 'pixelated') {
if ($.noSmooth) $.noSmooth();
if ($.textFont) $.textFont('monospace');
if (c.displayMode == 'normal') {
p.classList.remove('p5-centered', 'p5-maxed', 'p5-fullscreen');
s.width = c.w * c.displayScale + 'px';
s.height = c.h * c.displayScale + 'px';
} else {
p.classList.add('p5-' + c.displayMode);
p = p.getBoundingClientRect();
if (c.w / c.h > p.width / p.height) {
if (c.displayMode == 'centered') {
s.width = c.w * c.displayScale + 'px';
s.maxWidth = '100%';
} else s.width = '100%';
s.height = 'auto';
s.maxHeight = '';
} else {
s.width = 'auto';
s.maxWidth = '';
if (c.displayMode == 'centered') {
s.height = c.h * c.displayScale + 'px';
s.maxHeight = '100%';
} else s.height = '100%';
/** 💻
* The `displayMode` function lets you customize how your canvas is presented.
* Display modes:
* - "normal": no styling to canvas or its parent element
* - "centered": canvas will be centered horizontally and vertically within its parent and if it's display size is bigger than its parent it will not clip
* - "maxed": canvas will fill the parent element, same as fullscreen for a global mode canvas inside a `main` element
* - "fullscreen": canvas will fill the screen with letterboxing if necessary to preserve its aspect ratio, like css object-fit contain
* Render qualities:
* - "default": pixelDensity set to displayDensity
* - "pixelated": pixelDensity set to 1 and various css styles are applied to the canvas to make it render without image smoothing
* Display scale can be set to make small canvases appear larger.
* @param displayMode
* @param renderQuality
* @param displayScale - can be given as a string (ex. "x2") or a number
$.displayMode = (displayMode = 'normal', renderQuality = 'default', displayScale = 1) => {
let c = $.canvas;
if (typeof displayScale == 'string') {
displayScale = parseFloat(displayScale.slice(1));
Object.assign(c, { displayMode, renderQuality, displayScale });
let errMsgs = {
generic: [
'Ah! I found an error',
'Oh no! Something went wrong',
'Oof! Something went wrong',
'Houston, we have a problem',
'Whoops, having trouble here'
Sprite: {
constructor: {
base: "Sorry I'm unable to make a new Sprite",
0: "What is $0 for? If you're trying to specify the x position of the sprite, please specify the y position as well.",
1: "If you're trying to specify points for a chain Sprite, please use an array of position arrays.\n$0",
2: 'Invalid input parameters: $0'
hw: {
0: "I can't change the halfWidth of a Sprite directly, change the sprite's width instead."
hh: {
1: "I can't change the halfHeight of a Sprite directly, change the sprite's height instead."
rotate: {
0: "Can't use this function on a sprite with a static collider, try changing the sprite's collider type to kinematic.",
1: 'Can\'t use "$0" for the angle of rotation, it must be a number.'
rotateTo: {},
rotateMinTo: {},
rotateTowards: {},
changeAnimation: `I can't find any animation named "$0".`,
collide: {
0: "I can't make that sprite collide with $0. Sprites can only collide with another sprite or a group.",
1: 'The collision callback has to be a function.',
2: "You're trying to check for an collision with a sprite or group that doesn't exist!"
overlap: {
0: "I can't make that sprite overlap with $0. Sprites can only overlap with another sprite or a group.",
1: 'The overlap callback has to be a function.',
2: "You're trying to check for an overlap with a sprite or group that doesn't exist!"
Ani: {
constructor: {
base: "Hey so, I tried to make a new Ani but couldn't",
1: 'The name of the animation must be the first input parameter.'
frame: 'Index $0 out of bounds. That means there is no frame $0 in this animation. It only has $1 frames!'
Group: {
constructor: {
base: "Hmm awkward! Well it seems I can't make that new Group you wanted"
errMsgs.Group.collide = errMsgs.Sprite.collide;
errMsgs.Group.overlap = errMsgs.Sprite.overlap;
errMsgs.Sprite.rotateTo[0] =
errMsgs.Sprite.rotateMinTo[0] =
errMsgs.Sprite.rotateTowards[0] =
* A FriendlyError is a custom error class that extends the native JS
* Error class. It's used internally by p5play to make error messages
* more helpful.
* @private
* @param {String} func - the name of the function the error was thrown in
* @param {Number} errorNum - the error's code number
* @param {Array} e - an array of values relevant to the error
class FriendlyError extends Error {
constructor(func, errorNum, e) {
if (typeof func != 'string') {
e = errorNum;
errorNum = func;
func = this.stack.match(/\n\s*at ([^\(]*)/)[1];
func = func.slice(0, -1);
if (typeof errorNum != 'number') {
e = errorNum;
errorNum = undefined;
if (func.slice(0, 3) == 'new') func = func.slice(4);
func = func.split('.');
let className = func[0];
func = func[1] || 'constructor';
let ln = this.stack.match(/\/([^p\/][^5][^\/:]*:[^\/:]+):/);
if (ln) {
ln = ln[1].split(':');
ln = ' in ' + ln[0] + ' at line ' + ln[1];
ln = ' using ' + className + '.' + func + '. ';
e = e || [];
let m = errMsgs[className][func];
let msg;
if (m.base) msg = m.base + ln;
else msg = errMsgs.generic[Math.floor(Math.random() * errMsgs.generic.length)] + ln;
if (errorNum !== undefined) m = m[errorNum];
if (m) {
m = m.replace(/\$([0-9]+)/g, (m, n) => {
return e[n];
msg += m;
p5._friendlyError(msg, func);
* A group that includes all the sprites.
* @type {Group}
this.allSprites = new $.Group();
* The physics world.
* @type {World}
this.world = new $.World();
* The default camera.
* @type {Camera}
this.camera = new $.Camera();
* @class
this.InputDevice = class {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/input.html">
* Look at the Input reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* Root class for storing the state of inputs (mouse, keyboard,
* gamepads).
* -3 means input was pressed and released on the same frame
* -2 means input was released after being held
* -1 means input was released
* 0 means input is not pressed
* 1 means input was pressed
* >1 means input is still being pressed
constructor() {
* The amount of frames an input must be pressed to be considered held.
* @type {number}
* @default 12
this.holdThreshold = 12;
this._default = 0;
* Attempt to auto-correct the user's input. Inheriting classes
* override this method.
_ac(inp) {
return inp;
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {boolean} true on the first frame that the user presses the input
presses(inp) {
inp ??= this._default;
if (this[inp] === undefined) inp = this._ac(inp);
return this[inp] == 1 || this[inp] == -3;
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {number} the amount of frames the user has been pressing the input
pressing(inp) {
inp ??= this._default;
if (this[inp] === undefined) inp = this._ac(inp);
if (this[inp] == -3) return 1;
return this[inp] > 0 ? this[inp] : 0;
* Same as the `released` function, which is preferred.
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {boolean} true on the first frame that the user released the input
pressed(inp) {
return this.released(inp);
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {boolean} true on the first frame that the user holds the input
holds(inp) {
inp ??= this._default;
if (this[inp] === undefined) inp = this._ac(inp);
return this[inp] == this.holdThreshold;
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {number} the amount of frames the user has been holding the input
holding(inp) {
inp ??= this._default;
if (this[inp] === undefined) inp = this._ac(inp);
return this[inp] >= this.holdThreshold ? this[inp] : 0;
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {boolean} true on the first frame that the user released a held input
held(inp) {
inp ??= this._default;
if (this[inp] === undefined) inp = this._ac(inp);
return this[inp] == -2;
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {boolean} true on the first frame that the user released the input
released(inp) {
inp ??= this._default;
if (this[inp] === undefined) inp = this._ac(inp);
return this[inp] <= -1;
releases(inp) {
return this.released(inp);
* @class
* @extends InputDevice
this._Mouse = class extends $.InputDevice {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/input.html">
* Look at the Input reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* Used to create the `mouse` input object.
constructor() {
this._default = 'left';
let _this = this;
// this.x and this.y store the actual position values of the mouse
this._pos = $.createVector.call($);
Object.defineProperty(this._pos, 'x', {
get() {
return _this.x;
set(val) {
_this.x = val;
Object.defineProperty(this._pos, 'y', {
get() {
return _this.y;
set(val) {
_this.y = val;
* The mouse's x position in the world.
* @type {Number}
this.x = 0;
* The mouse's y position in the world.
* @type {Number}
this.y = 0;
* The mouse's absolute position on the canvas.
* @type {object}
* @property {Number} x
* @property {Number} y
this.canvasPos = {};
* The mouse's left button.
* @type {Number}
this.left = 0;
* The mouse's center button.
* @type {Number}
this.center = 0;
* The mouse's right button.
* @type {Number}
this.right = 0;
* Contains the drag status of each of the mouse's buttons.
* @type {object}
this.drag = {
left: 0,
center: 0,
right: 0
this._dragFrame = {
left: false,
center: false,
right: false
* True if the mouse is currently on the canvas.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
this.isOnCanvas = false;
* True if the mouse has ever interacted with the canvas.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
this.isActive = false;
this._visible = true;
this._cursor = 'default';
this._ogX = 0;
this._ogY = 0;
_ac(inp) {
inp = inp.toLowerCase();
if (inp.slice(0, 4) == 'left') inp = 'left';
else if (inp.slice(0, 5) == 'right') inp = 'right';
else if (inp.slice(0, 6) == 'middle') inp = 'center';
return inp;
_update() {
$.mouse.canvasPos.x = $.mouseX;
$.mouse.canvasPos.y = $.mouseY;
if ($.camera.x == $.camera.ogX && $.camera.y == $.camera.ogY && $.camera.zoom == 1) {
this.x = $.mouseX;
this.y = $.mouseY;
} else if ($.canvas.renderer != 'webgpu') {
this.x = ($.mouseX - $.canvas.hw) / $.camera.zoom + $.camera.x;
this.y = ($.mouseY - $.canvas.hh) / $.camera.zoom + $.camera.y;
} else {
this.x = $.mouseX / $.camera.zoom + $.camera.x;
this.y = $.mouseY / $.camera.zoom + $.camera.y;
* The mouse's position.
* @type {object}
get pos() {
return this._pos;
* The mouse's position. Alias for pos.
* @type {object}
get position() {
return this._pos;
* The mouse's CSS cursor style.
* @type {string}
* @default 'default'
get cursor() {
return $.canvas.style.cursor;
set cursor(val) {
if (val != this._cursor) {
this._cursor = val;
* Controls whether the mouse is visible or not.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
get visible() {
return this._visible;
set visible(val) {
this._visible = val;
if (val) $.canvas.style.cursor = 'default';
else $.canvas.style.cursor = 'none';
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {boolean} true on the first frame that the user moves the mouse while pressing the input
drags(inp) {
inp ??= this._default;
return this.drag[inp] == 1;
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {number} the amount of frames the user has been moving the mouse while pressing the input
dragging(inp) {
inp ??= this._default;
return this.drag[inp] > 0 ? this.drag[inp] : 0;
* @param {string} inp
* @returns {boolean} true on the first frame that the user releases the input after dragging the mouse
dragged(inp) {
inp ??= this._default;
return this.drag[inp] <= -1;
* Get user input from the mouse.
* Stores the state of the left, center, or right mouse buttons.
* @type {_Mouse}
this.mouse = new $._Mouse();
* @class
* @extends _Mouse
this._SpriteMouse = class extends $._Mouse {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/input.html">
* Look at the Input reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* Used to create `sprite.mouse` input objects.
constructor() {
delete this.canvasPos;
this.hover = 0;
* @returns {boolean} true on the first frame that the mouse is over the sprite
hovers() {
return this.hover == 1;
* @returns {number} the amount of frames the mouse has been over the sprite
hovering() {
return this.hover > 0 ? this.hover : 0;
* @returns {boolean} true on the first frame that the mouse is no longer over the sprite
hovered() {
return this.hover <= -1;
const __onmousedown = function (btn) {
$.mouse.isActive = true;
if ($.world.mouseSprites.length) {
let msm = $.world.mouseSprite?.mouse;
// old mouse sprite didn't have the mouse released on it
if (msm) {
msm[btn] = 0;
msm.hover = 0;
msm.drag[btn] = 0;
ms = $.world.mouseSprites[0];
$.world.mouseSprite = ms;
msm = ms.mouse;
msm[btn] = 1;
if (msm.hover <= 0) msm.hover = 1;
const _onmousedown = $._onmousedown;
$._onmousedown = function (e) {
if (!$._setupDone) return;
let btn = 'left';
if (e.button === 1) btn = 'center';
else if (e.button === 2) btn = 'right';
__onmousedown.call($, btn);
_onmousedown.call($, e);
const __onmousemove = function (btn) {
let m = $.mouse;
if (m[btn] > 0) m._dragFrame[btn] = true;
const _onmousemove = $._onmousemove;
$._onmousemove = function (e) {
if (!$._setupDone) return;
let btn = 'left';
if (e.button === 1) btn = 'center';
else if (e.button === 2) btn = 'right';
__onmousemove.call($, btn);
_onmousemove.call($, e);
const __onmouseup = function (btn) {
let m = $.mouse;
if (m[btn] >= m.holdThreshold) m[btn] = -2;
else if (m[btn] > 1) m[btn] = -1;
else m[btn] = -3;
if (m.drag[btn] > 0) m.drag[btn] = -1;
let msm = $.world.mouseSprite?.mouse;
if (!msm) return;
if (msm.hover > 1) {
if (msm[btn] >= $.mouse.holdThreshold) msm[btn] = -2;
else if (msm[btn] > 1) msm[btn] = -1;
else msm[btn] = -3;
if (msm.drag[btn] > 0) msm.drag[btn] = -1;
} else {
msm[btn] = 0;
msm.drag[btn] = 0;
const _onmouseup = $._onmouseup;
$._onmouseup = function (e) {
if (!$._setupDone) return;
let btn = 'left';
if (e.button === 1) btn = 'center';
else if (e.button === 2) btn = 'right';
__onmouseup.call($, btn);
_onmouseup.call($, e);
* @class
* @extends InputDevice
this._Touch = class extends $.InputDevice {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/input.html">
* Look at the Input reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* Used internally to create touch input objects in the `touches` array.
constructor(touch) {
* The touch's x position in the world.
* @type {Number}
* The touch's y position in the world.
* @type {Number}
* The touch's unique identifier.
* @type {Number}
this.id = touch.identifier;
this._default = 'duration';
* The amount of frames a touch must be pressed to be
* considered held.
* @type {Number}
* @default 12
this.holdThreshold = $.touches.holdThreshold;
* The amount of frames the user has been touching the screen.
* @type {Number}
this.duration = 1;
* The amount of frames the user has been dragging on the screen.
* @type {Number}
this.drag = 0;
this._dragFrame = false;
* The touch's absolute position on the canvas.
* @type {Object}
* @property {Number} x
* @property {Number} y
this.canvasPos = {};
_update(v) {
let c = $.canvas;
const rect = c.getBoundingClientRect();
const sx = c.scrollWidth / c.w || 1;
const sy = c.scrollHeight / c.h || 1;
const x = (this.canvasPos.x = (v.clientX - rect.left) / sx);
const y = (this.canvasPos.y = (v.clientY - rect.top) / sy);
if ($.camera.x == c.hw && $.camera.y == c.hh && $.camera.zoom == 1) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
} else {
this.x = (x - c.hw) / $.camera.zoom + $.camera.x;
this.y = (y - c.hh) / $.camera.zoom + $.camera.y;
this.force = v.force;
* An array of touch objects.
* @type {_Touch[]}
this.touches = [];
$.touches.holdThreshold = 12;
$._ontouchstart = function (e) {
if (!$._setupDone) return;
if ($.getAudioContext && $.getAudioContext()?.state == 'suspended') $.userStartAudio();
for (let touch of e.changedTouches) {
$.touches.push(new $._Touch(touch));
if ($.touches.length == 1) {
$.mouseX = $.touches[0].x;
$.mouseY = $.touches[0].y;
$.world.mouseSprites = $.world.getMouseSprites();
if ($.touchStarted && !$.touchStarted(e)) e.preventDefault();
$._ontouchmove = function (e) {
if (!$._setupDone) return;
for (let touch of e.changedTouches) {
let t = $.touches.find((t) => t.id == touch.identifier);
t._dragFrame = true;
if (t.id == $.touches[0].id) {
$.mouseX = $.touches[0].x;
$.mouseY = $.touches[0].y;
if ($.touchMoved && !$.touchMoved(e)) e.preventDefault();
$._ontouchend = function (e) {
if (!$._setupDone) return;
for (let touch of e.changedTouches) {
let t = $.touches.find((t) => t.id == touch.identifier);
if (t.duration >= t.holdThreshold) t.duration = -2;
else if (t.duration > 1) t.duration = -1;
else t.duration = -3;
if (t.drag > 0) t.drag = -1;
if (t.id == $.touches[0].id) {
$.mouseX = $.touches[0].x;
$.mouseY = $.touches[0].y;
if ($.touchEnded && !$.touchEnded(e)) e.preventDefault();
* @class
* @extends InputDevice
this._Keyboard = class extends $.InputDevice {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/input.html">
* Look at the Input reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* Used to create the `kb` and `keyboard` objects, which store
* the input status of keys on the keyboard.
* Most key properties will be undefined until the key is pressed.
constructor() {
this._default = ' ';
this.alt = 0;
this.arrowUp = 0;
this.arrowDown = 0;
this.arrowLeft = 0;
this.arrowRight = 0;
this.backspace = 0;
this.capsLock = 0;
this.control = 0;
this.enter = 0;
this.meta = 0;
this.shift = 0;
this.tab = 0;
let k = (this._simpleKeyControls = {
arrowUp: 'up',
arrowDown: 'down',
arrowLeft: 'left',
arrowRight: 'right'
k.w = k.W = 'up';
k.s = k.S = 'down';
k.a = k.A = 'left';
k.d = k.D = 'right';
k.i = k.I = 'up2';
k.k = k.K = 'down2';
k.j = k.J = 'left2';
k.l = k.L = 'right2';
get visible() {
return this._inp == document.activeElement;
set visible(v) {
if (!this._inp) {
this._inp = Object.assign(document.createElement('input'), {
type: 'text',
style: 'position: fixed; height: 0; padding: 0; border: none; opacity: 0.0001; pointer-events: none;'
this._visible = v;
v ? this._inp.focus() : this._inp.blur();
_ac(inp) {
if (inp.length != 1) {
if (!isNaN(inp)) {
if (inp == 38) return 'arrowUp';
if (inp == 40) return 'arrowDown';
if (inp == 37) return 'arrowLeft';
if (inp == 39) return 'arrowRight';
if (inp >= 10) {
throw new Error('Use key names with the keyboard input functions, not keyCode numbers!');
return inp;
inp = inp.replaceAll(/[ _-]/g, '');
inp = inp.toLowerCase();
if (inp.length != 1) {
if (inp == 'arrowup') return 'arrowUp';
if (inp == 'arrowdown') return 'arrowDown';
if (inp == 'arrowleft') return 'arrowLeft';
if (inp == 'arrowright') return 'arrowRight';
if (inp == 'capslock') return 'capsLock';
return inp;
_pre(k) {
if (!this[k] || this[k] < 0) {
this[k] = 1;
_rel(k) {
if (this[k] >= this.holdThreshold) this[k] = -2;
else if (this[k] > 1) this[k] = -1;
else this[k] = -3;
get cmd() {
return this['meta'];
get command() {
return this['meta'];
get ctrl() {
return this['control'];
get space() {
return this[' '];
get spacebar() {
return this[' '];
get opt() {
return this['alt'];
get option() {
return this['alt'];
get win() {
return this['meta'];
get windows() {
return this['meta'];
* Get user input from the keyboard.
* @type {_Keyboard}
this.kb = new $._Keyboard();
* Alias for kb.
* @type {_Keyboard}
this.keyboard = $.kb;
if (typeof navigator == 'object' && navigator.keyboard) {
const keyboard = navigator.keyboard;
if (window == window.top) {
keyboard.getLayoutMap().then((keyboardLayoutMap) => {
const key = keyboardLayoutMap.get('KeyW');
if (key != 'w') $.p5play.standardizeKeyboard = true;
} else {
$.p5play.standardizeKeyboard = true;
} else {
// Firefox and Safari don't have navigator.keyboard
// so just make them use key codes
$.p5play.standardizeKeyboard = true;
function _getKeyFromCode(e) {
let code = e.code;
if (code.length == 4 && code.slice(0, 3) == 'Key') {
return code[3].toLowerCase();
return e.key;
const _onkeydown = $._onkeydown;
$._onkeydown = function (e) {
let key = e.key;
if (this.p5play.standardizeKeyboard) {
key = _getKeyFromCode(e);
// convert PascalCase key names into camelCase
// which is more common for JavaScript properties
if (key.length > 1) {
key = key[0].toLowerCase() + key.slice(1);
} else {
let lower = key.toLowerCase();
let upper = key.toUpperCase();
if (lower != upper) {
if (key != upper) this.kb._pre(upper);
else this.kb._pre(lower);
let k = this.kb._simpleKeyControls[key];
if (k) this.kb._pre(k);
_onkeydown.call(this, e);
const _onkeyup = $._onkeyup;
$._onkeyup = function (e) {
let key = e.key;
if (this.p5play.standardizeKeyboard) {
key = _getKeyFromCode(e);
if (key.length > 1) {
key = key[0].toLowerCase() + key.slice(1);
} else {
let lower = key.toLowerCase();
let upper = key.toUpperCase();
if (lower != upper) {
if (key != upper) this.kb._rel(upper);
else this.kb._rel(lower);
let k = this.kb._simpleKeyControls[key];
if (k) this.kb._rel(k);
if (e.shiftKey) {
// if user is pressing shift but released another key
let k = key.toLowerCase();
if (this.kb[k] > 0) this.kb._rel(k);
_onkeyup.call(this, e);
* @class
* @extends InputDevice
this.Contro = class extends $.InputDevice {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/input.html">
* Look at the Input reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* Stores the input status of buttons, triggers, and sticks on
* game controllers. Used internally to create controller objects
* for the `contros` array (aka `controllers`).
* Can also be used to create a mock controller object.
* @param {Gamepad} gamepad - gamepad object or id string for a mock controller
constructor(gp) {
this._default = 'a';
this.connected = true;
this.a = 0;
this.b = 0;
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.l = 0;
this.r = 0;
this.lt = 0;
this.rt = 0;
this.select = 0;
this.start = 0;
this.lsb = 0;
this.rsb = 0;
this.up = 0;
this.down = 0;
this.left = 0;
this.right = 0;
* Has x and y properties with -1 to 1 values which
* represent the position of the left analog stick.
* {x: 0, y: 0} is the center position.
* @type {Object}
this.leftStick = {
x: 0,
y: 0
* Has x and y properties with -1 to 1 values which
* represent the position of the right analog stick.
* {x: 0, y: 0} is the center position.
* @type {Object}
this.rightStick = {
x: 0,
y: 0
* Analog value 0-1 of the left trigger.
* @default 0
this.leftTrigger = 0;
* Analog value 0-1 of the right trigger.
* @default 0
this.rightTrigger = 0;
* Button names are mapped to `gamepad.buttons` indices.
* @type {Object}
this.buttonMapping = {
a: 0,
b: 1,
x: 2,
y: 3,
l: 4,
r: 5,
lt: 6,
rt: 7,
select: 8,
start: 9,
lsb: 10,
rsb: 11,
up: 12,
down: 13,
left: 14,
right: 15
* Sticks and triggers are mapped to `gamepad.axes` indices.
* @type {Object}
this.axeMapping = {
leftStick: {
x: 0,
y: 1
rightStick: {
x: 2,
y: 3
leftTrigger: 4,
rightTrigger: 5
* If the controller is a mock controller.
* @type {Boolean}
this.isMock = false;
if (typeof gp != 'string') {
this.gamepad = gp;
this.id = gp.id;
} else {
this.gamepad = {};
this.id = gp;
this.isMock = true;
this._axeTriggers = this.gamepad.axes && this.gamepad.axes[this.axeMapping.leftTrigger] !== undefined;
* True if the controller has analog triggers.
* False if the controller has digital (button) triggers.
* @type {boolean}
this.hasAnalogTriggers = this._axeTriggers || undefined;
// corrects button mapping for GuliKit KingKong 2 Pro controllers
// which have a Nintendo Switch style button layout
// https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003624801819.html
if (this.id.includes('GuliKit')) {
this.buttonMapping.a = 1;
this.buttonMapping.b = 0;
this.buttonMapping.x = 3;
this.buttonMapping.y = 2;
_ac(inp) {
inp = inp.toLowerCase();
if (inp == 'lb') inp = 'l';
else if (inp == 'rb') inp = 'r';
else if (inp == 'leftstickbutton') inp = 'lsb';
else if (inp == 'rightstickbutton') inp = 'rsb';
return inp;
_update() {
if (this.isMock) return;
this.gamepad = navigator.getGamepads()[this.gamepad.index];
if (!this.gamepad?.connected) return;
let pad = this.gamepad;
// buttons
for (let name in this.buttonMapping) {
let idx = this.buttonMapping[name];
let b = pad.buttons[idx];
if (!b) continue;
if (b.pressed) this[name]++;
else this[name] = this[name] > 0 ? -1 : 0;
// sticks
this.leftStick.x = pad.axes[this.axeMapping.leftStick.x];
this.leftStick.y = pad.axes[this.axeMapping.leftStick.y];
this.rightStick.x = pad.axes[this.axeMapping.rightStick.x];
this.rightStick.y = pad.axes[this.axeMapping.rightStick.y];
// triggers
if (this._axeTriggers) {
this.leftTrigger = pad.axes[this.axeMapping.leftTrigger];
this.rightTrigger = pad.axes[this.axeMapping.rightTrigger];
} else {
this.leftTrigger = pad.buttons[this.buttonMapping.lt].value;
this.rightTrigger = pad.buttons[this.buttonMapping.rt].value;
// only needs to be checked once
if (this.hasAnalogTriggers === undefined && (this.leftTrigger || this.rightTrigger)) {
this.hasAnalogTriggers = !Number.isInteger(this.leftTrigger) || !Number.isInteger(this.rightTrigger);
return true; // update completed
_reset() {
for (let name in this.buttonMapping) {
this[name] = 0;
this.leftStick.x = 0;
this.leftStick.y = 0;
this.rightStick.x = 0;
this.rightStick.y = 0;
this.leftTrigger = 0;
this.rightTrigger = 0;
// aliases for playstation face buttons
get cross() {
return this.a;
get circle() {
return this.b;
get square() {
return this.x;
get triangle() {
return this.y;
* Alias for `leftStick`.
get ls() {
return this.leftStick;
* Alias for `rightStick`.
get rs() {
return this.rightStick;
* Alias for `l` (left button).
* `lb` is what the button is called on Xbox controllers.
get lb() {
return this.l;
* Alias for `r` (right button).
* `rb` is what the button is called on Xbox controllers.
get rb() {
return this.r;
* Alias for `l` (left button).
* `l1` is what the button is called on PlayStation controllers.
get l1() {
return this.l;
* Alias for `r` (right button).
* `r1` is what the button is called on PlayStation controllers.
get r1() {
return this.r;
* Alias for `lt` (digital left trigger).
* `zl` is what the button is called on Nintendo controllers.
get zl() {
return this.lt;
* Alias for `rt` (digital right trigger).
* `zr` is what the button is called on Nintendo controllers.
get zr() {
return this.rt;
* Alias for `leftTrigger` (analog left trigger).
* `l2` is what the trigger is called on PlayStation controllers.
get l2() {
return this.leftTrigger;
* Alias for `rightTrigger` (analog right trigger).
* `r2` is what the trigger is called on PlayStation controllers.
get r2() {
return this.rightTrigger;
* Verbose alias for `lsb`.
get leftStickButton() {
return this.lsb;
* Verbose alias for `rsb`.
get rightStickButton() {
return this.rsb;
* Alias for `lsb` (left stick button).
* `l3` is what the trigger is called on PlayStation controllers.
get l3() {
return this.lsb;
* Alias for `rsb` (right stick button).
* `r3` is what the trigger is called on PlayStation controllers.
get r3() {
return this.rsb;
* @class
* @extends Array<Contro>
this._Contros = class extends Array {
* <a href="https://p5play.org/learn/input.html">
* Look at the Input reference pages before reading these docs.
* </a>
* Used internally to create the `contros` array (aka `controllers`)
* of `Contro` objects, which store the input status of buttons,
* triggers, and sticks on game controllers.
constructor() {
if (window) {
window.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', (e) => {
window.addEventListener('gamepaddisconnected', (e) => {
// test if the browser supports the HTML5 Gamepad API
// all modern browsers do, this is really just to prevent
// p5play's Jest tests from failing
if (typeof navigator != 'object' || !navigator.getGamepads) return;
// if the page was not reloaded, but p5play sketch was,
// then gamepads could be already connected
// so they need to be added as Contro objects
let gps = navigator.getGamepads();
for (let gp of gps) {
if (gp) this._onConnect(gp);
* Swap controller positions in this controllers array.
* @param {Number} indexA
* @param {Number} indexB
* @example
* contros.swap(0, 3); // swap the first controller with the fourth
swap(indexA, indexB) {
let tmp = this[indexA];
this[indexA] = this[indexB];
this[indexB] = tmp;
if (indexA == 0 || indexB == 0) {
$.contro = this[0];
if (!$._q5 && $._isGlobal) {
window.contro = this[0];
* Removes a controller from this controllers array
* by setting `contros[index] = null`.
* Newly connected controllers fill the first empty slot.
* @param {Number} index
remove(index) {
this[index] = null;
* Runs when a controller is connected. By default it
* always returns true. Overwrite this function to customize
* the behavior.
* For example, it could be customized to filter
* controllers based on their model info.
* Doesn't run if a controller in the `controllers` array
* is reconnected.
* @type {Function}
* @param {Gamepad} gamepad
* @returns {Boolean} true if the controller should be added to this p5play controllers array
onConnect(gamepad) {
return true;
* Runs when a controller is disconnected. by default it
* always returns false. Overwrite this function to customize
* the behavior.
* Removing a controller from the `controllers` array
* usually is not desirable, because the controller could be
* reconnected later. By default, the controller is kept in
* the array and its state is reset.
* @type {Function}
* @param {Gamepad} gamepad
* @returns {Boolean} true if the controllers should be removed from this p5play controllers array
onDisconnect(gamepad) {
return false;
_onConnect(gp) {
if (!gp) return;
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (gp.index == this[i].gamepad?.index) {
this[i].connected = true;
log('contros[' + i + '] reconnected: ' + gp.id);
if (this.onConnect(gp)) {
let c = new $.Contro(gp);
// get the index of the next available slot
let index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= this.length; i++) {
if (!this[i]) {
index = i;
this[index] = c;
log('contros[' + index + '] connected: ' + gp.id);
if (index == 0) {
$.contro = c;
if ($._isGlobal) window.contro = c;
_onDisconnect(gp) {
if (!gp) return;
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i].gamepad?.index === gp.index) {
this[i].connected = false;
log('contros[' + i + '] disconnected: ' + gp.id);
if (this.onDisconnect(gp)) this.remove(i);
else this[i]._reset();
* Updates the state of all controllers.
_update() {
for (let c of this) {
if (c.connected) c._update();
* Array of game controllers.
* @type {_Contros}
this.contros = new $._Contros();
* Alias for contros
* @type {_Contros}
this.controllers = $.contros;
* For convenience, `contro` can be used to attempt to check the
* input states of `contros[0]` and won't throw errors if a controller
* isn't connected yet. By default it is set to a mock controller
* object which you can edit to test your game's input handling.
* @type {Contro}
this.contro = new $.Contro('mock0');
if ($._webgpuFallback) $._beginRender = false;
* FPS, amongst the gaming community, refers to how fast a computer
* can generate frames per second, not including the delay between when
* frames are actually shown on the screen. The higher the FPS, the
* better the game is performing.
* This function is used by the renderStats() function, which is the easiest way
* to get an approximation of your game's performance. But you should use your web
* browser's performance testing tools for accurate results.
* @returns {Number} The current FPS
this.getFPS ??= () => $.p5play._fps;
$.renderStats = () => {
let rs = $.p5play._renderStats;
if (!rs.fontSize) {
if ($.allSprites.tileSize == 1 || $.allSprites.tileSize > 16) {
rs.fontSize = 16;
} else {
rs.fontSize = 10;
rs.gap = rs.fontSize * 1.25;
if (!$.p5play._fpsAvg || $.frameCount % 20 === 0) {
let avg = 0;
let len = $.p5play._fpsArr.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
avg += $.p5play._fpsArr[i];
avg = Math.round(avg / len);
let min = Math.min(...$.p5play._fpsArr);
$.p5play._fpsAvg = avg;
$.p5play._fpsMin = min;
$.p5play._fpsMax = Math.max(...$.p5play._fpsArr);
$.p5play._fpsArr = [];
let c;
if (min > 55) c = $.color(30, 255, 30);
else if (min > 25) c = $.color(255, 100, 30);
else c = $.color(255, 30, 30);
$.p5play._statsColor = c;
$.fill(0, 0, 0, 128);
$.rect(rs.x - 5, rs.y - rs.fontSize, rs.fontSize * 8.5, rs.gap * 5 + 5);
if (rs.font) $.textFont(rs.font);
let x = rs.x;
let y = rs.y;
$.text('sprites: ' + $.p5play.spritesDrawn, x, y);
$.text('display: ' + Math.round($.frameRate()) + 'hz', x, y + rs.gap);
$.text('fps avg: ' + $.p5play._fpsAvg, x, y + rs.gap * 2);
$.text('fps min: ' + $.p5play._fpsMin, x, y + rs.gap * 3);
$.text('fps max: ' + $.p5play._fpsMax, x, y + rs.gap * 4);
* p5play runs this function 60 times per second by default.
* Put input handling and game logic code in this function, which
* should run before physics simulation and drawing.
this.update ??= () => {};
* p5play runs this function 60 times per second by default.
* Put drawing code in this function, which should run after
* input handling, game logic, and physics simulation.
this.drawFrame ??= () => {};
if ($._isGlobal && window.update) {
$.update = window.update;
if ($._isGlobal && window.drawFrame) {
$.drawFrame = window.drawFrame;
// called before each draw function call
p5.prototype.registerMethod('pre', function p5playPreDraw() {
const $ = this;
if (!$._q5) {
$.p5play._preDrawFrameTime = performance.now();
$.p5play.spritesDrawn = 0;
if ($.allSprites._autoUpdate) {
$.allSprites._autoUpdate ??= true;
// called after each draw function call
p5.prototype.registerMethod('post', function p5playPostDraw() {
const $ = this;
$.p5play._inPostDraw = true;
if ($.allSprites.autoCull) {
if ($.world.autoStep && $.world.timeScale > 0) {
$.world.autoStep ??= true;
if ($.allSprites._autoDraw) {
$.allSprites._autoDraw ??= true;
if ($.p5play.renderStats) $.renderStats();
for (let k in $.kb) {
if (k == 'holdThreshold') continue;
if ($.kb[k] < 0) $.kb[k] = 0;
else if ($.kb[k] > 0) $.kb[k]++;
for (let i = 0; i < $.touches.length; i++) {
let t = $.touches[i];
if (t._dragFrame) {
t._dragFrame = false;
} else if (t.drag < 0) {
t.drag = 0;
if (t.duration <= 0) {
$.touches.splice(i, 1);
let m = $.mouse;
let msm = $.world.mouseSprite?.mouse;
for (let btn of ['left', 'center', 'right']) {
if (m[btn] < 0) m[btn] = 0;
else if (m[btn] > 0) m[btn]++;
if (msm?.hover) msm[btn] = m[btn];
if (m._dragFrame[btn]) {
if (msm) msm.drag[btn] = m.drag[btn];
m._dragFrame[btn] = false;
} else if (m.drag[btn] < 0) {
m.drag[btn] = 0;
if (msm) msm.drag[btn] = 0;
if ($.world.mouseTracking && $.mouse.isActive) {
let sprites = $.world.getMouseSprites();
for (let i = 0; i < sprites.length; i++) {
let s = sprites[i];
if (i == 0) s.mouse.hover++;
else if (s.mouse.hover > 0) s.mouse.hover = -1;
else if (s.mouse.hover < 0) s.mouse.hover = 0;
// if the user is not pressing any mouse buttons
if (m.left <= 0 && m.center <= 0 && m.right <= 0) {
$.world.mouseSprite = null;
let ms = $.world.mouseSprite;
let isDragging = m.drag.left > 0 || m.drag.center > 0 || m.drag.right > 0;
for (let s of $.world.mouseSprites) {
// if the mouse stopped hovering over the sprite
if (!sprites.includes(s)) {
let sm = s.mouse;
if (sm.hover > 0) {
sm.hover = -1;
sm.left = sm.center = sm.right = 0;
// if mouse is not dragging and the sprite is the current mouse sprite
if (!isDragging && s == ms) $.world.mouseSprite = ms = null;
if (ms) {
// if the user is dragging on a sprite, but not currently hovering
// over it, the mouse sprite should still be added to the mouseSprites array
if (!sprites.includes(ms)) sprites.push(ms);
msm.x = ms.x - m.x;
msm.y = ms.y - m.y;
$.world.mouseSprites = sprites;
if (!$._q5) {
$.p5play._postDrawFrameTime = performance.now();
$.p5play._fps = Math.round(1000 / ($.p5play._postDrawFrameTime - $.p5play._preDrawFrameTime)) || 1;
$.p5play._inPostDraw = false;